Infrastructure as Code for React Application on AWS Written in TypeScript

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We consider what IaC (Infrastructure as Code) is and why we should invest our time/money into it. It’s going to be a workshop-style talk and as the result, the end of it you will have complete infrastructure as code for React application on AWS written in TypeScript

Denis Artyuhovich
Denis Artyuhovich
30 min
22 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk covers infrastructure as code using Terraform and CDK. The speaker demonstrates how to build infrastructure for a React application, including an S3 bucket and connecting to a real domain. They also discuss configuring cache behavior, CloudFront, and remote backends. TypeScript is highlighted as a powerful language for infrastructure as code, and the importance of automation and well-documented code for global-scale infrastructures is emphasized.

1. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code

Short description:

We're going to cover infrastructure as code. My team at The Zone is changing how fans engage with sports. We have a wide range of infrastructure. To avoid manual errors and ensure scalability, we need to use infrastructure as code. There are two programming paradigms: imperative and declarative. Terraform, an open source software, supports thousands of providers and allows us to manage infrastructure with code, including TypeScript.

Cool. Yeah, as I said, now we're going to cover infrastructure as code. But before let myself and give you a bit of background why we need it. So what's going on?

Cool. My name is Denys Artyukhovic. I'm team lead at The Zone. Originally, I'm from Belarus, now based in London. And at The Zone, we're changing every aspect how fans are engaging with sports, starting from the content distribution to a truly immersive experience when in real time you can see augmented data for the video streams. We are available on more than 200 countries, and various types of devices, including smart TVs, tablets, laptops, and of course like Xbox, PS5, and other game consoles. And I think you can imagine how many types of various infrastructure we have. And my team actually built features which are cross-target. They are available on web and on TVs.

So the answer now, probably obvious, but let's consider like normal flow of developing their applications. So we're starting with the one feature, or let's say service, then new, bright, shiny idea comes to the stage and we have one more feature, and then boom, hundreds of them. And in our case, we can expect changes in our infrastructure even multiple times per day, and I think you can imagine how stressing it could be if everything will be manual, because you need to replicate some manual changes, and what if some of the developers forget to update the documentation? Or what if UI itself has changed on our Cloud provider, like AWS, and we click on the wrong tick box and Facebook is not available for a few hours? So it can be really stress, right? So to avoid this situation and to fix this problem and never been such a problem, again, we need to take advantage of the infrastructure as code.

But before we're gonna start talking about the infrastructure itself, let's consider these two programming paradigms as they are quite relevant when we talk about coding for the infrastructure. On the one hand, we have the imperative, which stands for explicit instructions for literally everything. We usually refer to some bus scripts, and actually, explicit instruction is the biggest advantage of such approach. But at the same time it's the biggest concern, because you need to maintain everything yourself, and it's not really scalable over time. On the other hand, we have the declarative approach, which stands to describe outcome and handle the provider to do the rest of the job, which is way easier and better to scale. So, yeah, again, with the imperative one, you're kind of smart and you're always blaming system that it doesn't work as you expect it, because you wrote so many lines of code. When with the declarative one, you just don't care until smart providers are handling everything for you. And the good news that Terraform actually, it's an open source. Who worked with Terraform before? Let me ask this question first. Yeah. Okay. A few people. Awesome. So, Terraform is an open source software which is originally developed by HashiCorp, and it supports about the thousands of different providers, and it allow us manage our infrastructure with code, and what's more important for today that it also support TypeScript. Or better to say that CDK, which stands for Cloud Development Kit, supports the TypeScript.

2. Building Infrastructure with Terraform and CDK

Short description:

To implement infrastructure, you previously needed to learn a new language. Terraform's language is not complex, and I believe it's a game changer. In the next 30 minutes, we'll build production-ready infrastructure for a React application, step by step. We'll start by creating folders and installing CDK. Then, we'll use React Create app to create a basic TypeScript React application. Next, we'll initialize the project with CDK-TF, specifying a TypeScript template and a local back end. If you encounter TypeScript errors, add the skip-loop check flag to the Terraform ts-config.

And I truly believe that it's a real game changer because previously, to implement infrastructure, you likely need to learn a new language. With the Terraform HashiCorp language, which is not bad, it's not complex, probably slightly more complex than JSON or YAML files, but you know, we are developers. I really like the power of programming languages and I'm coding for many years, and that's what I would like to create my infrastructure with, and yeah, that's why I think it's a real game changer.

So in the next 30 minutes, what we're gonna do, I mean, probably a bit less, we're gonna build the React, we're gonna build the production-ready infrastructure for our React application, to be honest, for even any JS application you choose. And yeah, we're gonna do it step by step, it's gonna kind of workshop-style talk, you can follow up with the laptops but don't worry if you need to take your time, after the talk right at the end I will share with you all the code samples and there will be a GitHub repo link, so you can follow up later on and I'm pretty sure that this talk will be recorded.

Okay, so we can start. So let me just do this because it's a bit weird. Cool. Can you see my screen? And just a second, I will make it scalable so I can control it. Okay, so I'm really sorry. I just messed things up. But all good now. Cool. Yeah, the first step, what we're going to do, we're going to use React Create. I hope everyone. Yeah. So we're going to use React Create app just to create the basic TypeScript React application and we're going to run this command for this and after this we're going to have this nice and shiny application ready. But so far nothing is related to the infrastructure itself.

Now we're going to start with creating some folders for our infrastructure. And as a prerequirement we need to install CDK. You can install it on the root level of your machine globally or you can install it per project. It's your call. But basically as soon as we have CDK-TF we can create a project folder and start bootstrapping our infrastructure. For this I'm going to use a command which is CDK-TF init. I'm going to pass the template as a TypeScript, similarly what we've done for the React application and I'm going to specify local back end. If you know what local back end means in terms of Terraforms, it's cool. If not, no worries. We're going to cover it a bit later during the talk. After the initialization, you may see such errors related to the TypeScript and the reason for that because I'm pretty sure Terraform is going to address them shortly but so far you need to add skip-loop check because it doesn't really expect that there will be one more TypeScript project in the same project. As soon as we add skip-loop check flag to ts-config of the Terraform, everything will be okay.


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