
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that enables developers to request data from multiple sources in a single request. It provides an alternative to traditional REST API requests, allowing developers to access data from multiple different sources in a single request. GraphQL is also more efficient than traditional REST API requests, as it only retrieves the data that is requested by the client. This makes it easier for developers to manage and optimize their applications.
Your GraphQL Groove
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
31 min
Your GraphQL Groove
Building with GraphQL for the first time can be anywhere between daunting and easy-peasy. Understanding which features to look for in your client-side and server-side tooling and getting into the right habits (and ridding yourself of old habits) is the key to succeed with a team of any size in GraphQL.

This talk gives an overview of common struggles I've seen numerous teams have when building with GraphQL, how they got around common sources of frustration, and the mindset they eventually adopted, and lessons learned, so you can confidently stick with and adopt GraphQL!
AMA Session with Lee Byron
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
19 min
AMA Session with Lee Byron
AMA Session with Lee Byron
Rock Solid React and GraphQL Apps for People in a Hurry
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
29 min
Rock Solid React and GraphQL Apps for People in a Hurry
In this talk, we'll look at some of the modern options for building a full-stack React and GraphQL app with strong conventions and how this can be of enormous benefit to you and your team. We'll focus specifically on RedwoodJS, a full stack React framework that is often called 'Ruby on Rails for React'.
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
16 min
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
Though GraphQL is declarative, resolvers operate field-by-field, layer-by-layer, often resulting in unnecessary work for your business logic even when using techniques such as DataLoader. In this talk, Benjie will introduce his vision for a new general-purpose GraphQL execution strategy whose holistic approach could lead to significant efficiency and scalability gains for all GraphQL APIs.
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
Top Content
We all love GraphQL, but it can be daunting to get a server up and running and keep your code organized, maintainable, and testable over the long term. No more! Come watch as I go from an empty directory to a fully fledged GraphQL API in minutes flat. Plus, see how easy it is to use and create directives to clean up your code even more. You're gonna love GraphQL even more once you make things Redwood Easy!
Batteries Included Reimagined - The Revival of GraphQL Yoga
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
33 min
Batteries Included Reimagined - The Revival of GraphQL Yoga
The Guild has recently released Envelop - a new, modern GraphQL Server Framework and plugin system. In this talk I’ll share a brief overview of Envelop and why you should probably upgrade your existing GraphQL server to it.
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
24 min
Local State and Server Cache: Finding a Balance
Top Content
How many times did you implement the same flow in your application: check, if data is already fetched from the server, if yes - render the data, if not - fetch this data and then render it? I think I've done it more than ten times myself and I've seen the question about this flow more than fifty times. Unfortunately, our go-to state management library, Vuex, doesn't provide any solution for this.For GraphQL-based application, there was an alternative to use Apollo client that provided tools for working with the cache. But what if you use REST? Luckily, now we have a Vue alternative to a react-query library that provides a nice solution for working with server cache. In this talk, I will explain the distinction between local application state and local server cache and do some live coding to show how to work with the latter.
Breaking REST Chains: A Fastify & Mercurius Pathway to GraphQL Glory
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
23 min
Breaking REST Chains: A Fastify & Mercurius Pathway to GraphQL Glory
Are you tired of wrestling with the limitations of REST APIs? ""Breaking REST Chains: A Fastify & Mercurius Pathway to GraphQL Glory"" is your roadmap to a better way.Discover how GraphQL solves REST's shortcomings and how to implement it using Fastify and Mercurius. We'll cover:
1. REST limitations that hold back modern apps.2. GraphQL's game-changing features.3. Steps to transition using Fastify and Mercurius.
Unlock the full potential of your APIs and break free from REST's constraints. Join us to learn, adapt, and elevate your API game.
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
22 min
Building Enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs with Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture
In this talk, we will explore how to build scalable and maintainable GraphQL APIs for enterprise applications using Domain-Driven Design and Clean Architecture patterns. We will discuss the importance of modularizing your API around the business domain and better subdomain organization. We will briefly go through the main components of a GraphQL API, including resolvers, domain layer, and database layer and how we've evolved them to our new architecture.
How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
For many app developers, GraphQL is instrumental in building great user experiences. With the introduction of React Suspense, developers have an ergonomic way to orchestrate loading states to improve upon the status quo. 
In this talk, the Apollo Client team will show you how we built a non-trivial application using Apollo Client’s new Suspense features, GraphQL features like the @defer directive, and how to combine them to build great user experiences in your own apps.
Unify Data Sources with GraphQL at the edge
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
17 min
Unify Data Sources with GraphQL at the edge
Combine multiple APIs and databases into a single centralized GraphQL API that you can enhance with auth, permissions and caching, fully managed and deployed to the edge with Wasm.
GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
GraphQL in 2023 - Still Relevant?
With fetching libraries like TanStack Query, swr, or RTK Query becoming more widespread, some of the immediate “selling points” of GraphQL clients seem to be less unique - so it might be a good idea to take a step back and ask the question “is this even still relevant?”. And to already take the answer away - it is “yes”. The unique selling points of GraphQL go far beyond having a smooth data fetching experience by solving many inter-team and architectural problems. While it might not always be immediately evident as a benefit for us as Frontend Developers,  GraphQL gives us a lot of freedom and makes us less dependent on backend teams implementing a Backend-for-the-frontend for us. Also, while data-fetching libraries have made it a lot easier to work with REST nowadays, GraphQL still has properties that are just not present in traditional REST APIs, and on top of that GraphQL has kept evolving. New directives like @live or @defer enable developers to create a fantastic user experience with very little work - especially when combined with React’s new suspense features.
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
GraphQL is a powerful and useful tool, especially popular among frontend developers. It can significantly speed up app development and improve application speed, API discoverability, and documentation. GraphQL is not an excellent fit for simple APIs only - it can power more advanced architectures. The separation between queries and mutations makes GraphQL perfect for event sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). By making your advanced GraphQL app serverless, you get a fully managed, cheap, and extremely powerful architecture.
Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query with mercurius-explain
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
7 min
Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query with mercurius-explain
The development experience with GraphQL makes for a simple and immediate way to access data. Working on the backend means focusing on how and where the data is obtained from, whereas the frontend focuses on retrieving the data necessary for computation and display. This freedom of action, however, hides some possible performance problems. Fragments let you construct sets of fields, and then include them in queries where they’re needed. Often a client requests unnecessary data in an API call with the assumption that the extra fields are free. Instead, they are the cause of extra queries, sometimes even expensive ones. Not knowing the cost of a query makes it impossible to perform optimisation correctly.
GraphQL with Mercurius and Prisma, love at first sight
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
34 min
GraphQL with Mercurius and Prisma, love at first sight
In this speech, I'll talk about the benefit of using GraphQL and show a small demo of an endpoint created with Fastify Mercurius and Prisma.
Instant Serverless GraphQL Backends
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
8 min
Instant Serverless GraphQL Backends
Grafbase is a data platform for developers that lets you build and deploy GraphQL backends with a top-notch developer experience.
Schemas Everywhere: Understanding GraphQL, Databases & Prisma
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
9 min
Schemas Everywhere: Understanding GraphQL, Databases & Prisma
In a world run by data, we as developers have turned to schemas to help describe and organize that data. But what happens when you have a ton of schemas to keep track of? In this talk you will learn the role of all the different schemas in a GraphQL API.
GraphQL Subscriptions with Debezium and Kafka
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
7 min
GraphQL Subscriptions with Debezium and Kafka
Reacting on data changes and publishing those changes as GraphQL events with subscriptions can be hard, especially in a multi-service environment with multiple databases or when scaling your GraphQL server with multiple instances. GraphQL clients shouldn't miss events or receive them twice, no matter how your backend architecture looks like or what trouble (service goes down, database connection lost, ...) they might have when serving a subscription request.In this talk, I will show you, how Debezium and Apache Kafka can help you building reliable subscriptions from changes in your database. Debezium is a change data capture (CDC) tool that can forward changes from a database' transaction log in to the Kafka message broker.In my talk I will use a GraphQL backend implement in Java with "Spring for GraphQL", but as Debezium and Kafka are not tied to java the idea is usable also with other GraphQL frameworks and programming languages. You do not need to have knowledge of Java or Spring for GraphQL" to understand the talk.
Modern GraphQL API Security Testing
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
8 min
Modern GraphQL API Security Testing
With StackHawk, engineering teams can run security tests against GraphQL APIs to find and fix vulnerabilities before they hit production. With automated testing on every PR, you can be confident that your app is secure. Join StackHawk co-founder and Chief Security Officer Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of GraphQL security testing with StackHawk.
Authorization Patterns in GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
Authorization Patterns in GraphQL
As it says in the GraphQL documentation: "Delegate authorization logic to the business logic layer". Is that really everything you need to know? This advice is coming from a good place, but it relies on you knowing how you would go about doing authorization in the first place — and this isn't a widely solved problem! On top of that, many of the approaches used in traditional applications don't quite carry over. In this talk, you'll get a crash course in authorization and how to implement it for GraphQL APIs."
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
34 min
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
Different approaches are being explored for building an operational data lake with an easy data access API, as well as a federated data access API, and GraphQL opens up opportunities for enabling these architectures by laying the foundation for a data mesh.
GraphQL. State management
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
GraphQL. State management
In this talk, I will cover why your switch to GQL and Apollo Client 3 should make you walk away from Redux. I will also talk about my journey from Redux -> Apollo Client and use a few project examples for why it makes sense holistically and the challenges I experienced during that transition. Toward the end of this talk, you will be confident about the pros and cons of each approach.
No Code? No Problem! How GraphQL Servers Break and How to Harden Your Resolvers
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
No Code? No Problem! How GraphQL Servers Break and How to Harden Your Resolvers
GraphQL servers are critical components of your infrastructure and must be highly-available, reliable, and fault-tolerant. This talk demonstrates how to leverage Solo.io’s GraphQL Envoy proxy filter to deploy bullet-proof GraphQL endpoints that are reliable, secure, and developer-friendly. All without writing any code!
Real-Time Data Updates for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
Real-Time Data Updates for Neo4j Using GraphQL Subscriptions
Join Thomas from the GraphQL Team at Neo4j as he talks about one of the newest features of the Neo4j GraphQL Library: GraphQL Subscriptions. Using this new feature, GraphQL API consumers can listen to data changes in real-time, which happen in Neo4j via the GraphQL Library. Following a high-level overview of the Neo4j GraphQL Library, he will demonstrate the new Subscriptions feature.
GraphQL Code Generator v3: generate GraphQL types has never been easier!
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
GraphQL Code Generator v3: generate GraphQL types has never been easier!
GraphQL Code Generator v3 brings the easiest and most lightweight way to get typed GraphQL in your front-ends by only generating types. In this talk, we will see that generating GraphQL types has never been so easy!
GraphQL won’t solve your performance problems, but @defer might help
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
26 min
GraphQL won’t solve your performance problems, but @defer might help
@defer has been long discussed within the GraphQL working group, and while not part of the specification yet, it’s an exciting new addition that may help with your application’s user experience and mask performance problems.
GraphQL Everywhere
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
20 min
GraphQL Everywhere
There's an old guard of developers that try to convince you that GraphQL only belongs on the front-end. Join the resistance and see the true power of GraphQL as the ubiquitous and agnostic tool that it is for data normalization. From event-driven, serverless patterns, to low-code platforms, we'll talk about the why and how of freeing data access with GraphQL.
The new GraphiQL: Next-level Customizability
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
21 min
The new GraphiQL: Next-level Customizability
We shipped the next major version of GraphiQL earlier this year! We completely rethought the experience with a particular focus on customizability. Not all users and every API have the same needs for a GraphQL IDE, so one of our big goals was to allow GraphiQL to work for a large variety of use-cases. Let's dive deep into the changes of how we took the customizability to the next level and explore together how you can make GraphiQL your own.
Future-Proof GraphQL Schema Design
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
38 min
Future-Proof GraphQL Schema Design
In this talk, we will cover schema evolution best practices, common mistakes when extending an existing GraphQL schema and patterns for safely monitoring usage, and finally removing deprecated GraphQL fields over time. The state-of-art GraphQL schema does not need versioning as it only ever returns data that is explicitly requested by a client. In theory, new capabilities and types added to the GraphQL schema are only available as the client updates their operation selection sets. However, in reality, altering and extending a GraphQL schema could easily break existing clients depending on how the change has been implemented, especially when using enum, interface, and union types.
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
Top Content
Requirements change, but API contracts are forever - I wish! A breaking change is something that is not backwards compatible. This means that a consumer of your API would not be able to use the new version without making a code change themselves. We avoid breaking changes if possible, but there are cases when they are inevitable. It could be something small: like making a mandatory field optional. Or it could be something big: like removing a query or a mutation. In this talk we'll review the types of breaking changes you may encounter and how to deal with them gracefully.
Power Up your GraphQL Apps with CDNs
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
13 min
Power Up your GraphQL Apps with CDNs
If you have some GraphQL data that you think would benefit from CDN caching at the edge, it’s actually really simple to get everything working well. This talk will walk you through the interplay between several tools: * Automatic Persisted Queries with Apollo Link lets queries use GET while mutations still use POST * Apollo Cache Control lets you specify cache control information in a fine-grained, schema oriented way * Apollo Engine generates small query IDs you can use in those GET requests to limit the cache key size, and sets the Cache-Control header for the CDN Then, when we put it all together, you can see those results getting cached in your favorite CDN service, tada!!
Take a Rest From REST (And GraphQL)
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
32 min
Take a Rest From REST (And GraphQL)
There are amazing tools out there providing you with excellent type safety. But when you get to the client-side fetching, things go wild. Even if you have perfectly typed backed, you lose the type information during the client-side communication. Yes, you can use GraphQL or protobuf and generate types, but... what if I told you there's an easier way? A way that lets you develop your apps smoother than with REST or GraphQL? How? RPC! Say hi to maximum productivity with fantastic developer experience.
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
Next.js has grown in popularity over the past couple of years with features like server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, image optimization, and more. Next.js is known as the production ready framework for React. In contrast, GraphQL is known for not just returning data for what you need with good schema design practices but also a good dev experience. In this talk, I’ll talk about how one can build an app that not just scales but also has high performance with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind. And Lastly, the future of CSS and Frontend development is building utilities, so CSS does not feel like an afterthought. At the end of this talk, you will learn how to go from making a sample app to a highly performant production-ready application.
Full-stack JS today: Fastify, GraphQL and React
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Full-stack JS today: Fastify, GraphQL and React
First there was LAMP, then there was MEAN and JAM. But now it’s 2022 and times have changed… What does the modern full stack look like? It’s built entirely from free and open source technologies, it’s scalable beyond imagination, it can run on premise or in the cloud, it should get out of the way and not lead to vendor lock-in, and most importantly it should “just work.” There are so many tools to choose from. Choosing the right stack from day one can be the difference from project success to smoldering pile of software ashes. Using fastify, mercurius, urql, and react we can build high performance full-stack applications using all javascript technologies.
The Apollo Cache is Your Friend, if You Get To Know It
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
23 min
The Apollo Cache is Your Friend, if You Get To Know It
In this talk, I plan to discuss how the apollo cache works in practice, how important ID's are to the process and how one can leverage it (through the way they query/mutate and through schema design). To add to this I want to share some caching patterns and best practices used at Shopify and beyond to solve problems.
The Art of Functional Programming
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
26 min
The Art of Functional Programming
Functional Programming (FP), a paradigm in which programs are made up of pure, stateless functions, is adored by many programmers for how easy it makes it to predict, test, and debug the behavior of the code we write. Although FP has an unfortunate reputation as an ivory-tower domain full of obscure jargon comprehensible only to those with PhDs in category theory, the core concepts are straightforward ideas all of us can understand, and even have fun learning!
In this talk, we’ll create generative SVG art as a way to explore fundamental FP concepts such as recursion and function composition, and tackle the practical challenges of FP in the real world, such as dealing with the tricky parts like side effects and randomness which don’t fit into the safe, sterile world of pure functions. By the end of the talk we’ll not only have the key concepts & techniques we need to start writing our own functional programs, we’ll have some pretty functional art to look at too!
All You (n)ever Wanted to Know about Introspection
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
20 min
All You (n)ever Wanted to Know about Introspection
With only an HTTP endpoint provided you get autocompletion and client-side validation. Isn't it magic? No, it is introspection. Whether you have heard about it or not, you have most likely already utilized it. Let's uncover together what it is, how it works and why it is the fuel to power the GraphQL ecosystem.
Semantic Search through the Complete Wikipedia with Weaviate’s GraphQL API
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
17 min
Semantic Search through the Complete Wikipedia with Weaviate’s GraphQL API
Weaviate uses GraphQL to provide user-friendly data interaction. Weaviate is an open-source vector search engine, and all searches (e.g. semantic, contextual) are done via its GraphQL API. We’ve put a lot of thought into the design of the GraphQL API, which results in good user and developer experience. In this talk, I will take you along in the journey of how our GraphQL implementation was shaped according to user needs and software requirements, and show a demo of the current design for Weaviate. The demo will show how Weaviate’s GraphQL design enables semantic (vector) search in combination with scalar search through unstructured data. Machine learning models are used in the background, but with the current GraphQL design, users without a technical background can query the vector database easily.
Weaviate has a modular architecture, so users can connect various machine learning models on top of the vector database. Examples are the newly released Question Answering module and the Named Entity Recognition module. Modules can extend the GraphQL schema dynamically, to query the new features intuitively.This presentation contains a demo where we will query the complete Wikipedia, conduct semantic search queries and more. All through Weaviate’s GraphQL API. No prior knowledge is required.
GraphQL + Apollo + Next.js: A Lovely Trio
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL + Apollo + Next.js: A Lovely Trio
Modern frontend applications want to efficiently query data on page load and navigate, format the data with TypeScript, and cache data between repeat requests. Setting that all up on your own is a chore... but with Apollo and Next.js, you can set up your client to auto-generate TypeScript types, cache query results intelligently, and generally be a breeze to work with.
The Secret to Graph Onboarding
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
24 min
The Secret to Graph Onboarding
"What is GraphQL used for?” “How do I find the fields I need?” “How do I test queries against a local graph?” All of these are common and valid questions that developers who are learning GraphQL have when they are first getting started with a unified graph. The secret to overcoming these challenges? You guessed it, Apollo Studio! In this session, we’ll dive into the best tools in Apollo Studio to help new (and experienced) developers feel confident when querying and collaborating on a unified graph
GraphQL Caching Demystified
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL Caching Demystified
How would you implement a performant GraphQL cache? How can we design a good algorithm for it? Is there a good Open Source solution that is efficient, scalable and easy to deploy? How is the caching key computed? What about cache invalidations? Would it be possible to deduplicate resolver execution? This might be seen as daunting but in reality is all code and algorithms.In this talk we are going to walk through a GraphQL caching system that we have developed for Mercurius - one of the fastest GraphQL servers for Node.js.
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
22 min
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
At Unity, we use GraphQL federation to expose a wide range of business functionality across the organization in a single GraphQL schema. With an ever-growing number of services, this presents challenges for authentication and authorization across the board. I explore how we implemented GraphQL auth at the gateway level, the key design decisions behind it, and the wide-reaching benefits this can have.
Directive-driven GraphQL Development
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
Directive-driven GraphQL Development
You've heard of schema-first and code-first GraphQL development. You've seen tools that autogenerate GraphQL schemas from Swagger and SQL. But there's another way to build GraphQL APIs that's flexible, maintainable, and evolvable — just writing GraphQL SDL with directives!
Serving GraphQL Subscriptions Using PHP and Drupal
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
7 min
Serving GraphQL Subscriptions Using PHP and Drupal
Most people in the GraphQL Galaxy are familiar with JavaScript tools when creating GraphQL servers.
But what do you do if your team’s speciality is PHP and you have all your existing data available in a Drupal based platform?In this session I’ll take you on a tour of the tools we used to build a PHP based service that handles GraphQL subscriptions powering Open Social’s Real-Time chat, and how you can use our learnings for your own project.
Performance Monitoring of a Heterogeneous GraphQL Mesh App
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Performance Monitoring of a Heterogeneous GraphQL Mesh App
Today it is fairly easy to integrate GraphQL on a client and server-side and get it all up and running quickly with any cloud service of your choice like e.g. Netlify or Vercel. With this setup, how can we monitor the performance, and how observe all parts together to find any root cause in case of problems?
Scalable GraphQL Applications Powered by Cloud-ready Distributed SQL Database
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Scalable GraphQL Applications Powered by Cloud-ready Distributed SQL Database
Cloud native application development revolves around faster prototyping and building scalable applications for handling internet-scale traffic. GraphQL, with its roots in providing a flexible way to access data for UX applications, enables faster prototyping, leading to considerable adoption of GraphQL across different workloads. Increased adoption of GraphQL APIs in mission-critical applications prompts developers to think about the scalability challenges of the GraphQL APIs and corresponding backing database.
YugateDB, an open-source Distributed SQL database designed for cloud native applications from the ground up, is emerging as the popular option for building scalable and resilient GraphQL APIs. This talk will go over the features and deployment topologies of YugateDB, which allows developers to scale the relational queries of the GraphQL APIs seamlessly while not compromising on the PostgreSQL compatibility and features like triggers and functions.
How to Make GraphQL Security Easier with StackHawk
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
9 min
How to Make GraphQL Security Easier with StackHawk
With StackHawk, engineering teams can run security tests against GraphQL APIs to find and fix vulnerabilities before they hit production. With automated testing on every PR, you can be confident that your app is secure. Join StackHawk co-founder and Chief Security Officer Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of GraphQL security testing with StackHawk.
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johns Hopkins University worked on gathering and refining data from multiple sources and provided the world with a Github repository and a bunch of CSV files. The Problem? It’s nearly impossible to build anything from raw data like this.In this live coding session, MongoDB Developer Advocate Maxime Beugnet will show you how to build a serverless GraphQL API based on this dataset using Python and the MongoDB Data Platform. We are finally going to put serverless and the MongoDB generous free tier to good use!
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
Blockchains are databases with a unique set of properties. Unlike most databases which are optimized for both read and write operations, blockchains are optimized for write operations, typically focused on optimizing and scaling transaction cost, transaction volume, and transaction speed.
In this talk, I'll dive into the web3 space, and show how developers can leverage The Graph Protocol to build performant, scalable, and decentralized GraphQL APIs and dapps on decentralized networks like Ethereum and IPS.
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
You might be familiar with HTTP GraphQL APIs. Did you know GraphQL does not have to be delivered over HTTP? We can use GraphQL in some different contexts. asynchronous queries, batch operations, user-provided scripts, WebAssembly, webhooks, and many more. We will explore how Shopify uses GraphQL in different contexts and how you can extend your current GraphQL schema beyond HTTP APIs.
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
9 min
GraphQL Security Testing Automation for Developers
NeuraLegion's developer friendly security scanner enables development teams to run dead accurate security tests on every build as part of their pipeline. False alerts and periodic infrequent scanning results in technical and security debt, as well as insecure product. But what is developer first DAST, when and how should you be integrating it into your pipelines and what should you be looking for when enhancing your GrapQL security testing automation? Join this talk to get up to date.
When (Not) To Create A GraphQL Server
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
When (Not) To Create A GraphQL Server
Every (frontend) developer is asking for a GraphQL API but often lacks the backend knowledge to create a performant server. There are many different flavors in creating the perfect GraphQL server, ranging from schema-first to code-first or even auto generated solutions. Let me show you the pros and cons of each solution so, after this talk, you'll know which solution would best fit your team.
Enlist the Help of Your Schema for Caching!
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
6 min
Enlist the Help of Your Schema for Caching!
Based on our experience running GraphCDN we’ve seen schemas that make it easier to cache and others that might throw some stones in your way. Let me share how to avoid common pitfalls and stay clear of the boulders and let your schema help you with caching GraphQL responses.
All Things Graph...
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
All Things Graph...
REST is an API design architecture, which, in the last few years, has become the norm for implementing web services. It uses HTTP to get data and perform various operations (POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE) in JSON format, allowing better and faster parsing of data. But REST comes with some downsides that have enterprises considering alternative mechanisms to manage performance, developer time, and production of their APIs — enter GraphQL. GraphQL doesn't have to be a replacement to REST, the two API designs can co-exist and be leveraged for the appropriate use-case. Join us for a conversation about what benefits, shortcomings, tooling, and design decisions you need to consider while making this evaluation.
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
Exploring the WordPress Graph with Next.js & WPGraphQL
Headless Wordpress using its built-in REST API is a powerful solution to scale WordPress to the web, but complex relationships can easily turn into chains of requests, making maintainability difficult along with the potential cost of performance.
With WPGraphQL, we can harness the benefits of GraphQL, leading to a better developer experience and optimized request logic, making sure we’re only delivering what we need to our users.We’ll explore these advantages and how these pieces fit together with modern tools like Next.js to build great experiences for the web.

Slides & more
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
GraphQL abstracts the downstream API calls from the frontend and all that frontend has to do is request fields in a query that are required for the rendering of the component. The frontend is not aware that a corresponding field might result in an API call or heavy computations on the backend side. This abstraction hits the performance when the GraphQL schema is not structured properly. Let's take an example to understand more:Here's the query to get available rooms for a hotel:hotel (id: $hotelId) { id rooms { id type name } }The frontend doesn't know that the rooms field inside the query hotel will fire another API call even type field would be fetched from another API endpoint. These nested API calls worsen the performance if there are more rooms. We can effectively solve this structuring the schema well and using data loaders.
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
GraphQL exposes application data as a graph which can introduce challenges if your backend isn't graph-ready (think slow JOINs as a result of nested GraphQL queries and the dreaded n+1 query problem). The Neo4j GraphQL library enables developers to build GraphQL APIs backed a native graph database using only GraphQL type definitions. In this talk we'll see how to build a GraphQL API without writing any resolvers, add custom logic, and deploy to the cloud.
Evaluating GraphQL for Setting Up an Enterprise-Grade Data Mesh
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
24 min
Evaluating GraphQL for Setting Up an Enterprise-Grade Data Mesh
I'll introduce the concept of a data mesh and why people increasingly are gravitating towards that as a solution to their data (both online and analytical) and application modernization problems. I'll talk about the key requirements around 1) domain-oriented decentralized data ownership and architecture, 2) data as a product, 3) self-serve data infrastructure as a platform, and 4) federated computational governance (ref). And then I'll talk about how GraphQL opens up an opportunity for laying the foundation for a data mesh and best-practices in building, operating and maintaining an enterprise grade data mesh.
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
For years, not being able to cache GraphQL was considered one of its main downsides compared to RESTful APIs. Not anymore. GraphCDN makes it possible to cache almost any GraphQL API at the edge, and not only that but our cache is even smarter than any RESTful cache could ever be. Let's dive deep into the inner workings of GraphCDN to figure out how exactly we make this happen.
Tooling and Processes for Managing GraphQL at Scale
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
18 min
Tooling and Processes for Managing GraphQL at Scale
In this talk, we'll cover the libraries, tooling and processes we use to roll out GraphQL to hundreds of developers at Yelp.
GraphQL for Web and Mobile Apps Made Simple
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
6 min
GraphQL for Web and Mobile Apps Made Simple
Building web and mobile apps with GraphQL should be simple. With Nhost, developers build web and mobile apps with automatically generated GraphQL APIs. In this talk, we'll show you how this is ideal for developers who want to boost productivity without worrying about infrastructure.
Killing BFFs with GraphQL and Next.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
21 min
Killing BFFs with GraphQL and Next.js
Top Content
Frontend applications are getting more and more complicated, often delivering far more than just a UI. With this growing complexity comes a growing need for knowledge from the developers creating it, as they have to deal with matters like state-management, authorization, routing and more. In this talk, I'll show you how to use GraphQL in your Next.js application to create a data layer for your application, that exists between your frontend and your backend. In this data layer, you can handle complex matters to help you to keep your frontend application clean and "stupid".
Automate your stack with GraphQL
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
22 min
Automate your stack with GraphQL
Lukas will demonstrate how you can have your backend GraphQL in sync with your frontend code on a framework agnostic way.
- Having the advantage of autocompletion while writing the GraphQL queries IDE support- Built in type safety through static schemas- Automatic generated frontend code for your framework of choice (React, Vue.js, Angular)- Having everything rebuild through a built in watch mode