
Did you know that TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to? Explore the variety of Typescript courses we compiled from our speakers and collaborators and find out what you can do with this language and how it improves the development experience.
React's Most Useful Types
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
React's Most Useful Types
Top Content
We don't think of React as shipping its own types. But React's types are a core part of the framework - overseen by the React team, and co-ordinated with React's major releases.In this live coding talk, we'll look at all the types you've been missing out on. How do you get the props type from a component? How do you know what ref a component takes? Should you use React.FC? And what's the deal with JSX.Element?You'll walk away with a bunch of exciting ideas to take to your React applications, and hopefully a new appreciation for the wonders of React and TypeScript working together.
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
I'll dive into the internals of Nuxt to describe how we've built a TypeScript-first framework that is deeply integrated with the user's IDE and type checking setup to offer end-to-end full-stack type safety, hints for layouts, middleware and more, typed runtime configuration options and even typed routing. Plus, I'll highlight what I'm most excited about doing in the days to come and how TypeScript makes that possible not just for us but for any library author.
Stop Writing Your Routes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Stop Writing Your Routes
The more you keep working on an application, the more complicated its routing becomes, and the easier it is to make a mistake. ""Was the route named users or was it user?"", ""Did it have an id param or was it userId?"". If only TypeScript could tell you what are the possible names and params. If only you didn't have to write a single route anymore and let a plugin do it for you. In this talk we will go through what it took to bring automatically typed routes for Vue Router.
TypeScript and React: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
TypeScript and React: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
Top Content
TypeScript and React are inseparable. What's the secret to their successful union? Quite a lot of surprisingly strange code. Learn why useRef always feels weird, how to wrangle generics in custom hooks, and how union types can transform your components.
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
22 min
Perfect Pitch: Unveiling the Mathematical Symphony Behind a Guitar Tuner
Join me on a musical journey through the world of open source software as I share the story behind crafting from scratch an online guitar tuner with Javascript.In this talk, we'll explore the delightful intersection of mathematics and development, where a simple curiosity led to the creation of an open-source tuner using React and Next.js.I'll share insights and challenges into the implementation of the tuner, navigating through the algorithmic landscape of autocorrelation and frequency calculations.
Types Beyond TypeScript
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
31 min
Types Beyond TypeScript
Everybody seems to be talking about "types" these days. From the TypeScript language to type description utilities such as prop-types and Zod, developers expect clear descriptions of the shapes of their React components, data, and hooks. Let's talk about the mindset shift that's happened over the last decade, and where types are taking us over the next one.Brief foundations: what is TypeScript, what "type safety" means, and setting up TypeScript in a React (Next.js) projectA history of how type safety has worked in React, starting with class componentsThinking in Type(s|Script): How modeling value shapes helps raise predictability and understandability, especially in the wildest and wackiest of React architectures.TypeScript's Limitations: By design, TypeScript can only act as a development-time type system and enforce what that system can represent. We'll want to go over what can't and/or shouldn't be represented in that type system.Raising the Runtime: Moving those type thoughts into your React runtime with programmatic frameworks or libraries such as tRPC and Zod - especially as they integrate with React metaframeworks like Next.js and Remix.React Specifics: How this "types-first" theory works helps improve common parts of projects in the React ecosystem: from prop-types back in the day to REST or RPC endpoints, testing, and documentation today.ESLint lint rules to catch common async and React code bugs - and why the language is designed to let you do those dangerous things in the first place.Ecosystem future: where the TC39 types-as-comments proposal will -and won't- take types at a language-level for JavaScript in general and React apps specifically.By allowing our types to be a reflection of the runtime reality, we embrace types-first thinking in designing code - making our code more clear to read and update. These better-define boundaries help in everything from better-defined React component boundaries to auto-generated client<>server API bridges. Hooray, types!
JSR – Next Generation JavaScript Registry
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
6 min
JSR – Next Generation JavaScript Registry
JSR, a modern package registry for JavaScript and TypeScript, is designed to be fast, simple, reliable, and work across many JavaScript runtimes. Come learn how using JSR can simplify your developer experience.
Dive Into Advanced TypeScript
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
30 min
Dive Into Advanced TypeScript
Typescript or not Typescript? More than ten years have passed since its birth, and many of us still struggle to understand and love it. It’s so simple but sometimes we don’t really know how it works.Well, it’s time to understand more and stop bypassing it with a simple any.Types, functions, literals, unions, intersections and so on: together, we will see all the notions that will lead you to start loving and using it to the fullest to ensure a more typologically secure future and perhaps not be hated by your future self.
Generating TypeScript with TypeScript
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Generating TypeScript with TypeScript
A deep-dive into how we automatically generate TypeScript definitions for the V8-based runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers. We'll give an overview of how we use the TypeScript compiler API, how we enhance auto-generated definitions with user-written overrides to improve ergonomics, and how we created a service to build types for users' specific compatibility settings.
Type System React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
21 min
Type System React
TypeScript's type system is incredibly powerful. It can represent bizarrely complex interdependent JavaScript types and comes with a Turing-complete set of logical conditions. But this is a React conference, right? Let's implement a primitive React purely in the type system. For fun!
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
ASTs are prevalent in everything we do. ESLint, Typescript, etc allow us to dive into our source code in a way we might not be familiar with. Let's take a look at how some modern tools use ASTs to improve our lives as developers. Some of the tools to be covered include: TS-Morph, Typescript, TreeSitter, and ESlint. Depending on time, I can dig into various tools and patterns for working with ASTs and how they can fit into any modern developer workflow.
Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
22 min
Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
Most CSS developers today write visual styles in terms of what you literally see: exact color values, size numbers, and so on. But what if you could write styles as a function of how they fit into your design system? And what if you could get type safety in specifying and using those values, including in responsive props?

This talk will dive into some of the key features and flaws in many design system builders today such as Chakra UI and Tailwind. We'll establish what the best next steps for design systems should be with type-safe TypeScript APIs and performance both for prebuilt pages and at runtime.
Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
19 min
Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
Unlock the power of type-safe styling in React component packages with Vanilla Extract CSS. Learn how to effortlessly write scalable and maintainable styles, leveraging CSS-in-Typescript. Discover the seamless integration of Vanilla Extract CSS and take your React components to the next level.
Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
Many Javascript developers have added typescript to their projects in the last few years. But how many of them are sure of their types at runtime? Can types be guaranteed on runtime too?
Using Zod that can be realized! Let's see together how we can use Zod to improve the awareness of our code during its execution and prevent strange mistakes or a bad user experience.
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
7 min
TypeScript Survival Guide: Life-Saving Tips and Techniques
Let's go through your survival kit for the TS jungle! In this talk, you'll get the complete TS guide from simple tips to complex techniques that will help you take the most of TypeScript not only in those large production projects, but also in your small hobby idea. We'll explore validations, configuration, typings and much more.
Are the (module) types wrong?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Are the (module) types wrong?
Have you ever installed a dependency, imported it just like the README instructs, and immediately been met with strange TypeScript errors about default imports, the output module format, or ESM/CommonJS interoperability? When everything works at runtime but TypeScript complains, you might wonder, is this a TypeScript bug? Or… are the types wrong?
The JavaScript module and package publishing landscape is complicated. Nearly one third of the most popular types-included npm packages have some sort of module-related typings issue that can cause confusion for users. But things are starting to improve. In this talk, we’ll:

- explore how we got here—why are things complicated?
- develop a simple and accurate mental model for how TypeScript sees packages
- see how the `arethetypeswrong` tool can help catch issues before publishing
- look at trends in the `arethetypeswrong` data for popular packages over time
- discuss next steps for making the typed package ecosystem better
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
There is a wall that we all hit when developing more sophisticated types: how can I 'abstract out' certain commonalities in my type-level logic? How can I make my types more reusable and composable? How can I make my types more expressive?

This talk will introduce the fundamentals of Higher-Kinded Types, a compelling concept hitherto underutilized, and explore how they can significantly enhance the expressiveness of library semantics, leading to a more intuitive developer experience (DX). We'll demonstrate how HKTs can provide an elevated abstraction level, allowing you to model complex domain problems more naturally and in a type-safe manner.

Join us to understand how leveraging HKTs can elevate your TypeScript coding practice, optimizing the semantics and delivering a more potent and featureful library interface.
Replacing Shell Scripts with Cross-Platform TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
Replacing Shell Scripts with Cross-Platform TypeScript
Shell scripts serve a useful purpose, but they have some downsides. What if we could overcome these issues and make our scripts more powerful by utilizing familiar cross-platform TypeScript? In this talk, we'll discuss why you should switch your shell scripts to TypeScript and demonstrate a possible approach.
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
Dive into the world of TypeScript ecosystem tooling and uncover the transformative capabilities that can supercharge your development workflow. In this talk, you can discover essential tools for project setup, code analysis, testing, and deployment. Also, learn how intelligent code editors, formatters, and linters improve code quality.

Finally, let's explore type checkers, static analyzers, and refactoring tools that enhance codebase maintainability, TypeScript libraries and frameworks, and witness their seamless integration with bundlers, task runners, testing frameworks, and CI pipelines. Don't miss this talk to unleash the full potential of TypeScript and maximize your productivity with the extensive ecosystem of tools at your disposal and that you probably didn't know!
Migrating TypeScript to Modules: The Fine Details
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Migrating TypeScript to Modules: The Fine Details
In TypeScript 5.0, the TypeScript toolchain migrated to modules. In this talk, we'll get deep in the weeds, discussing what "modules" even are (and how we somehow weren't using them), the specifics of the migration itself, how we managed to make the switch "mid-flight" on an actively-developed project, how the migration went, and what's next.
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
Most of the ecosystem tools, like bundlers or transpilers, are based on AST. And Typescript provides one of the best Developer Experiences to work with the code base.

This talk is about the experience of how beneficial it can be to use Type Hints and Typescript Language Server during the AST and static code analysis, based on the example of building a compile-time css-in-js library.
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
10 min
Running TypeScript in WebAssembly on the Cloud
Build serverless functions in TypeScript, and then compile them to WebAssembly (Wasm) to be run in the cloud. This is a different model than the original Wasm design suggested, but it is proving to be a powerful concept. In this talk, we dive into the background of Wasm, then look at its broader applications before examining a novel way of building TypeScript code into a Wasm binary for execution in the cloud.
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
How do you generate types dynamically? How do you write a script that creates some typescript code? The approach most people would recommend is to use Abstract Syntax Tree manipulations. I was working on a deadline to implement types for our OpenAPI client, and I would have missed our release window. I needed something different and easier to build. Luckily, a friend recommended me a library I didn't know: code-block-writer. I fall in love with it at first sight.
Generating Typed Code
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
22 min
Generating Typed Code
For the past six at Rollbar the engineering team has been working tirelessly to migrate our legacy application to a modern Javascript tech stack. We’ve leveraged Next.js, GraphQL and a number of other JS tools to ship more features, make our dev team happier and achieve an impressive 7-fold reduction in our p99 app performance. I invite you to join me as I present the various techniques and architecture we choose to use to quickly migrate away from our legacy monolith.
Let's Make a Generic Inference Algorithm
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Let's Make a Generic Inference Algorithm
Top Content
How does generic inference in TypeScript work? For most people, this can seem like a black box. TypeScript's developer lead, Ryan Cavanaugh, walks us from a simple single-step generic inference algorithm up to a simplified model of how generic inference in TypeScript actually works, with a focus on motivating examples.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves Using TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
28 min
The Lies We Tell Ourselves Using TypeScript
How safe is TypeScript's type safety? How much can you trust your statically typed code? Can you even consider TypeScript's type system "strong"? In this talk, we look at situations where TypeScript fails badly and learn why things have to be that way. We talk about trade-offs, workarounds, and ultimately solutions for all the damn, terrible lies we tell ourselves when using TypeScript.
From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
From Theory to Practice: harnessing Typescript for successful Atomic Design implementation
Everyone mentions the importance of code "scalability" and "maintainability" and how Typescript helps with it. But when I got started in tech, I remember struggling to find a practical "real-world" example with best practices.

My talk aims to provide such a practical, step-by-step example, sharing some of my learnings and shortcomings: crucially, how we leveraged typescript and atomic design - without over-engineering too early.ty
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
18 min
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
How can an editor ""automagically"" show type errors when you create a single TypeScript file without running ""npm install typescript"" or having a tsconfig.json file? Is a completion list build by your coding editor, TypeScript itself, or some other mysterious being? What is TSServer?
In this talk I will give you an overview of how the TypeScript server communicates with IDEs and other editors, delivering rich language features without ever running tsc.
How to make our CLIs safer with types?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
29 min
How to make our CLIs safer with types?
In this talk, we will explore the various issues encountered when building JavaScript CLIs, and demonstrate how TypeScript can address them and help us make our applications safer.

By the end of this talk, you'll understand how to abstract runtime validations type behind easy-to-use interfaces, and have all the tools you need to bring those benefits into your own CLIs at little cost - whether they are open-source projects, or internal tools.
Faster TypeScript builds with --isolatedDeclarations
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
24 min
Faster TypeScript builds with --isolatedDeclarations
Top Content
Type-checking a TypeScript codebase can be slow, especially for monorepos containing lots of projects that each need to use the type checker to generate type declaration files. In this talk, we introduce — for the very first time — a new TypeScript feature we are working on called “Isolated Declarations” that allows DTS files to be generated without using the type checker at all! This opens the door to faster declaration generation in TypeScript itself, as well as in external tools written in other languages such as ESBuild and swc. You'll see how to use this new option, and maybe (just maybe) you’ll be convinced about the benefits of explicit return types! Most importantly, we will show how Isolated Declarations enables parallel builds to spread work across your CPU cores to significantly improve the build speed of your TypeScript projects.
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
Key/value (KV) databases are becoming ever more popular in web applications. Their super-fast response times and ability to support eventual consistency reads make them especially well suited for apps running on globally distributed edge servers. But with how fast this tech is moving, you might not be fully up to speed on how to use this type of database with TypeScript. In this session, we'll explore good use cases for KV databases, examine several production deployment options, and demonstrate how to effectively hydrate TypeScript objects from values in a KV database.
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
21 min
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
ArkType is a new runtime validator for TypeScript and the first library with the goal of making type syntax available 1:1 in JS with no compilation step.

It uses a carefully optimized static parser so that with each character you type, you'll see a list of completions, a clear ParseError, or your inferred type. At runtime, a simple definition like "string|number[]" will be transformed into a TypeNode that can be used to validate or transform inputs, compared to other TypeNodes, or combined with other definitions to form new TypeNodes.

This talk will cover the process of building ArkType, with a focus on the type-level parser and runtime type system, and demo some of the most exciting features like scopes, index signatures and generics.
Infer multiple things at once with reverse mapped types
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Infer multiple things at once with reverse mapped types
Top Content
Learn about inferring with reverse mapped types to create great inferences for arguments that aggregate different items of the same shape. The technique can help you to introduce type-level relationships within objects and tuples. The talk will start with the introduction to the technique and will go through a couple of real-world-like examples of how this can be used to improve library types.
Exploring the TypeScript-first architecture of modern frameworks
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Exploring the TypeScript-first architecture of modern frameworks
TypeScript goes beyond annotating syntax. We’ll explore how modern frameworks leverage type-safety at the project-level to empower better architecture, greater stability, and higher velocities.
Taming Language Models through TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
26 min
Taming Language Models through TypeScript
You've probably played with bots like ChatGPT and used them to brainstorm. Maybe you've noticed that getting responses in the right structure or format has been a challenge. As people, we're okay with that - but programs are much more finicky. We've been experimenting with using TypeScript itself as a way of guiding and validating responses from language models.
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
A deep dive into the proposal which could de-fork TypeScript and bring all us users back to being "JavaScripters, but with some TypeScript types." We'll cover the author's motives, how it could work, why now and how it is going.ort
7 TypeScript Patterns You Should Be Using
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
19 min
7 TypeScript Patterns You Should Be Using
Top Content
In this talk, we will be going over a number of common useful and best-practice-proven TypeScript patterns to use in React 18. This includes how to correctly type component properties, children and return types, using React's built-in types, typing contexts, and the usual enum rant (but constructively).
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
In this talk, I want to show how we can use Zod to guarantee the type in a React Application at runtime. Environment variables, HTTP requests, forms and so on could create troubles in our applications, mainly if they contain unexpected types. Using Zod, we can create schemas to guarantee the types expected in our editor at runtime. In this way, we can react quickly when an environment variable misses or when someone changes the API contract without informing us.
A small validation layer in our applications can prevent a bad user experience and notify us immediately, so we can fix the problem as soon as possible and mitigate the visualization of wrong data.
Woah! Can TypeScript Do That?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
41 min
Woah! Can TypeScript Do That?
These days, TypeScript is an industry default as it provides amazing DX with autocomplete, confident code refactoring and much more. But most developers only scratch the surface and doesn't use Typescript to its fullest potential.
This talk would dive into the powerful and advance concepts of TypeScript like generics, conditional types, type guard, utility types for type transformations and much more using real world examples to better understand these concepts.
Apache Kafka Simply Explained With TypeScript Examples
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
27 min
Apache Kafka Simply Explained With TypeScript Examples
You’re curious about what Apache Kafka does and how it works, but between the terminology and explanations that seem to start at a complex level, it's been difficult to embark. This session is different. We'll talk about what Kafka is, what it does and how it works in simple terms with easy to understand and funny examples that you can share later at a dinner table with your family.
This session is for curious minds, who might have never worked with distributed streaming systems before, or are beginners to event streaming applications.
But let simplicity not deceive you - by the end of the session you’ll be equipped to create your own Apache Kafka event stream!
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
22 min
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
This talk will teach you how to write performance-critical Node.js modules without the burden of distributing platform-dependent artifacts and using the C/C++ toolchain. You will discover how to smoothly integrate Rust code into your Node.js + TypeScript application using WebAssembly. You will also learn how to avoid the typical WebAssembly serialization issues, and understand when other alternatives like Neon or Napi.rs are preferable. Together, we will cross the language bridge between Rust and Node.js while preserving the familiar DX you're used to.
Parse, Don’t Validate
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
Parse, Don’t Validate
Most JavaScript applications use JSON.parse to create any object first, and then validate and narrow the data type to the expected one. This approach has performance and security problems, as even if the data is invalid, the whole JSON string needs to be parsed first before the data is validated, instead of failing at JSON parsing stage (e.g., if number is passed instead of string in some property).
Many languages support parsing of JSON strings directly into the expected types, but it is not natively supported in JavaScript or TypeScript.In this talk we will show how the powers of TypeScript combined with the new specification JSON Type Definition (RFC 8927) and Ajv library can be used to parse your data directly into the expected application-defined type faster than JSON.parse, and also how to serialize data of a known type approximately 10 times faster than JSON.serialize. 
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
In this talk, we’ll create a small JavaScript runtime from scratch in Rust. We’ll leverage the same ecosystem of components that Deno uses to show that rolling a bespoke runtime fitting your needs is simple and fun in 2023
Statically Detecting React App Bugs with TypeScript and ESLint
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
21 min
Statically Detecting React App Bugs with TypeScript and ESLint
There are amazing tools out there providing you with excellent type safety. But when you get to the client-side fetching, things go wild. Even if you have perfectly typed backed, you lose the type information during the client-side communication. Yes, you can use GraphQL or protobuf and generate types, but... what if I told you there's an easier way? A way that lets you develop your apps smoother than with REST or GraphQL? How? RPC! Say hi to maximum productivity with fantastic developer experience.
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
22 min
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix entered the stage with a unique and refreshing take on how to develop on the web. But how do you integrate it into your existing ecosystem of applications? Do you want to test-drive Remix on a small project, or do you want to go full-in, but it is tricky to do a big-bang migration from your existing React app? In this talk, we're going to explore how a monorepo-based code organization can help integrate Remix with your existing React and TypeScript infrastructure, facilitating high code reuse and a migration path to Remix.
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
We all know, that TypeScript helps us in many ways. The compiler guides us during our work, ensuring, that every piece of data falls into a given place.

But there are some limitations. TypeScript was meant to help us during development time. After the compilation step, we still cannot be 100% sure what can happen during runtime...

Unless we do something about that and defend ourselves against unwanted runtime errors! This talk serves as an introduction to the problem and explains how we can face it to make our applications more error-proof.
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
Learn how running your TS in Temporal's runtime gets you extreme reliability
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
Top Content
If you're using a headless CMS for storing content, you also work with URL slugs, the last parts of any URL. The problem is, content editors are able to freely change the slugs which can cause 404 errors, lost page ranks, broken links, and in the end confused visitors on your site. In this talk, I will present a solution for keeping a history of URL slugs in the CMS and explain how to implement a proper redirect mechanism (using TypeScript!) for dynamically generated pages on a Next.js website.

Add to the talk notes: https://github.com/ondrabus/kontent-boilerplate-next-js-ts-congress-2022 
Alternatives to TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Alternatives to TypeScript
While TypeScript is currently the most popular static type checker for JavaScript, there are alternatives. In this talk, we'll look at Flow.js and Hegel, and review the similarities and differences among the three. Doing this will put TypeScript in perspective, and maybe help explain why the TS team made certain design decisions.
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
27 min
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
Top Content
We all love writing types in TypeScript, but we often find ourselves having to write types in another language as well: SQL. This talk will present the choose-your-own-adventure story that you face when combining TypeScript and SQL and will walk you through the tradeoffs between the various options. Combined poorly, TypeScript and SQL can be duplicative and a source of headaches, but done well they can complement one another by addressing each other's weaknesses.
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
19 min
Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
Your team has just hired a React Developer to work on your Typescript codebase. Both your team and the new engineer are eager to start building features, but they only have experience writing Javascript. How can you quickly onboard the engineer to Typescript while still providing them with time and space needed to learn the language effectively? In this talk, we’ll discuss why Typescript fundamentals, like function types, interfaces, and generics, can be intimidating for learners. Then, we’ll walk through successful, practical approaches for teaching each of these concepts and relating them back to React. By the end of this talk, you’ll have the building blocks for creating a fruitful onboarding session for your engineers.
Understanding types as sets
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
21 min
Understanding types as sets
The talk will introduce the concept of variance as in pertains to generic types. It will then show how this concept applies to TypeScript. While showing TypeScript example, I will try to help the audience form an intuition about variance. Finally we will look at what some of the design decisions in TypeScript mean for the soundness of the code we write, and what are some blind spots the compiler has.
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
Using real-life open-source examples, we'll explore the power of TypeScript to improve your users' experience. We'll cover best practices for library authors, as well as tips and tricks for how to take a library to the next level. This talk will cover: 
- how to leverage the type inference to provide help to your users; - using types to reduce the need and complexity of your documentation - for example, using function overloads, string literal types, and helper (no-op) functions; - setting up testing to ensure your library works (and your types do too!) with tools like tsd and expect-type; - treating types as an API and reducing breaking changes whilst shipping enhancements; - I'd draw on my experience with libraries like nuxt3, sanity-typed-queries and typed-vuex and show what we managed to do and what I'd do differently in future. 

Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
15 min
Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
Adding a new feature to an unfamiliar codebase can be painfully slow. What if you could lean on TypeScript to guide you?

At Snyk plugin architecture is a common pattern to extend language support across different products and codebases. Adding TypeScript to the mix has allowed us to add new features quickly and it can be as simple as painting by numbers when it comes to extending the code.

Join me as we create a simple library using plugin architecture and follow the trail of TypeScript hints to add a new feature. 
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Maintaining widely-used JS libraries is already complicated, and TypeScript adds an additional set of challenges.

Join Redux maintainer Mark Erikson for a look at some of the unique problems TS library maintainers face, and how the Redux team has handled those problems. We'll cover:

- Tradeoffs of different ways to define TS types for a library
- How to target different versions of TS, and considerations for determining the supported version range
- Migrating existing JS libraries to TS
- Differences between writing "app" types and "library" types
- Managing and versioning public types APIs
- Tips and tricks used by types from the Redux libraries
- TS limitations and possible language-level improvements
Full-stack & typesafe React (+Native) apps with tRPC.io
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
6 min
Full-stack & typesafe React (+Native) apps with tRPC.io
Top Content
Why are we devs so obsessed with decoupling things that are coupled nature? tRPC is a library that replaces the need for GraphQL or REST for internal APIs. When using it, you simply write backend functions whose input and output shapes are instantly inferred in your frontend without any code generation; making writing API schemas a thing of the past. It's lightweight, not tied to React, HTTP-cacheable, and can be incrementally adopted. In this talk, I'll give a glimpse of the DX you can get from tRPC and how (and why) to get started.
How Typed is Your Framework?
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
25 min
How Typed is Your Framework?
We are slowly getting to a point, where TypeScript-support is a must-have feature of a framework and not a nice-to-have. But this is not a simple yes or no question. Let's take a look at the different framework areas where TypeScript can help you develop quality applications.
Infrastructure as Code for React Application on AWS Written in TypeScript
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
30 min
Infrastructure as Code for React Application on AWS Written in TypeScript
We consider what IaC (Infrastructure as Code) is and why we should invest our time/money into it. It’s going to be a workshop-style talk and as the result, the end of it you will have complete infrastructure as code for React application on AWS written in TypeScript
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
29 min
Zero-runtime CSS-in-TypeScript with vanilla-extract
Can we have themeable CSS-in-TypeScript without the runtime cost? In this talk we'll have a quick look at how this can be achieved with vanilla-extract.
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
22 min
The Next Generation of GraphQL and TypeScript
New features in TypeScript that can improve our GraphQL workflow.
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Top Content
TypeScript makes JavaScript safer adding static type definitions. Static definitions are wonderful; they prevent developers from making trivial mistakes ensuring every assignment and invocation is done correctly. A variable typed as a string cannot be assigned a number, and a function expecting three arguments cannot be called with only two. These definitions only exist at build time though; the code that is eventually executed is just JavaScript. But what about the response from an API request? In this talk Ethan Arrowood, Software Engineer 2 @ Microsoft, he will cover various solutions for safely typing dynamic data in TypeScript applications. This talk features popular technologies such as Fastify, JSON Schema, Node.js, and more!
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
33 min
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
TypeScript is becoming one of the dominant ways in which people write JavaScript. The goal of TypeScript is to augment and not replace JavaScript – so how does the team ensure that the future of JS is always JS.
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
25 min
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
CDK (Cloud development kit) enables developers to build cloud infrastructure using popular programming languages like Python, Typescript, or JavaScript. CDK is a next-level abstraction in infrastructure as code, allowing developers who were traditionally unfamiliar with cloud computing to build scalable APIs and web services using their existing skillset, and do so in only a few lines of code.
In this talk, you’ll learn how to use the TypeScript flavor of CDK to build a hyper-scalable real-time API with GraphQL, Lambda, DynamoDB, and AWS AppSync . At the end of the talk, I’ll live code an API from scratch in just a couple of minutes and then test out queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
By the end of the talk, you should have a good understanding of GraphQL, AppSync, and CDK and be ready to build an API in your next project using TypeScript and CDK.
TypeScript + React = ❤️
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
30 min
TypeScript + React = ❤️
TypeScript is a JavaScript superset that compiles down to vanilla JavaScript and has become increasingly popular. TypeScript proponents proclaim that it eliminates entire classes of bugs that affect our applications. But what exactly are those bugs? Which ones are particular to building React components and applications? Is TypeScript worth the learning curve?In this session geared towards devs with prior experience building React applications, let’s answer those questions. We’ll walk through the common bugs that infect our apps and learn how the use of strong types with TypeScript can help prevent them. After the session, you’ll be itching to try it out in your next project!
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
TypeScript is great, but migrating an existing app to it can be a pain. Codecademy took multiple existing React apps and converted them to TypeScript. We'll cover how to make those kinds of conversions successful from both cultural and technical standpoints.