
Inspiration can be defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. In terms of JavaScript, it is the process of gaining ideas and motivation from outside sources to create something new or improve existing code. It can come from a variety of sources such as books, tutorials, conferences, articles, conversations with peers, and even your own experiences. Inspiration helps to make coding more enjoyable and encourages innovation and growth.
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
27 min
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
Discover the art of crafting extremely small JavaScript programs. In this talk you’ll learn principles and techniques behind crafting compact yet powerful scripts that are shorter than this description! Dive into the captivating world of minimalist coding, where we use these scripts to conjure art, games, tools, and a myriad of intriguing experiments.
Fighting Technical Debt With Continuous Refactoring
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
Fighting Technical Debt With Continuous Refactoring
Top Content
Let’s face it: technical debt is inevitable and rewriting your code every 6 months is not an option. Refactoring is a complex topic that doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution. Frontend applications are particularly sensitive because of frequent requirements and user flows changes. New abstractions, updated patterns and cleaning up those old functions - it all sounds great on paper, but it often fails in practice: todos accumulate, tickets end up rotting in the backlog and legacy code crops up in every corner of your codebase. So a process of continuous refactoring is the only weapon you have against tech debt. In the past three years, I’ve been exploring different strategies and processes for refactoring code. In this talk I will describe the key components of a framework for tackling refactoring and I will share some of the learnings accumulated along the way. Hopefully, this will help you in your quest of improving the code quality of your codebases.
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
27 min
Impact: Growing as an Engineer
Top Content
Becoming a web engineer is not easy, but there are tons of resources out there to help you on your journey. But where do you go from there? What do you do to keep growing, and to keep expanding the value you bring to your company? In this talk we’ll look at the different kinds of impact you can have as a web engineer. We’ll walk through what it means to take on bigger, more complex projects, and how to scale yourself, and grow the community around you. By driving our own development we can all grow our impact, and in this talk, we’ll discuss how to go about this.
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Most developers closely follow the framework wars. So busy with these games, that we forget to check what new features HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offer us. Native modals, dynamic viewport units, and optional chaining are just some of the features you should use already! If you stopped following Web Platform development in 2015, it's time to refresh your knowledge. I will teach you to build applications tailored to 2024 and prepare you for the new Web Platform features that will appear in the coming years.
Reactivity: There and Back Again
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
12 min
Reactivity: There and Back Again
Everything old is new again. But this time it's different, promise!
We Are All Hemingway
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
22 min
We Are All Hemingway
Do you know that the first novel ever written dates back in 1021. Its author is the Japan noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu. Till then countless of writers put their thoughts on paper and countless of readers experience their stories. People write for decades and we, as software developers, kind of ignore their craft. We write too. Not novels but software. Isn't it this still writing? Believe it or not there is a lot in common between creating fiction and writing code. In this presentation we will see how close we are to giants like Hemingway and Stephen King. Can we get some of their wisdom and apply it to our daily job as engineers. Come to this talk and will get a few practical advices. I hope my presentation will make you a slightly better React developer.
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
29 min
Consume ➡️ Build ➡️ Teach
How do you level up? How do you jumpstart your learning when getting into something new? Nobody has more than 24 hours a day, so how do you maximize the impact of your limited time?
In this keynote, I'm going to tell you a bit of my own story, and some tips and tricks that I've learned so you can be as productive as you can be at learning new things and solidifying that knowledge so it's there when you need it.
Lessons To Outlive React
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Lessons To Outlive React
Top Content
There was a time before React, and there will be life after. If you tie yourself too closely to any technology, you might trap yourself and miss the next wave. Let's zoom out from the state management library du jour — what timeless lessons can we learn from React? In the talk I'll discuss lessons I've learned from studying React that I will take with me for the rest of my career.