#case study

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a particular event, situation or project. It focuses on examining the details of the subject at hand and providing an understanding of its context, processes and outcomes. In the context of JavaScript, a case study would involve researching the implementation of a specific JavaScript application or technology, such as a web framework or library, and then analyzing the results of its use. This could include exploring the advantages and disadvantages of the technology, user feedback, and any other relevant information. Case studies are useful for determining best practices and gaining insight into how certain technologies work in the real world.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
22 min
Power Fixing React Performance Woes
Top Content
Next.js and other wrapping React frameworks provide great power in building larger applications. But with great power comes great performance responsibility - and if you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to add multiple seconds of loading penalty on all of your pages. Eek! Let’s walk through a case study of how a few hours of performance debugging improved both load and parse times for the Centered app by several hundred percent each. We’ll learn not just why those performance problems happen, but how to diagnose and fix them. Hooray, performance! ⚡️
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components
Server Components are the hot new thing, but so far much of the discourse around them has been abstract. Let's change that. This talk will focus on the practical side of things, providing a roadmap to navigate the migration journey. Starting from an app using the older Next.js pages router and React Query, we’ll break this journey down into a set of actionable, incremental steps, stopping only when we have something shippable that’s clearly superior to what we began with. We’ll also discuss next steps and strategies for gradually embracing more aspects of this transformative paradigm.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
At Microsoft, we're committed to providing our teams with the best tools and technologies to build high-quality mobile applications. React Native has long been a preferred choice for its high performance and great user experience, but getting stakeholders on board can be a challenge. In this talk, we will share our journey of making React Native a preferred choice for stakeholders who prioritize ease of integration and developer experience. We'll discuss the specific strategies we used to achieve our goal and the results we achieved.
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
37 min
Building the AI for Athena Crisis
This talk will dive into how to build an AI for a turn based strategy game from scratch. When I started building Athena Crisis, I had no idea how to build an AI. All the available resources were too complex or confusing, so I just started building it based on how I would play the game. If you would like to learn how to build an AI, check out this talk!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Video Editing in the Browser
Video editing is a booming market with influencers being all the rage with Reels, TikTok, Youtube. Did you know that browsers now have all the APIs to do video editing in the browser? In this talk I'm going to give you a primer on how video encoding works and how to make it work within the browser. Spoiler, it's not trivial!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
How Not to Build a Video Game
In this talk we'll delve into the art of creating something meaningful and fulfilling. Through the lens of my own journey of rediscovering my passion for coding and building a video game from the ground up with JavaScript and React, we will explore the trade-offs between easy solutions and fast performance. You will gain valuable insights into rapid prototyping, test infrastructure, and a range of CSS tricks that can be applied to both game development and your day-to-day work.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Debugging JS
Top Content
As developers, we spend much of our time debugging apps - often code we didn't even write. Sadly, few developers have ever been taught how to approach debugging - it's something most of us learn through painful experience.  The good news is you _can_ learn how to debug effectively, and there's several key techniques and tools you can use for debugging JS and React apps.
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
35 min
A Framework for Managing Technical Debt
Top Content
Let’s face it: technical debt is inevitable and rewriting your code every 6 months is not an option. Refactoring is a complex topic that doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution. Frontend applications are particularly sensitive because of frequent requirements and user flows changes. New abstractions, updated patterns and cleaning up those old functions - it all sounds great on paper, but it often fails in practice: todos accumulate, tickets end up rotting in the backlog and legacy code crops up in every corner of your codebase. So a process of continuous refactoring is the only weapon you have against tech debt.In the past three years, I’ve been exploring different strategies and processes for refactoring code. In this talk I will describe the key components of a framework for tackling refactoring and I will share some of the learnings accumulated along the way. Hopefully, this will help you in your quest of improving the code quality of your codebases.

React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
16 min
How to Build Your Own Open Source Project
We all used open source projects every day such as npm packages, editors, web applications, and even operating systems... Have you ever thought of building one of your own? In this talk, I will share my journey building jest-preview, from when it was just a vague idea, to currently a well-adopted library to help frontend engineers write tests faster. I will share with you how to come up with an idea for a project to work on, what is the struggles you have to overcome as an author of an open source project, how to manage time efficiently, and how you get attention from engineers around the world.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Monolith to Micro-Frontends
Top Content
Many companies worldwide are considering adopting Micro-Frontends to improve business agility and scale, however, there are many unknowns when it comes to what the migration path looks like in practice. In this talk, I will discuss the steps required to successfully migrate a monolithic React Application into a more modular decoupled frontend architecture.
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
8 min
Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner
It is not common that people trying to break in to web dev literally learn to start from HTML/CSS or "create xyz" workflows where 25 files pop up all of a sudden after you run one command and there's no way to comprehend what just happened. Learning should be crafted and tuned to one's way of learning else we are all just dogs pretending to be sheep in a horse stable(literally not absurd at all). We will explore how I went from oh marquee is cool(it still is,believe me) to being a person that could build web apps with people having web dev experience equal to my age. I'll share my learnings, findings, lessons, how to and especially what to learn and most importantly where do I start (the most common beginner question) and why mentorship is important.We'll talk about (in no specific order)- How and why(like really why) to start learning;- Choosing the right speed and mentor;- Choosing the right framework(welp, this is gonna turn heads) and why this matters and why it should be Vue;- Struggles and lessons learned(Rome, built, one day sorts...);- What you should know before you really decide now based on above experiences about getting into this wibbly wobbly web stuff.
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
23 min
To App or Not: When to Choose Native or Web
In today's landscape, deciding between building a native app or a web app can significantly impact your project's success and user experience. As technology advances and user expectations continue to evolve, the decision-making process becomes increasingly complex. Let's dive into the key considerations that can help you determine what is right for you, a native app or a web app. We'll also look at real-world examples of apps and examine the reasons behind their choice of development approach.
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
10 min
React(ing) to WebRTC: Build Better Audio and Video Experiences with Daily React
What is WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), its main challenges, and how does the combination of React + Daily solve for them? We'll take a deep dive into specifics like React audio and video media elements and Daily React components and hooks. You'll even walk (or code?) out knowing how to build a video grid in just two minutes. 
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
29 min
Empathy Driven Development
Empathy-driven development empowers developers to create software that truly understands and serves users' needs. This talk explores practical techniques for integrating empathy into the development process, leading to more intuitive, user-friendly applications. Learn how cultivating empathy can foster collaboration, improve code quality, and ultimately enhance user satisfaction. Join us to unlock the transformative potential of empathy in your development journey.
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
What I Learned About Software Quality From The 10 Most Popular Javascript Projects On Github
It is very common for teams to have code review processes and this usually happens through pull requests. Each comment represents a step towards improving the quality of the software, however, there is a wide variety of points of view. The seniority of the team, the team itself, the company, the time left, the mentality, internal agreements, all of this impacts the way of reviewing code.

As a tester, I need to understand what happens in the code and when reviewing it, to identify flaws in the development process and improve my testing strategy.

In this talk, I will bring the results of research I carried out analyzing the comments contained in pull requests from the 10 most popular GitHub projects created in Javascript and bring some insights related to what I discovered. Among them: are which software quality characteristics are most exercised by Devs, which are weak points in their development process, where we can improve our tests to anticipate failures, and tools that can be used to test more comprehensively, among others.
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
29 min
React Server Components from Scratch
React server components (RSCs) are a huge paradigm shift for React. You might even ask if NextJS and server components are the same thing (spoiler: they're not!) This talk demystifies how RSCs *really* work outside the framework. We'll build our own Node server, hook up the RSC renderer by hand, and understand the bundling and routing logic to ship a server component to your browser. Yes, all with live coding. What could go wrong...?
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
30 min
Journey Into the Unknown: My Adventure Unravelling the Mysteries of the Netflix TVUI Universe
At Netflix, millions of our users watch Netflix on TV Devices. How do we develop the UI for all of the different types of devices? That's exactly what I wanted to know! I'll be sharing why it's important to take on new growth opportunities, how to navigate the difficulties of learning a whole new platform at a new company, and some of the things I've learned about how we use React to bring Netflix to your TV!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
18 min
Let’s Build a TV Spatial Navigation
In this talk, I'll take you through my journey as I joined the team supporting our Smart TVs application and share my experience learning one of the most overlooked but essential pieces of functionality we have.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
Local-first is a new paradigm for developing apps, where your components talk to a local embedded database and you get instant reactivity, multi-user sync and conflict-free offline support built in. ElectricSQL is a new, open-source, platform for local-first development from the inventors of CRDTs. This talk introduces local-first development and shows how you can develop real-world local-first apps today with React + ElectricSQL.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
6 min
Implementation of Schedules and Timelines
Planby is a React based component for a quick implementation of Schedules, Timelines, Electronic Program Guide, Music/Sport events, Calendar Planner  and many more ideas.  It uses a custom virtual view which allows you to operate on a really big number of data. The component has a simple API that you can easily integrate with other third party UI libraries. The component theme is customised to the needs of the application design.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
7 min
Hacking an e-Reader with React
I wanted to have a tea menu to show guests and for my own reference. Turns out e-Readers use so little power and can render HTML! I'll share how to generate an e-book with all your drinks with React using Deno, as well as rendering a custom cover page with SVG. Wow your friends by turning an old device into a smart home tea menu, and learn how to write your next book with React.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Superpowers of Browser’s Web API
When writing code for the Web, there are a lot of capabilities that are offered out of the box by our browsers. If you ever wrote a File Upload component, used timers and intervals, interacted with the DOM, or stored something in the Local/Session Storage, you had to go to the MDN’s Web API docs, to find some relevant information on how to implement that code.
In this session, we will delve into the exciting world of browser Web APIs that are not so commonly used (although they should be) and explore their incredible capabilities 🚀
All these features offer new opportunities for creating immersive web experiences that can help businesses grow and connect with customers.
So if you are the kind of an engineer who wants to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to web development, learn how Intersection Observer, Background Sync API, Screen Wake Lock API (and many more) can help you create better web applications that will keep users engaged and coming back for more!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
30 min
Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
Did you know that approximately 1 in 7 people are neurodivergent? Within that group there is an entire spectrum of people whose brains process information differently. However, as frontend engineers we often forget to take these idiosyncrasies into account, or choose to simply apply industry standards such as WCAG 2.1 AA without digging deeper. In this talk, Steph shares some of the ways you can create better web experiences for the neurodivergent.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
The Rocky Journey of Data Fetching Libraries in React’s New Streaming SSR
If you use the Next.js app directory, you might not even have noticed it, but you are not only using React Server Components, but you are also using the new streaming SSR feature of React.That means that on first page load, your Client Components will now be server-side rendered, suspense boundary by suspense boundary, and constantly streamed to the client, where they are rehydrated piece-by-piece.
If you combine that with suspense for data fetching in your client components, you will suddenly be facing hydration mismatches - as your client components will start fetching data on the server, but the data will not be transported to the client.
In this talk, I will go over the rocky journey that we had to go through to support suspense for data fetching in Streaming SSR with Apollo Client, looking at all the curious timing problems that come up with these technologies, and how we try to solve them as best as we can - always with the best possible user and developer experience in mind.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
35 min
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
Some weeks ago I made my own implementation of signals, capable of updating 300k times the DOM in circa 600ms. Leveraging the Microtask Queue, I was able to bring that number down to 6ms, effectively improving performances by 100x. I wanna share how the Microtask Queue works and how you can leverage the Event Loop to improve performances.
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
Everyone mentions the importance of code "scalability" and "maintainability" and how Typescript helps with it. But when I got started in tech, I remember struggling to find a practical "real-world" example with best practices.

My talk aims to provide such a practical, step-by-step example, sharing some of my learnings and shortcomings: crucially, how we leveraged typescript and atomic design - without over-engineering too early.ty
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Taming Language Models through TypeScript
You've probably played with bots like ChatGPT and used them to brainstorm. Maybe you've noticed that getting responses in the right structure or format has been a challenge. As people, we're okay with that - but programs are much more finicky. We've been experimenting with using TypeScript itself as a way of guiding and validating responses from language models.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Visual CMS… cool for React devs? Now’s the time!
1. A brief history of web content management since 1996, with alternating code and visual tools:
   - The “FTP” era: Code editors > FrontPage/Dreamweaver
   - The “monolithic” era: CGI/ASP/PHP simple CMSs with gray tables > WordPress visual > WordPress with ACF
   - The “current” era: Headless CMSs <> Visual tools like Wix and WebFlow
2. Why now’s the time we need a new kind of CMS
3. What is React Bricks
4. The experience for content editors (explained by a customer’s content editor)
5. The experience for developers (explained by a partner agency’s web developer)
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Overcoming Performance Limitations in React Components for Low-end Devices
In this session, I will discuss our experiences in overcoming performance limitations while developing React components for web apps on low-end embedded devices such as Smart TVs. I will share actual application cases from the development of millions of webOS Smart TVs and show how we improved user input response and app launch time. The ideas and techniques shared will be beneficial to developers facing similar challenges.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
Have you ever imagined writing code without even touching the keyboard? In this talk, I'll show you how I wrote a React app with my voice. But more importantly, I'll demonstrate how this technology can developers with disabilities to write code with ease and efficiency. Together, we'll explore the ways in which voice-activated AI assistants can revolutionize the way we think about coding. Join me as we explore the exciting possibilities of voice-activated AI programming in the React community and the ways in which it can make React coding more accessible and fun for everyone.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Using PKCE to Communicate Between React and Native Mobile SDKs
It’s important to have a frictionless, secure, and performant authentication system for any app, be it web or mobile. In this lightning talk, Itai Hanski covers the importance of authentication and how the Descope team used PKCE to communicate between their React web app and native mobile SDKs.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
No CRA? What now?
So CRA is no more and it probably was about time. The React docs suggest Next, Remix or Gatsby...but you're not ready yet for a full-blown React Meta-Framework and really just want pure React. Any alternatives? In this talk, I'm going to explore exactly that. We've got 7 minutes, so no slides, just code where we're going to set up a new React standalone application using Nx.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
How to Become a Fintech Developer in Seven Minutes
Developers play an essential role in integrating and monetizing financial services. In this lightning talk, we will explore the concept of embedded fintech and its use cases. We will then dive into a demo showing how to set up and integrate financial services using the Rapyd API. By the end of this talk, attendees will have a clearunderstanding of how to get started integrating fintech into applications. With clear instructions on how to get started, this talk will provide developers with the knowledge and resources they need to get started as fintech developers in just seven minutes.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale
In this talk, Siddharth shares the challenges his team faced with optimising runtime css in js (styled-components) for performance. At GitHub, there are about 4000 React components that contain styles, Siddharth dives into the reasons for rethinking styling architecture, the challenges faced and lessons learned by migrating a big application.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
Accessible Component System Through Customization
Most current UI libraries provide great user experience with a vast of components. But when it comes to heavy customization, and non-standard scenarios, especially for E-Commerce, they become hard to manage, scale or even slow down performance.
How to create a UI library that provides users the most possible freedom in customizing components, while keeping our performance and scalability to the fullest? How much accessible we can provide out of the box to our users? How much customization freedom is enough?
That's what my talk's about.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
9 min
Maintaining a Component Library at Scale
This talk is about an example approach on how to organise maintenance across multiple teams, where we talk about how we came to this plan at Jumbo and what benefits it brings to the Developer Experience while being able to continuously deliver features to our customers.
We're dealing with maintenance, ownership, adding small features, upgrading from Vue2 to Vue3 and the culture that supports this way of working.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript Runtime From Scratch
Bun, Deno, and many other JavaScript runtimes have been hype, but do you know why? Is it that easy to make a runtime from scratch?
I've been researching the secret behind Node.js' power and why there are so many new JavaScript runtimes coming up. Breaking down each key component used on Node.js I've come to interesting conclusions that many people used to say whereas in practice it works a bit differently.
In this talk, attendees will learn the concepts used to create a new JavaScript runtime. They're going to go through an example of how to make a JavaScript runtime by following what's behind the scenes on the Node.js project using C++. They'll learn the relationship between Chrome's V8 and Libuv and what makes one JavaScript runtime better than others.
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
17 min
Why Scaling Bottom-up? How Teams’ Interactions Should Impact the Organizational Structure
We all have been through companies’ reorgs, probably more than once. If some are understandable and produce good outcomes, others aren’t — creating insecurities, lack of confidence in leadership, unnecessary changes, and even more complex paths of communication or decision-making. What is the difference, then? Is there a well-proven way of scaling or changing the current landscape of companies’ organizations? Yes, there is. In this session I’ll go through, supported by an actual study case in the industry, Conway’s Law and the importance of teams’ landscape and interactions, and how well-designed teams charts can improve independence, autonomy, motivation of the teams, leading to a faster and better rate and quality of delivery.
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
8 min
Purpose: What I Learned from Stepping Down as Team Lead Twice
I know developers feel doubts of choosing the IC role over a manager or vice versa. I'll tell about my own road how to find own purpose doing things I like.
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
What Engineering Leaders Should Know About DevRel (But Were Too Busy to Ask)
The field of developer relations or DevRel is rapidly increasing in popularity, with roles for developer advocates, evangelists, program managers, and directors appearing seemingly everywhere. It could very well be that you too have colleagues who work in the field. DevRel is a unique discipline aligned with every part of the business from engineering and product, to marketing, and even sales, and acts as a bridge between the company and the wider developer community. Our aligned incentives with engineering leadership are especially obvious in the fact that we exist to serve and enable developer audiences, whether external or internal.For engineering teams, working closely with your DevRel teams provides a great opportunity to better understand your developer audiences, raise the profiles and skills of your colleagues, and make your company more attractive for hiring. Yet, despite many DevRel teams being highly technical, because of DevRel’s perceived lack of focus, our departments are often dismissed as “just marketing” by engineering.In this talk I will answer the question of “what is it that DevRel people do”, and present some approaches for how DevRel and engineering can best collaborate and break down silos to benefit everyone, from the company to the wider developer community.

React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
19 min
Building Figma’s Widget Code Generator
Widgets are custom, interactive objects you place in a Figma or Figjam file to extend functionality and make everything a bit more fun. They are written in a declarative style similar to React components, which gets translated to become a node on the canvas. So can you go the other way, from canvas to code? Yes! We’ll discuss how we used the public Figma plugin API to generate widget code from a design file, and make a working widget together using this.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
24 min
Making a Splash: The Story of a Toilet Map Migration
The Great British Public Toilet Map is an open source, community driven project dedicated to helping people find toilets across the UK, with around 14,000 loos recorded and counting. In 2021 we took on the challenge of migrating the project from a SPA React app written in JavaScript to NextJS and Typescript. Together we'll discover why we decided it was time to migrate, the myriad technical challenges we faced along the way, how this work benefits our users, and the many exciting plans we have for the future.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
20 min
Lessons Learnt While Creating a New Framework on Top of React
React is so powerful that it can be used for more than frontend development. E.g. creating UI programmatically in the backend using a rule-based system or machine learning is another use case where React can serve as the best fit. Similarly, documentation earlier used to have only .md files but now it also includes .mdx file that contains React code. To fulfill such use cases, developers need to understand the internals of React and the tooling around it. Some great sources are popular codebases such as create-react-app, Next.js, etc. In this talk, I will share the lessons we learnt while creating a framework that achieves more than web development using React. Firstly, I will cover how create-react-app codebase is the best codebase to understand how webpack, babel, eslint, typescript etc. can be used alongside React. Secondly, I will share how Next.js teaches us to create a js framework where we can write backend and frontend in the same file and still be able to separate the two during calls. Thirdly, I will share how our framework supports plugins, i.e. the React code resides in multiple repositories but all of this code can share a single React runtime inside the browser. This is a very advanced use of React that cannot be achieved by code splitting using React.lazy. This talk will enable developers to use React for more than frontend development.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
Next.js has grown in popularity over the past couple of years with features like server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, image optimization, and more. Next.js is known as the production ready framework for React. In contrast, GraphQL is known for not just returning data for what you need with good schema design practices but also a good dev experience. In this talk, I’ll talk about how one can build an app that not just scales but also has high performance with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind. And Lastly, the future of CSS and Frontend development is building utilities, so CSS does not feel like an afterthought. At the end of this talk, you will learn how to go from making a sample app to a highly performant production-ready application.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
23 min
Arrows (At Length)
Love linking lines? Join me in considering the humble arrow as both a programming problem and a user experience challenge. In this talk, I'll present the many complex problems and solutions that I've encountered when working with arrows in my open source library perfect-arrows and later in tldraw (tldraw.com). With a narrow scope and plenty of animations to guide the way, we'll look at intersections, arrow heads, arrow head angles, and all of the different user interface issues behind authoring and adjusting arrows between shapes, other shapes, and points.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
How I Test a Million UI States with Every Merge — Visual Testing with Storybook
Error state, loading state, awkward breakpoint, bad data, poor formatting, browser support. Every component can result represent hundreds or thousands of discrete visual states. How do you test it? Manually disable the network — temporarily. Insert bad code — just for a minute. Paw at the edge of your screen. Hack local database fixtures to bits. Frontend development has so many dimensions. Time and variation result in an infinite number of UI possibilities. In this talk, we'll use Storybook to progressively develop, test, and document our work — automating the grunt work of UI development.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
6 min
AG Grid's New React Rendering Engine
AG Grid is the industry standard JavaScript datagrid for building data centric Business Applications. Recently the AG Grid team redesigned the grid to implement the React Rendering Engine in 100% React code. Given the complexity of a datagrid, this was a very challenging task. Hear from Sean, Lead Framework Developer at AG Grid, about the journey of this migration including how this was achieved, lessons learned along the way, and how it will impact your React applications using AG Grid.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
30 min
Back to the Future
Everything old is new again. But this time we have the lessons of the past to guide us into the wild unknown. Sunil wants to revisit a few older ideas, and mix them up with the new capabilities of the edge and the web platform, and see if we can 10x the applications we build today.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing
Building a design system is not enough. Your dev team has to prefer it over one-off components and third-party libraries. Otherwise, the whole effort is a waste of time. Learn how to use static code analysis to measure if your design system wins over the internal competition and data-driven ways to improve your position.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Don't take it Personally, it is Personalization
"Personalization" is right now one of the hottest buzzwords in the development world. Marketers, developers, and content creators evaluate the possibilities and alternatives to handle custom scenarios while offering powerful experiences to the users. Let's talk about personalization, the benefits, the challenges, and how we can manage and offer personalized experiences. We will see code examples using some of the features introduced in Next.js 12, the newest version of the framework, and connecting to Storyblok, a Headless CMS that offers a real-time visual editor.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Large scale projects challenges (NextJS - Contentful)
NextJS is an excellent full stack framework. Contentful is a well-known flexible headless CMS. Together are a great match, but when we talk large scale projects the challenges are completely different than the ones you may face in a small to medium scale project. Leonidas will try to raise your awareness on such challenges based on Greece's experience on redesigning Vodafone's site to create beautiful self-serve and guided journeys for Vodafone customers.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
20 min
Multiple apps, one code to rule them all
More and more, React is being used for complex apps that accommodate numerous types of users, workflows, and mechanics. Sometimes it’s different people who each use part of the app, but a single-user multi-workflow scenario isn’t uncommon as well.In this session, we’ll learn about our options when building multiple experiences within a single React app — without losing our sanity. I’ll use some examples from what we do at Wilco.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
You Do Have Time to Build it Twice
Top Content
If you don’t have time to build it right, when will you have time to build it twice? In hyper growth startups the old adage breaks down. You get an expanding time horizon – IF you can get it shipped. An imperfect feature next week beats the perfect feature 2 months from now. Your code won’t matter if you’re dead. I didn’t believe this until I saw it myself. A startup on the cusp of hockeystick hired me to rewrite their jQuery app in React. Their tech proved the idea then became a burden. Over the next year we rewrote the whole app from scratch, grew a team of React experts, created a codebase that’s a joy to work with, and got the company to a $100,000,000 Series B. All because the early engineers knew that if the crappy version works out, there’s going to be time and resources to fix it later. This talk is about what I’ve learned while rewriting an app with users banging down the door.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
8 min
Localization for Real-World Use-Cases: Key Learnings from Onboarding Global Brands
i18n isn't easy, but with careful planning of your content model I'll show you how to structure the setup, authoring, and querying of localized content. Covering whole-or-part translated documents, the difference between market and language-specific content, ways to author that in a CMS like Sanity, and ways to query for it on frontends like Next.js and Remix.
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
24 min
5 Years of Building React Table
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Join me as a I dive into the history of React Table and discuss everything it’s taught me (both successes and failures!) since I built the first component-based version 5 years ago. We’ll cover tons of sub-topics including, but not limited to: .... takes a breath ... Headless UI, React Hooks, Advanced TypeScript, Branding & Naming-Things, Build Pipelines, Open Source Software, API Design, React/JavaScript performance and even Framework Agnostic Tooling!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
7 min
Automatically maintaining thousands of code demos across multiple framework variations
At AG Grid, we maintain thousands of code demos, with the same demo in Angular, React, Vue, and Vanilla JS. Additionally, each framework has different variations covering JavaScript, TypeScript, Modules, Packages, Hooks, Classes, Vue 2, and Vue 3. How do we do it? We automate. This session will explain how we start with a single TypeScript version and automatically convert it to every combination we need and finally use Cypress to test the converted example.
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
15 min
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
Adding a new feature to an unfamiliar codebase can be painfully slow. What if you could lean on TypeScript to guide you?

At Snyk plugin architecture is a common pattern to extend language support across different products and codebases. Adding TypeScript to the mix has allowed us to add new features quickly and it can be as simple as painting by numbers when it comes to extending the code.

Join me as we create a simple library using plugin architecture and follow the trail of TypeScript hints to add a new feature. 
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
31 min
Making Multiplayer Games with Colyseus, Node.js and TypeScript
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By interacting with the Colyseus community over the past few years, some fundamental questions (not necessarily connected with the framework) seem to appear time and time again when developers start to build their own multiplayer games. This talk is going to cover some of these questions, as well as the most common scenarios and techniques you can start using today when building your own multiplayer game.
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
17 min
Semantic Search through the Complete Wikipedia with Weaviate’s GraphQL API
Weaviate uses GraphQL to provide user-friendly data interaction. Weaviate is an open-source vector search engine, and all searches (e.g. semantic, contextual) are done via its GraphQL API. We’ve put a lot of thought into the design of the GraphQL API, which results in good user and developer experience. In this talk, I will take you along in the journey of how our GraphQL implementation was shaped according to user needs and software requirements, and show a demo of the current design for Weaviate. The demo will show how Weaviate’s GraphQL design enables semantic (vector) search in combination with scalar search through unstructured data. Machine learning models are used in the background, but with the current GraphQL design, users without a technical background can query the vector database easily.
Weaviate has a modular architecture, so users can connect various machine learning models on top of the vector database. Examples are the newly released Question Answering module and the Named Entity Recognition module. Modules can extend the GraphQL schema dynamically, to query the new features intuitively.This presentation contains a demo where we will query the complete Wikipedia, conduct semantic search queries and more. All through Weaviate’s GraphQL API. No prior knowledge is required.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
8 min
So Now You Know: Learnings on People, Product and Culture from Hypergrowth at Snyk
Everyone wants ‘hyper growth’, to be the organisation that is backed market investment and interest - but what is the reality of getting there? What challenges does it provide in terms of people, leadership, system and scale? This talk will explore Snyk’s journey so far from its founding in 2015 and exponential growth in the last 18 months culminating in its Series F funding this past September. Exploring some of the key principles of culture, leadership and recruitment on this hyper growth journey, we will share some of our lessons learned from our experiences so far.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash
POV: Your app has a crash affecting thousands of users, but for the life of you, you can't reproduce it and have no idea what's causing it. Hear the story of an epic struggle to vanquish a non reproducible bug and learn what to do (and what not to do) when facing such a foe.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
How Hopin is Moving 10x Faster: Microfrontends at Scale
Hopin is the fastest-growing startup in the world. Many engineers join every month. Companies with different technologies are acquired every other month. It brings many challenges to our front-end architecture. In this talk I'll explain how we're breaking up our React monoliths and enabling interoperability using multiple React trees and reactive variables.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
29 min
Components, Patterns and sh*t it’s Hard to Deal with
Everyone has a pattern library or dreams about having one. We went through conversations and the codification of our visual dictionary and then we ended up with a beautiful living document.But what happens when we need to re-use our components and they don’t fit in the design? How do we re-use our patterns in slightly different use cases?We have all the tech to make a front end really modular, we have techniques and methodologies which enabled us avoiding the bad parts of the languages we use. Every part of the puzzle seems to be falling in the right place.Yet, sometimes we are struggling in handling the variations of our patterns in a reliable and maintainable way. Our codebase is getting filled with exceptions and overrides and refactoring of base patterns becomes impossible.Not a recipe for success, more of a way to frame the problem, identify some ideas we tried and re-discuss the way we approach componentisation.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
How Coinbase Rewrote the App in React Native
Last year, our team rewrote the Coinbase app from Android/iOS Native to React Native. The new app was launched successfully and with higher quality. The native engineers were re-platformed to React Native, and our productivity has increased. The talk will share our journey from the start of the transition, how we mitigate the risks, and the lessons learned.
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Adaptation of the E2E Tests for a Big Project
DeliveryHero is a huge international company. And like in every big company, the introduction of a new technical improvement is a hot topic. Get to know the challenges our team faced while making our platform E2E tested, how our reporting mechanisms improved over time and solutions we developed to test different variations of a feature.
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
24 min
Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
All too often A11Y is only an afterthought and will be added to a project "when we have time" i.e. never. But there are a many reasons why you should develop with a11y in mind from the start including some that will convince The Higher-Ups. We'll explore tools we can use to help us develop more accessibly and talk about some of the quirks and limitations that React Native has.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
TypeScript is great, but migrating an existing app to it can be a pain. Codecademy took multiple existing React apps and converted them to TypeScript. We'll cover how to make those kinds of conversions successful from both cultural and technical standpoints.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
18 min
React Native Architecture at Product Hunt
I'm going to showcase the React Native architecture we use in our new mobile app at Product Hunt. What we learned, among the way. How we moved what we know from web to mobile. Topics will be designing reusable React components, GraphQL, routing in the app, application lifecycle, keyboard controls, toast messages, and others.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
Lessons Learnt from Building Interactive React Applications
When users directly manipulate onscreen objects instead of using separate controls to manipulate them, they’re more engaged and more readily understand the results of their actions. Subtle animations can give people meaningful feedback to help clarify the result of their actions. But, the devil is in the details. What often seems simple can be complex to get right, especially when you care about accessibility. Sid shares the lessons he has learned building interactive UIs.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
7 min
Setting Up Feature Flags with React
As developers, we release features daily – but how do you ensure those features are working properly in production before you release them to all your users? If you ask me, the answer is feature flags! Feature flags are beneficial because they allow you to test your code in production, perform canary releases, and even conduct A/B testing. The power of React makes it easy to implement these flags. We will walk through how to easily create a feature flag in the UI, install dependencies with npm, and implement your feature flag in your react app.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
32 min
Complex React Migration: New Solutions to Old Codebase Problems
In 2020, Rangle partnered with the Survey Monkey team to migrate a legacy codebase to React. Survey Monkey’s best-in-class digital products were being held back fragmentation and complexity, which created a lot of rework and wasted effort for their engineering teams. Working together, we implemented a number of process and architecture changes that cut the complexity and improved workflows, letting our blended team deliver results with speed and consistently, even early in the engagement. These were not one-size-fits-all solutions, but solves that were unique and fitted to the needs of the engineering and product teams. The success of the project was due to Survey Monkey’s motivated teams that were: 1) Ready to embrace change; 2) Able to keep a firm focus on the outcomes; and 3) Readily understood the complexity of the project.
This allowed us to co-create some non-intuitive solutions that engineers at similar enterprise-level companies should know about.