
Productivity in the context of JavaScript is the ability to create a desired outcome with the least amount of time, effort and resources. It involves finding ways to increase efficiency, such as automating processes, reducing complexity, and simplifying code. By optimizing the development process, developers can create more complex applications faster and with fewer bugs. Productivity also refers to the quality of the output, meaning that the code should be maintainable and extensible.
AI and Web Development: Hype or Reality
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
24 min
AI and Web Development: Hype or Reality
In this talk, we'll take a look at the growing intersection of AI and web development. There's a lot of buzz around the potential uses of AI in writing, understanding, and debugging code, and integrating it into our applications is becoming easier and more affordable. But there are also questions about the future of AI in app development, and whether it will make us more productive or take our jobs.
There's a lot of excitement, skepticism, and concern about the rise of AI in web development. We'll explore the real potential for AI in creating new web development frameworks, and separate fact from fiction.
So if you're interested in the future of web development and the role of AI in it, this talk is for you. Oh, and this talk abstract was written by AI after I gave it several of my unstructured thoughts.
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Most developers closely follow the framework wars. So busy with these games, that we forget to check what new features HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offer us. Native modals, dynamic viewport units, and optional chaining are just some of the features you should use already! If you stopped following Web Platform development in 2015, it's time to refresh your knowledge. I will teach you to build applications tailored to 2024 and prepare you for the new Web Platform features that will appear in the coming years.
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
26 min
Managing Ourselves Managing Each Other
“Hell is other people.” There are many talks on how to get started as an engineer and how to step into management, but there are few talks about how to be an adult in (professional) relationships. I’ve spent my career in small companies and startups, FAANG organizations, and opensource communities. Each of these spaces demands different things of the people in them, yet across these spaces all succeed and fail along the fault lines of a core set of soft skills: regulating emotions, setting boundaries, framing experiences productively, and letting go. In this talk, I share everything I’ve learned in my career that has helped my colleagues, mentees, and friends so that you may navigate the most difficult part of tech—people—with grace, empathy, and safety.
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
11 min
Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale
Lint rules enable us to uphold code quality and minimize errors. It can positively impact developer productivity and happiness especially when working in a massive application with multiple teams working together. But what if your large scale application contains thousands of lint failures over the many years it has been running in production? This talk will explore actionable strategies for effectively addressing lint failures at scale so that we can once again rely on lint rules to ensure consistent code quality and streamline development processes, leading to a more robust and maintainable codebase.
Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
Forget Bad Code, Focus on the System
Top Content
Prop drilling is fine. Duplication is great. Long functions are love.

We talk a lot about bad complicated code because it’s easy to see the problem. But research shows engineers can work around self-contained bad code just fine. What really trips them up is something else entirely – architectural complexity.

Architectural complexity makes your code hard to work with, causes 3x more bugs, halves productivity, and may even cause devs to ragequit. In this talk we explore what you can do.
Improving Developer Happiness with AI
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Improving Developer Happiness with AI
GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer that can help you write code faster and spend less time writing repetitive code.This session will cover some interesting use cases for Copilot that could shine a light on its possibilities. This ranges from prompting Copilot to suggest a function based on a comment, learning how to use a new framework, tackling a security or accessibility bug, better documenting your code, translating  code from one language to another, etc.Agenda:
Introduction to CoPilot
- What is Copilot
- How can you use it
- How it can help you write code faster
- Copilot Labs experimental features I will pick examples from the React ecosystem and show how we can fix Security Vulnerabilities and Accessibility issues in some components.
A Quick and Complete Guide to Measuring Your Tech Debt and Using the Results
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
27 min
A Quick and Complete Guide to Measuring Your Tech Debt and Using the Results
Hardly any people in Tech like when there's a lot of tech debt. And most of us would like when there's not too much of it. But how do we understand how much exactly we have of it? Where exactly does it sit? Which part of it is actually the most annoying? What would be the benefit for us if we spend time getting rid of it? When it comes to planning how you tackle your tech debt, all these questions deserve answers. Especially when we're asked about the ROI on our efforts to eliminate some annoying legacy stuff and build a new shiny module or service. Also, when we work on tech debt, we do want to tackle the most impactful parts of it first, don't we? This talk is about all of that: how we measure our tech debt, how we interpret the results of these measurements so that they give us the answers to the right questions, and how we guide our decision making with those answers.
Processes for the Process-Averse
TechLead Conference 2023TechLead Conference 2023
21 min
Processes for the Process-Averse
One way to get a good groan from your team is to mention the word “process”. Engineers in particular worry that process will mean their momentum will get slowed or halted, and usually have experience to justify that worry. With an understanding of workflow and high-level individualization, this doesn’t have to be the case. As a tech lead and now manager that has converted many process skeptics, I’m excited to show you my processes for process.
Confessions from an Impostor
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
46 min
Confessions from an Impostor
Top Content
You know what impostor syndrome is, right!? Most all of us have felt that nagging feeling that we're faking it and that we're sure to be found out by all the experts around us at any moment.But before you go assuming this talk is the same ol' song and dance full of platitudes that encourage you to ignore that syndrome, let me clue you in on a little secret: there's no experts around you. Impostorism is not a syndrome at all, it's a pragmatic mindset and perspective, one we should all embrace and be proud of. In fact, it's vital to us getting our jobs done.
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
When You Think There Is No Time for Learning or Coding
In this session, I am going to share my story on how I started coding, how I make time to work on side projects and how you can grow and advance in your career. After this talk, I hope you'll be inspired to work smarter, make new habits and continue pushing yourself even when things fall apart.
I will present some helpful tips about self-motivation, time management, setting priorities and goals, staying organized, believing in yourself and keeping a balance between your career and personal life. Additionally, in this session, we are going to talk about building the habit of coding and the benefits of it. We are going to explore ways of finding mentors in your job and outside of it and also expanding your social network.
This talk is not only about getting better at your 9 to 5 job but also about developing yourself.
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
29 min
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
How do you level up? How do you jumpstart your learning when getting into something new? Nobody has more than 24 hours a day, so how do you maximize the impact of your limited time?
In this keynote, I'm going to tell you a bit of my own story, and some tips and tricks that I've learned so you can be as productive as you can be at learning new things and solidifying that knowledge so it's there when you need it.
VS Code Can Do That!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
28 min
VS Code Can Do That!
How do you debug so easily in VS Code? How do codespaces work? What are those key combinations to edit code so quickly? What extensions are the ones I shouldn't code without? Get ready to hit the ground running in this fast-paced, demo-heavy talk that takes you through some of the best and most effective tips and tricks in VS Code. Learn how to setup your environment and customize it the way you like it. You'll walk out with several tips on how to be more efficient with one of the hottest tools on the Web today!
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
7 min
How to Code Boring Internal Apps 10x Faster
Retool is a front-end as a service tool that is similar to React and can be 10x faster than coding a web app from scratch. We’ll focus on how and why it is used for internal tools at some of the fastest growing companies and take a minute to walk through how it works, where it’s a good fit and where it’s not.