#e2e testing

End-to-end (e2e) testing is a type of software testing that verifies the system's end-to-end functionality from start to finish. It tests the complete flow of an application, including its user interface, APIs, and databases. In e2e testing, the system is tested as a whole, rather than in individual components or units. This ensures that the application behaves as expected when used by real users. E2e testing for JavaScript applications focuses on verifying that the front-end code works correctly with the back-end code. It also tests the performance of the application, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the user.
We May Not Need Component Testing
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
26 min
We May Not Need Component Testing
Testings are mandatory and unit tests are the foundation for building a good testing system for our project. But for front end projects which involve components, how many unit tests are considered efficient and not overkill? Should we use additional libraries like Testing Library or Vue Test Utils with Vitest to test a component, when we can perform the same with just Playwright? Whether a component test using an E2E framework like Playwright is really a kill for? Let's find out in my talk.
Everyone Can Easily Write Tests
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Everyone Can Easily Write Tests
Let’s take a look at how Playwright can help you get your end to end tests written with tools like Codegen that generate tests on user interaction. Let’s explore UI mode for a better developer experience and then go over some tips to make sure you don’t have flakey tests. Then let’s talk about how to get your tests up and running on CI, debugging on CI and scaling using shards.
Testing Web Applications with Playwright
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
20 min
Testing Web Applications with Playwright
Top Content
Testing is hard, testing takes time to learn and to write, and time is money. As developers we want to test. We know we should but we don't have time. So how can we get more developers to do testing? We can create better tools.Let me introduce you to Playwright - Reliable end-to-end cross browser testing for modern web apps, by Microsoft and fully open source. Playwright's codegen generates tests for you in JavaScript, TypeScript, Dot Net, Java or Python. Now you really have no excuses. It's time to play your tests wright.
Tiny Tests, Large Results
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Tiny Tests, Large Results
Yes, Big things do come in small packages. For example, isn’t a unit test’s speed, feedback, and reliability fantastic? Did you know we can also have fast, focused, and reliable feedback from our functional e2e tests? Atomic e2e tests are those that are targeted and focused. They’re tiny in size but large in their impact. This tutorial will teach you how to create atomic e2e tests with several code examples. First, we will use Cypress.io to authenticate by setting a cookie. Instead of using a UI. Second, we will use Cypress.io to set a JSON Web Token for authentication. Join me, and let’s write tiny tests for large results.
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
27 min
Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
Top Content
Cypress has taken the world by storm by brining an easy to use tool for end to end testing. It’s capabilities have proven to be be useful for creating stable tests for frontend applications. But end to end testing is just a small part of testing efforts. What about your API? What about your components? Well, in my talk I would like to show you how we can start with end-to-end tests, go deeper with component testing and then move up to testing our API, circ
No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
21 min
No More Mocking! Write Better Tests For Your Nuxt Application With Contract Tests
Let's explore how to create more resilient software systems employing API-first techniques. By utilizing the contract testing tool Specmatic and the Playwright test runner, we can develop tests that ensure our Nuxt applications work perfectly and communicate correctly with Microservices they rely on to get data.

We will take a closer look at how to write OpenAPI specifications that aid us in documenting our APIs and enable us to ensure they work correctly. Furthermore, we can use those specifications to automatically spin up a stub server, which we can use to test our application in a controlled environment with Playwright.

The techniques I'll show you will help you write tests that enable you to rapidly iterate without fearing regressions.

Learning Outcomes:

1. You know about the basic principles of Contract Testing and how it also helps drive our E2E tests.
2. You know to opt for Contract Testing when working with Microservices and BFFs, database seeding when using Nuxt with a database, and mocking when dealing with SPAs.
3. You know the steps to create your first OpenAPI specification and integrate Specmatic with Playwright or Cypress, and you are keen to apply this technique to your projects.
Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
19 min
Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Despite the emergency of DevOp to unite development, support and SRE factions together using common processes, we still face cultural and tooling challenges that create the Dev and Ops silos. Specifically, we often use different tools to achieve similar testing: case in point validating the user experience in production using Synthetic Monitoring and in development using e2e testing. By joining forces around common tooling, we can use the same tool for both production monitoring and testing within CI. In this talk, I will discuss how Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing are two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, I shall show how production monitoring and development testing can be achieved using Playwright, GitHub Actions and Elastic Synthetics.
Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Synthetic Monitoring and E2E Testing - 2 Sides of the Same Coin
Over the last few years, there has been a great focus on shifting tests left to earlier in the software development cycle. It's great that the emergence of trends such as e2e testing has enabled us to validate the user workflow earlier. However, they do not eliminate the need to monitor this workflow against a live production system. I have seen that the segregation of development and support teams leads to both teams using different tools to build similar automation that simply targets different environments of the same software.
By joining forces, we can build automated scripts that can be used both for production monitoring and testing within CI. In this talk, I will discuss the causes of this cultural divide, and why this needs to change for us to shift user testing both left and right. Furthermore, I shall show how this can be achieved using Playwright and Elastic Synthetics and also chat through the challenges you may face shifting left and right.
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
Top Content
We will go through a brief explanation of what is Web3 and the architecture of a web3 application. Then we will talk about how to end-to-end test, its challenges, some test tools that are available, and a demo using cypress and metamask.Agenda: What is Web3; The Architecture of a Web3 Application; Web3 E2E Tests Introduction; Web3 E2E Tests Challenges; E2E Test Tools; Demo.
Playwright Can Do This?
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
23 min
Playwright Can Do This?
Guaranteeing that your application doesn't break while constantly shipping new features is tough. Obviously, with a continually growing app or site, you can't test everything manually all the time!Test automation and monitoring are crucial to avoiding shipping broken apps and sites. But what functionality should you test? When should you run your tests? And aren't complex test suites super slow?In this session, we'll get our hands on Playwright, the end-to-end testing framework, and learn how to automate headless browsers to ensure that you confidently ship new features.
Unit Testing Angular Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
24 min
Unit Testing Angular Applications
Angular offers many things out of the box, including various testing-related functionalities. This presentation will demonstrate how we can build on Angular's solid unit testing fundamentals and apply certain patterns that make testing easier. Topics covered include: test doubles, testing module pattern, harnesses, "recipes" on how to test some common cases, and more!
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
17 min
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
Top Content
We send emails to our users - account verification and newsletters. We allow the user to contact us by sending an email via inbuild form. Do we? Does the user receive an account verification email or exactly what notification they signed up for? We can cover this functionality as part of E2E tests: get an email and open it to check what is in it. We will need Playwright and a fake SMTP server to capture emails sent by the app.
How I Test a Million UI States with Every Merge — Visual Testing with Storybook
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
29 min
How I Test a Million UI States with Every Merge — Visual Testing with Storybook
Error state, loading state, awkward breakpoint, bad data, poor formatting, browser support. Every component can result represent hundreds or thousands of discrete visual states. How do you test it? Manually disable the network — temporarily. Insert bad code — just for a minute. Paw at the edge of your screen. Hack local database fixtures to bits. Frontend development has so many dimensions. Time and variation result in an infinite number of UI possibilities. In this talk, we'll use Storybook to progressively develop, test, and document our work — automating the grunt work of UI development.
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
7 min
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
For developers, it is better to catch any a11y defects during unit and e2e testings. This talk is going to show how to automate a11y testing using jest and cypress.
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
Having adequate test coverage means a lot for the good API. But what can make the whole life pathetic is endless mocking of data and functions for integration tests. Every time you've changed the code you need to fix the mock. After several iterations the correct thought is - what's went wrong?
Alternative approach is e2e tests for the API. Which require only minimal mocks and data preparation. The rest - pure code of your API. Change the code - e2e test remains the same.This talk is about my experience of switching from integration tests to e2e tests for the API, proc and cons and how I started to feel happy about tests.
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
20 min
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
It’s a trap” - a call or feeling we all might be familiar with, not only when it comes to Star Wars. It’s signalizing a sudden moment of noticing imminent danger. This situation is an excellent allegory for an unpleasant realization in testing. Imagine having the best intentions when it comes to testing but still ending up with tests failing to deliver you any value at all? Tests who are feeling like a pain to deal with?
When writing frontend tests, there are lots of pitfalls on the way. In sum, they can lead to lousy maintainability, slow execution time, and - in the worst-case - tests you cannot trust. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this session, I will talk about developers’ common mistakes (including mine), at least from my experience. And, of course, on how to avoid them. Testing doesn’t need to be painful, after all.
Why Tracing is a Lifesaver for E2E Tests of Distributed Systems?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
Why Tracing is a Lifesaver for E2E Tests of Distributed Systems?
Contemporary software systems are often built on a microservices architecture pattern. In this pattern, rather than build one huge code-base for a single application, systems are separated into multiple smaller code-bases. These implement services that provide a specific feature, like authentication or monitoring, and those services can have performance problems, network issues, or bugs in their code – any of which can lead to failing tests. If you want to solve such problems, you have to go a step further than just logging your errors – it is best for you to monitor your tests with distributed tracing. This talk will show you why a tracing system will rescue you from the complexity of understanding why an E2E test has failed in a distributed architecture.
Test Time Execution! Why it Can't be Ignored?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
10 min
Test Time Execution! Why it Can't be Ignored?
For modern agile teams, release velocity is very critical. Unfortunately, one of the biggest bottlenecks for faster release velocity is testing times. Even after teams implement end-to-end test automation, long testing times significantly delay the pipelines. This delay means developers get feedback of their efforts very late, which can snowball, affecting the shipping velocity. Hence test execution time becomes one of the most critical KPIs for any business that wants to ship features faster than the approaching deadlines. LambdaTest helps modern dev teams release faster executing tests faster on a scalable, reliable test cloud.
Adaptation of the E2E Tests for a Big Project
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
Adaptation of the E2E Tests for a Big Project
DeliveryHero is a huge international company. And like in every big company, the introduction of a new technical improvement is a hot topic. Get to know the challenges our team faced while making our platform E2E tested, how our reporting mechanisms improved over time and solutions we developed to test different variations of a feature.
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
30 min
Testing for the Modern Web with Playwright
The modern web platform is continuously evolving. Today's web apps are more sophisticated than ever before and testing for the modern web requires modern primitives. In this talk, we will cover how Playwright is uniquely enabling web developers to ship faster and more confidently.
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Don’t Make These Testing Mistakes
In this talk, I will discuss the common mistakes developers make when writing Cypress tests and how to avoid them. We will discuss tests that are too short, tests that hardcode data, tests that race against the application, and other mistakes. I believe this presentation will be useful to anyone writing E2E tests using JavaScript.
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
28 min
Play it Right with CodeceptJS: An Introduction to Supercharged End-to-End Testing
CodeceptJS is BDD-style end-to-end testing framework which plays nicely with all popular testing engines. CodeceptJS has built-in support of PageObjects, DataObjects, plays nicely with TypeScript, and even has its own UI app! In this session, we will take a look how CodeceptJS can be paired with Playwright to make the testing simple and effective.
The Evolution of Browser Automation
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
34 min
The Evolution of Browser Automation
In this session, we’ll take a look at what has happened behind the scenes in browser automation throughout the years and what the future will have in stock for us. We will examine how web testing will develop and what challenges this will bring for conventional frameworks like Selenium or WebdriverIO, as well as new frameworks such as Cypress, Puppeteer and Playwright. Lastly, we will experiment with some new automation capabilities these frameworks provide to test some of the new web features.