Building a Voice-Enabled AI Assistant With Javascript

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In this talk, we'll build our own Jarvis using Web APIs and langchain. There will be live coding.

Tejas Kumar
Tejas Kumar
21 min
05 Jun, 2023


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  • GitNation resident
    Hi, your video conference is amazing, thanks a lot for that! Question: how would associate this voice-enable AI assistant with an avatar that is lip synced? Thx again!

Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses building a voice-activated AI assistant using web APIs and JavaScript. It covers using the Web Speech API for speech recognition and the speech synthesis API for text to speech. The speaker demonstrates how to communicate with the Open AI API and handle the response. The Talk also explores enabling speech recognition and addressing the user. The speaker concludes by mentioning the possibility of creating a product out of the project and using Tauri for native desktop-like experiences.

1. Introduction to DevRel and AI

Short description:

Hi, I'm Tejas Kumar, and I run a small but effective developer relations consultancy. We help other developer oriented companies have great relationships with developers through strategic discussions, mentorship, and hands-on execution. Today, we're going to build a voice activated AI assistant using web APIs and JavaScript. The purpose is to have fun while learning and celebrating JavaScript and AI.

Hi, I'm Tejas Kumar, and I run a small but effective developer relations consultancy. What that means is we help other developer oriented companies have great relationships with developers. And we do this through high level strategic discussions, and mentorship, and hiring. Or we do it through low level, hands on execution, like we literally sometimes write the docs, do the talks, etc.

In that spirit, it's important for us to kind of, you know, stay in the loop, and be relevant and be relatable to developers to have great DevRel developer relationships. And sometimes to do that, you just have to build stuff. You see, a lot of conferences these days, are a bunch of DevRel people trying to sell you stuff, and we don't like that. It's DevRel, not DevSell.

And in that spirit, we're not going to sell you anything here, we're just going to hack together. The purpose is to have some fun, to learn a bit, and so on. What we're gonna do in our time together is we're going to build a voice activated AI assistant, like Jarvis from Ironman, using only web APIs, just JavaScript. We'll use VEET for a dev server, but that's it, this works. We're gonna be using some non-standard APIs that do require prefixes and stuff, but if you really wanted to, you could use it in production. You could supply your own grammars and so on. The point today, though, is not that, it's to have fun while learning a bit and also vibing a little bit. All in the spirit of celebrating JavaScript and AI.

2. Building the AI Assistant Plan

Short description:

We're going to use the Web Speech API for speech to text and the speech synthesis API for text to speech. We'll give the text to OpenAI's GPT 3.5 Turbo model and then speak the response. It's a straightforward process using browser APIs that have been around for a while.

So with that, let's get into it by drawing a plan in tldraw. We're gonna go to tldraw, and what do we want to do? Well, we want to first have speech to text. This is using the Web Speech API. From there, we want to take this text and give it to OpenAI, the GPT 3.5 Turbo model. From there, we want to speak. So text to speech from OpenAI. This is the plan. We want to do this with browser APIs. We want to reopen the microphone after GPT 4 talks and have it come back here. This is what we want to do. Let's draw some lines. So it's really just speech to text, an AJAX request and text to speech. This is what we want to do. Not necessarily hard. There are some functions here. This is called the speech recognition we're going to use. That's actually a thing introduced in 2013. It's been around for a while. This is the speech synthesis API. So both of these exist in JavaScript in your browser runtime. They're just ready to use. What we're going to do is use them to fulfill this diagram.

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