Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing: 2 Sides of the Same Coin

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Despite the emergency of DevOp to unite development, support and SRE factions together using common processes, we still face cultural and tooling challenges that create the Dev and Ops silos. Specifically, we often use different tools to achieve similar testing: case in point validating the user experience in production using Synthetic Monitoring and in development using e2e testing. By joining forces around common tooling, we can use the same tool for both production monitoring and testing within CI. In this talk, I will discuss how Synthetic Monitoring and e2e Testing are two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, I shall show how production monitoring and development testing can be achieved using Playwright, GitHub Actions and Elastic Synthetics.

Carly Richmond
Carly Richmond
19 min
11 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Carly Richmond discusses the importance of shifting left in testing and monitoring. She emphasizes the need for empathy and a common toolset in the software development process. The talk explores the use of end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring, showcasing an example with Playwrights, GitHub Actions, and Elastic Synthetics. It also covers the configuration, setup, and integration of tests in the CI workflow. The talk concludes with the benefits of monitoring application and test state, and the importance of collaboration in issue recreation.

1. Introduction to Testing and Monitoring

Short description:

Hi, TestJS Summit. My name is Carly Richmond. I am a senior developer advocate at Elastic. Today, I'll talk about end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring, showcasing an example of combining an end-to-end testing framework with GitHub actions for CI and monitoring using Elastic Synthetics.

Hi, TestJS Summit. It is so great to see you all. My name is Carly Richmond. I am a senior developer advocate at Elastic. And I'm here today to talk about testing, which you probably expected from a testing conference, let's be honest. But did you expect me to talk about monitoring as well? Potentially not. So today I'm going to leverage my prior experience as a software engineer to talk about end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring. I'll talk about despite our thoughts, actually, these elements are two sides of the same coin. And also I'll showcase an example where we take an end-to-end testing framework, in this case and combine it with GitHub actions for CI and then monitoring using Elastic Synthetics to show how we can use the same scripts for both end-to-end testing and synthetic monitoring.

2. Understanding the Challenges

Short description:

But before all of that, we need to talk about the notion of shifting left because that's imperative to understanding this argument. My experience with that was really my early idea about why DevOps makes sense, because we were working together. We've got to talk about why this is. The first reason is empathy. We are not great at empathizing with the other sides within this equation. The other thing is a lack of common priority. And the last problem that I saw was quite often our tool sets are so disparate that it's very difficult to figure out if there's any common ground between us. And synthetic monitoring in end to end testing is the prime example of that.

But before all of that, we need to talk about the notion of shifting left because that's imperative to understanding this argument. So for me, shifting left was something that actually made perfect sense. Tried to pick up defects earlier in the cycle. And also it made sense to me because actually, I'll let you in on a little secret, I used to be more than just an engineer. My first ever role as a software engineer, I also had to do everything else. I had to do production management, I had to deal with user issues, and given it was a regulatory system, there was always a rather quick turnaround required for those ones. And we also dealt with deployment, testing, and coordinating user testing. We did everything on that application because of the size of the team and the expertise that we had.

And it was only really when we started to try and hand over some of the support responsibilities to a dedicated production management team that I actually realised that these activities are more commonly done by different groups. But my experience with that was really my early idea about why DevOps makes sense, because we were working together. They set up the ticketing system, for example. I worked with them to document all the knowledge, get it out of my head, so that people could react to issues and try and help users where they could. And then if they tried to fix an issue and it didn't quite work out, they would call me in to help and we would update the knowledge article with the additional information. But I also got to learn from them as well because we talked about testing, we talked about how we could make the application easier to monitor. All these things that really as a developer you don't get a lot of exposure to and I was really fortunate for that. And I thought it was normal until I moved to my first web dev role and realized that that's actually a very rare experience. And even speaking to devops engineers and SREs now, I see that actually the relationship even despite the emergence of devops is more akin to a game of rock. And we've got to talk about why this is.

The first reason is empathy. We are not great at empathizing with the other sides within this equation. Developers are not empathizing well and collaborating with testers who they feel might be throwing features back at them that they thought were perfect. Production management are receiving regular new features that are built in small increments that mean they are overloaded often with features that they don't know much about. And everyone is just really feeling like the other side doesn't really get what their role is and what they are trying to do. The other thing is a lack of common priority. This sign here on the seat we all pretty much know what this means. It's very clear who this seat is intended for. But if we think about backlog prioritization within the recent agile world it's not always as clear cut as that and my experience of working with product owners was often that new features were regularly prioritized over small toil enhancements, additions such as enhanced monitoring capabilities and even sometimes minor bug fixes were all put towards the bottom of the backlog in comparison to new features that they could understand. And the last problem that I saw was quite often our tool sets are so disparate that it's very difficult to figure out if there's any common ground between us. And synthetic monitoring in end to end testing is the prime example of that. So test for anyone who's not familiar are basically tests that allow you to test and validate the user experience.

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