Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️

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Next.js has grown in popularity over the past couple of years with features like server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, image optimization, and more. Next.js is known as the production ready framework for React. In contrast, GraphQL is known for not just returning data for what you need with good schema design practices but also a good dev experience. In this talk, I’ll talk about how one can build an app that not just scales but also has high performance with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind. And Lastly, the future of CSS and Frontend development is building utilities, so CSS does not feel like an afterthought. At the end of this talk, you will learn how to go from making a sample app to a highly performant production-ready application.


Next.js is a React framework designed for production environments, providing extensive tooling out-of-the-box, such as automatic routing and performance optimization features. It significantly boosts performance through advanced rendering techniques like static site regeneration, incremental site regeneration, and server-side rendering.

GraphQL allows fetching exactly the data needed, reducing unnecessary data transfers. Combined with tools like Apollo Client, it enables efficient data caching both in the browser and on CDNs, further enhancing performance by reducing load times and server requests.

Tailwind CSS offers a utility-first approach that simplifies designing web interfaces by providing a set of utility classes. This approach reduces the complexity of managing CSS and helps maintain clean and efficient stylesheets, leading to faster development times and improved performance.

Next.js supports several rendering techniques: Static Site Regeneration (SSG), where pages are pre-rendered at build time; Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), allowing pages to update statically over time; and Server-Side Rendering (SSR), where pages are rendered on the server per request, beneficial for SEO and performance.

The Next.js Image component automatically optimizes image loading by supporting modern formats like WebP and AVIF and implementing techniques to prevent layout shifts. This contributes to better user experience and higher performance scores.

Next.js allows scripts to be loaded after the main content of the page has become interactive, reducing initial load times and improving user experience by prioritizing content over non-essential scripts.

Apollo Client manages data interactions efficiently with GraphQL by enabling features like caching, persistent queries, and automatic state management. This reduces the need for repeated data fetching, decreases load times, and improves responsiveness.

SSR renders pages on the server before they are sent to the browser, ensuring that the content is already available upon page load. This is particularly beneficial for SEO as it allows search engine bots to crawl content more effectively, potentially increasing search rankings.

Selecting the appropriate technology stack is crucial for optimizing website performance, as the right tools like Next.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind can streamline development, enhance site speed, improve user experience, and contribute to better SEO outcomes.

Ankita Kulkarni
Ankita Kulkarni
9 min
24 Oct, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Ankita explains how to build a lightning-fast site using Next.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind. Next.js offers rendering techniques for improved performance and SEO, as well as support for dynamic imports and deferring non-essential scripts. Next.js also provides performance benefits like layout stability and improved lighthouse score, along with server-side rendering and caching. GraphQL allows for efficient data retrieval, Apollo Client handles caching, and Tailwind simplifies CSS. The future goal is to make UI development easier and faster with React server components and Tailwind CSS.

1. Introduction to Building a Lightning-Fast Site

Short description:

Hi, I'm Ankita. I'll show you how to build a lightning-fast site with Next.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind. Next.js is a React framework for production that provides tooling out of the box. It offers rendering techniques like static side regeneration, incremental side regeneration, and server side rendering. These techniques improve performance and SEO. Next.js also supports dynamic imports and deferring non-essential scripts. The Next.js image component is worth exploring.

Hi, I'm Ankita. Have you ever wondered what it takes to build a lightning-fast website? Well, I'm going to show you in this presentation. My topic is, Build a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL, and Tailwind.

Hi again, I'm Ankita. I have been working in the industry for more than a decade now, a skill and architect at many apps with millions of clients, and I'm currently a creator with over 10,000 students online. It's extremely important to pick the right tools for the job, because without that, how do we even build a performance site? So you do need the right tools, just like the SpongeBob image here. And with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind, it is honestly a really power combo, because it will really help you to build a performance site.

So first, very quickly, what is Next.js? It is React framework for production. It gives you a lot of tooling out of the box, so you don't have to build a lot from scratch, such as routing and performance, everything is, Next.js is something that thinks about it from the get-go. Let's look at the rendering techniques in Next.js. And this is why, this is one of the biggest reasons why Next.js does add a lot of performance, and it helps with a lot of performance in general. So this is a very simple web image, for example, and you can see there are three different rendering techniques, such as static side regeneration, incremental side regeneration, and server side rendering. All these specific techniques have different ways you can cache data, for example, in static, if your site is completely static, you can cache all that data at build time and it will be available for you. Whereas in ISR, which is incremental side regeneration, you can say after how long you want the data to be cached, and in server side rendering, you are requesting that data over and over again. It's also really good for SEO, because the HTML is also going to be available for you right before, so when the bot is crawling your site, it is going to rack higher because of that as well. So in the first image, we are caching the three countries, but not Mexico. In incremental site regeneration, we do want a dynamic requirement for Mexico. And lastly, in server side rendering, all the pages and all the country pages are being re-rendered.

All right, so performance with Next.js. These are very cool and extremely important for you to check it out. I find that a lot of developers don't do that, so definitely checking this out for really building a lightning fast site. So for example, dynamic imports. In this case, we have a model here, right? And in the model case, we are using a dynamic import. So you can only choose to load the model when it's actually needed, when it's not needed, don't load it. Second is deferring non-essential scripts. Next.js gives us a script component to us. And you can see that over here, I'm only loading convertKit, which is something that I use for my newsletter, and I'm only loading it after the page is fully loaded using after interactive property. It's a React component, right? It looks like a React component. So it makes it really easy for us because why should I wait for my newsletter script to load when my entire site is ready to go? Second, third is Next.js image component. You might have heard about image component in general.

2. Next.js Performance and Caching

Short description:

Next.js provides performance benefits, including layout stability and improved lighthouse score. It supports AVF and WebP for fast performance images. Server-side rendering and caching, along with cache control headers, further enhance performance.

It gives you a lot of performance benefits out of the box. It does not shift your layout, so it does give you a better lighthouse score, but also improves performance as well. At the same time, AVF and WebP is also supported and built in, so you can get fast performance images right away.

Server-side rendering and caching as well. Again, another feature that not a lot of developers take advantage of, so I really ask you to check it out, which is the cache control header that allows you to say that, hey, only cache the specific content of the page for two hours, 7,200 seconds is two hours, and after two hours, the page will continue to be served, for example, for a grace period of 60 seconds, as I mentioned here, whilst with stale, while revalidate prop, and the next user will get fresh data. So this is, again, extremely important. We are adding performance to a already performed framework. So imagine how fast our site is going to be.

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