Deploying React Native Apps in the Cloud

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Deploying React Native apps manually on a local machine can be complex. The differences between Android and iOS require developers to use specific tools and processes for each platform, including hardware requirements for iOS. Manual deployments also make it difficult to manage signing credentials, environment configurations, track releases, and to collaborate as a team.

Appflow is the cloud mobile DevOps platform built by Ionic. Using a service like Appflow to build React Native apps not only provides access to powerful computing resources, it can simplify the deployment process by providing a centralized environment for managing and distributing your app to multiple platforms. This can save time and resources, enable collaboration, as well as improve the overall reliability and scalability of an app.

In this workshop, you’ll deploy a React Native application for delivery to Android and iOS test devices using Appflow. You’ll also learn the steps for publishing to Google Play and Apple App Stores. No previous experience with deploying native applications is required, and you’ll come away with a deeper understanding of the mobile deployment process and best practices for how to use a cloud mobile DevOps platform to ship quickly at scale.

Cecelia Martinez
Cecelia Martinez
88 min
23 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to the Workshop on AppFlow and Setup! This workshop covers the setup and prerequisites for AppFlow, including debug builds, native cloud builds, and app store deployment. It also explains how to connect your app to AppFlow, initiate builds, and manage build stacks and test devices. The workshop covers code signing for iOS and Android, generating signing certificates and upload keys, and deploying apps to the App Store and Google Play. It also provides insights into app testing, releases, and submission processes, as well as resources for further information and support.

1. Introduction to AppFlow and Setup

Short description:

Welcome, Praeten. I'm a developer advocate for AppFlow, a platform for building cross-platform applications. Connect with me on Twitter and GitHub. Let's get started with the setup and prerequisites. We'll cover debug builds, native cloud builds, and app store deployment. Fork the provided repo if you don't have a react native app. You'll need Xcode and Android Studio for generating signing credentials.

Please welcome Praeten. Praeten. Let's get started. Welcome, Praeten.

Just to get started, a little bit about me. I'm a developer advocate for AppFlow. AppFlow is a platform for building cross-platform applications similar to React Native. But AppFlow works with all types of apps. So you can build Ionic apps, React Native apps, Swift apps, Kotlin apps. So it's really built for any type of development. But it works really well with cross-platforms specifically, which is why we're going to be talking about React Native apps today. You can feel free to connect with me on Twitter and GitHub. My username is at Cecilia Creates. You can also feel free to email me, Cecilia at

My background is actually in web development. I was a web developer, I also previously worked at Cypress, which is a testing framework and RePlay, which is a debugging tool. Both are open source dev tools just like Ionic. So I really have a passion for open source dev tools and working with those, and working with developers. So as we go along, if you end up with any testing or debugging questions, I can probably help with those as well.

So, yeah, that will leave me. Like I said, we can keep things casual today as we go through the agenda. So the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to make sure that we're all set up with the apps that we need to build. So we'll talk about the setup and the prerequisites that we'll need. As I go through the prerequisites, if you don't have all the accounts, that's okay. You can still get something from this presentation, and we'll also be sharing the slides and all the resources that you can take those with you and work on your own apps if you don't have everything that you need today.

Then we're going to get started with debug builds. So debug builds are kind of quick and easy ways to quickly build your app for debugging purposes. After that, we'll probably take a little bit of a break, and we'll see how we're doing on time. And then we'll go into native cloud builds. So that's how you can build your application for iOS and Android natively, using the cloud service Outflow. And then we'll also walk through an app store deployment. So we're going to be deploying to... We have a couple of options. I have Google Play internal test tracks, and we also have iOS test flight. So depending on what you prefer, I'm probably going to go with test flight, because most people prefer to do iOS. So we'll get started with that, and I'll share the instructions for the other platform as well.

So yeah, so let's get started with our setup. So ideally, you already have a git repo of a react native app with no existing CICD infrastructure. If you do not, I'm going to go ahead and share a repo in the chat that you can fork. And this is just an initial react-native-vanilla react-native-cli kind of app. That initial commit, I just made sure that automatic signing was enabled in Xcode and, you know, kind of, like, made a little bit of change to, like, the text in the background. So it's a really, you know, very out-of-the-box basic app that—if you need one to use. And so you can go ahead and fork this and use this for building. Later on, you will need to update the bundle identifiers, and we'll talk about that as we go through if you use this one. So I'll give a few minutes for people to get that set up, if they need to, if they need to fork, as I walk through the rest of the prerequisites. So you will also need Xcode and Android Studio. Now, you need these, if you want to actually go through the process of generating, like, your— well, yeah, your sign, certificate, and everything, to get to, like, the native build part. That's because you will need to use Xcode and Android Studio to generate the signing credentials, for the most part. You can get away with it. There's some other, like, paths that you can use to get your signing credentials.

2. AppFlow Setup and Debug Builds

Short description:

To get started, make sure you have Xcode and Android Studio installed. We'll create an AppFlow account, which is free and comes with native iOS and Android builds. If you want to deploy to the App stores, you'll need an Apple developer account and an App Store Connect account. For Google Play deployment, you'll need a Google Play Console account. We'll start with debug builds, which are quick and don't require full configuration. On Android, debug and release builds are available, while on iOS, debug builds refer to simulator builds. We'll also set up our GitHub repo and create an account on, where we'll deploy our applications and create Cloud data builds.

But Xcode and Android Studio is the easiest way. So if you don't have those installed on your machine, let me know. I'm happy to share some instructions for how you can generate those credentials in a different way. We may just not cover that together.

And we'll also be creating an AppFlow account as part of the workshop today. It's a free account. It comes with native iOS and Android builds to get you started. And then we will also, if you would like to go through the process of connecting and actually deploying to the App stores, you do need an Apple developer account. If you want to create any kind of iOS build outside of simulator builds, an Apple developer account, there is a cost associated with it. It's like $99 per year. So again, I can demonstrate all of this functionality without you having to walk through it. And I'll share those resources. You may, for example, have a company account that you would use at work, but you don't want to use it today. And so that's something that I can just walk through and share the screen for. You'll also need an App Store Connect account. If you want to deploy to TestFlight, into the App store. Those are two separate accounts, Apple Developer Account and App Store Connect, but they are joined by the same App ID, Apple Store ID. And then you also, there's a Google Play Console account if you want to be able to deploy to Google Play for test track deployment.

We'll go ahead and then start get started with with debug build. So I want to talk about debug build. What I'm referring to is that there's specific build types, when you come and it comes to native applications. When you're building for the web, like you just have a build and maybe you have like a test build or a staging build, and then you have a production build. But you kind of decide that yourself as a developer when you're deploying your application. For mobile applications, there are very specific build types that you need to choose. And we talked about build types for Android, we have debug and release builds. Debug is essentially a quick build. It doesn't have to be fully configured that you can then share with like your testers, internal stakeholders. Release builds are required for deploying to Google Play. On the iOS side, when I'm talking about debug builds, I'm really referring to a simulator build. So a simulator build can run on a simulator, it does not need to be signed, which makes it easier to build to get right out of the gate within a build. You also have development builds which can be run on device, typically locally that one that's connected to your computer. And then you have ad hoc app store and enterprise builds, which are used for kind of distributing to other users. So I'm talking about the debug builds, I'm primarily referring to Android debug builds. But you can also think of simulator builds as a debug build.

The first thing that we'll do is make sure that we have our GitHub repo set up. Does anyone need more time to get a fork or a repo ready to go? Feel free to just raise your hand or pop in the chat if you need some more time.

Ok, cool. Alright, so we're going to go to this, I'll pop this in the chat. It's just, um, And we're going to go ahead and create an account. This will allow us to walk through the process of deploying our applications and creating Cloud data builds. So just click this, like, get started free button. Um, it's going to prompt you to create an account. Ah, it's a free account. Don't need to put in a credit card or anything like that, you can get started with free apps. So, I'll give a couple minutes here, you can either create an account with GitHub if you like, or you can create an account with an email and password. And then, uh, once you have created an account, um, you will, you'll end up at a dashboard. It kind of looks like this, um, I have a lot of apps in there already because I'm using my account, ah, but yours will, you'll be able to kind of see a sidebar here and you'll have some blocks, um, in the middle here, with, um, with a kind of like a welcome message. This is our AppFlow dashboard. The AppFlow dashboard essentially is where you're, uh, we'll import your apps and you can initiate builds.

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