#builders and founders

Builders and Founders are terms used to describe people who create something from nothing. In the context of JavaScript, it would refer to those who create software or applications using the language. These people could be developers, coders, engineers, or entrepreneurs. They are responsible for taking ideas from concept to completion, often working with teams to bring a product to market.
The Epic Stack
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
21 min
The Epic Stack
Top Content
Modern web development is fantastic. There are so many great tools available! Modern web development is exhausting. There are so many great tools available! Each of these sentiments is true. What's great is that most of the time, it's hard to make a choice that is wrong. Seriously. The trade-offs of most of the frameworks and tools you could use to build your application fit within the constraints of the vast majority of apps. Despite this, engineers consistently struggle with analysis paralysis.Let's talk about this, and a solution I am working on for it.
The Rise of the AI Engineer
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
30 min
The Rise of the AI Engineer
We are observing a once in a generation “shift right” of applied AI, fueled by the emergent capabilities and open source/API availability of Foundation Models. A wide range of AI tasks that used to take 5 years and a research team to accomplish in 2013, now just require API docs and a spare afternoon in 2023. Emergent capabilities are creating an emerging title: to wield them, we'll have to go beyond the Prompt Engineer and write *software*. Let's explore the wide array of new opportunities in the age of Software 3.0!
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Gateway to React: The React.dev Story
A behind the scenes look at the design and development of the all-new React docs at react.dev. The new react.dev launched this year introducing new methodologies like challenges and interactive sandboxes and subtle inclusivity features, like "international tone" and culturally agnostic examples. Not only have the new docs changed how people learn React, they've inspired how we think about developer education as a community. In this talk, you will learn how the React team and some ambitious community members made the "React docs rock" for a generation of front end developers and how these new patterns and established techniques can be applied in your favorite projects.
Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks
Picking up a new technology, developers stick with defaults. It's a fact that every tool from JQuery to NextJS has needed to face. At their worst, defaults ship hundreds of wasted JS kilobytes for routing, state, and other baggage developers may never use. But at their best, defaults give us a simple baseline to start from, with a clear path to add the exact set of features our project demands. This is the magic of opt-in design.
Let's see how smart defaults guide modern frontend tools from Astro to React Server Components, and why this new era reshapes your workflow, and performance metrics, for the better.
React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
33 min
React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
Top Content
React provides a contract to developers- uphold certain rules, and React can efficiently and correctly update the UI. In this talk we'll explore these rules in depth, understanding the reasoning behind them and how they unlock new directions such as automatic memoization. 
Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Raising the Bar: Our Journey Making React Native a Preferred Choice
At Microsoft, we're committed to providing our teams with the best tools and technologies to build high-quality mobile applications. React Native has long been a preferred choice for its high performance and great user experience, but getting stakeholders on board can be a challenge. In this talk, we will share our journey of making React Native a preferred choice for stakeholders who prioritize ease of integration and developer experience. We'll discuss the specific strategies we used to achieve our goal and the results we achieved.
Building the AI for Athena Crisis
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
37 min
Building the AI for Athena Crisis
This talk will dive into how to build an AI for a turn based strategy game from scratch. When I started building Athena Crisis, I had no idea how to build an AI. All the available resources were too complex or confusing, so I just started building it based on how I would play the game. If you would like to learn how to build an AI, check out this talk!
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Making Magic: Building a TypeScript-First Framework
I'll dive into the internals of Nuxt to describe how we've built a TypeScript-first framework that is deeply integrated with the user's IDE and type checking setup to offer end-to-end full-stack type safety, hints for layouts, middleware and more, typed runtime configuration options and even typed routing. Plus, I'll highlight what I'm most excited about doing in the days to come and how TypeScript makes that possible not just for us but for any library author.
How Not to Build a Video Game
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
How Not to Build a Video Game
In this talk we'll delve into the art of creating something meaningful and fulfilling. Through the lens of my own journey of rediscovering my passion for coding and building a video game from the ground up with JavaScript and React, we will explore the trade-offs between easy solutions and fast performance. You will gain valuable insights into rapid prototyping, test infrastructure, and a range of CSS tricks that can be applied to both game development and your day-to-day work.
The New Next.js App Router
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
27 min
The New Next.js App Router
Next.js 13.4 recently released the stable version of the "App Router" – a transformative shift for the core of the framework. In this talk, I'll share why we made this change, the key concepts to know, and why I'm excited about the future of React.
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
32 min
Speeding Up Your React App With Less JavaScript
Top Content
Too much JavaScript is getting you down? New frameworks promising no JavaScript look interesting, but you have an existing React application to maintain. What if Qwik React is your answer for faster applications startup and better user experience? Qwik React allows you to easily turn your React application into a collection of islands, which can be SSRed and delayed hydrated, and in some instances, hydration skipped altogether. And all of this in an incremental way without a rewrite.
Building a Web-App: The Easy Path and the Performant Path. Why Are They Not the Same?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
31 min
Building a Web-App: The Easy Path and the Performant Path. Why Are They Not the Same?
We use frameworks to make building our applications easier. Yet as the application scales, its performance suffers. There is no one thing, but rather a death by thousand cuts. Developers are under pressure, and they often choose the easy and quick path to deliver a feature rather than the performant path. The performant path is usually more work. So let's look at these two paths and imagine a world where the performant path is the quick and easy path.
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
Top Content
Solid caught the eye of the frontend community by re-popularizing reactive programming with its compelling use of Signals to render without re-renders. We've seen them adopted in the past year in everything from Preact to Angular. Signals offer a powerful set of primitives that ensure that your UI is in sync with your state independent of components. A universal language for the frontend user interface.
But what about Async? How do we manage to orchestrate data loading and mutation, server rendering, and streaming? Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, takes a look at a different primitive. One that is often misunderstood but is as powerful in its use. Join him as he shows what all the Suspense is about.
Nuxt on the Edge
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Nuxt on the Edge
Learn how to build a Vue application deployed to the edge to bring a blazing fast experience to your end users.
Jotai Atoms Are Just Functions
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
22 min
Jotai Atoms Are Just Functions
Top Content
Jotai is a state management library. We have been developing it primarily for React, but it's conceptually not tied to React. It this talk, we will see how Jotai atoms work and learn about the mental model we should have. Atoms are framework-agnostic abstraction to represent states, and they are basically just functions. Understanding the atom abstraction will help designing and implementing states in your applications with Jotai
How Bun Makes Building React Apps Simpler & Faster
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
9 min
How Bun Makes Building React Apps Simpler & Faster
Bun’s builtin JSX transpiler, hot reloads on the server, JSX prop punning, macro api, automatic package installs, console.log JSX support, 4x faster serverside rendering and more make Bun the best runtime for building React apps
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
20 min
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
Join Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, as he shows off the fundamentals of this unique take on a JavaScript Framework. This session will reflect on the challenges of modern web development that motivated Solid's creation. By retracing his steps from simple beginnings to a full-fledged framework, Ryan will showcase how reactive primitives are the only building blocks you need.
Webpack in 5 Years?
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
Webpack in 5 Years?
Top Content
What can we learn from the last 10 years for the next 5 years? Is there a future for Webpack? What do we need to do now?
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS
Top Content
We all love GraphQL, but it can be daunting to get a server up and running and keep your code organized, maintainable, and testable over the long term. No more! Come watch as I go from an empty directory to a fully fledged GraphQL API in minutes flat. Plus, see how easy it is to use and create directives to clean up your code even more. You're gonna love GraphQL even more once you make things Redwood Easy!
Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
Local-First Software With ElectricSQL
Local-first is a new paradigm for developing apps, where your components talk to a local embedded database and you get instant reactivity, multi-user sync and conflict-free offline support built in. ElectricSQL is a new, open-source, platform for local-first development from the inventors of CRDTs. This talk introduces local-first development and shows how you can develop real-world local-first apps today with React + ElectricSQL.
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
Practical talk showing how to go from a local state to an on-the-edge offline capable persisted state to make an app like Figma, Notion, and more.
Thinking in React Query
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
22 min
Thinking in React Query
Top Content
In this talk, I'll explain React Query from a different perspective. After having maintained React Query for over two years and having answered many questions (often the same ones multiple times), I feel like there might be a fundamental understanding missing about the lib. I'll start with a quick introduction about my journey into open source and how I got to know React Query, followed by showing which mindset change is beneficial when working with React Query - how to "think in React Query". I'll have 3 major takeaways: 1) React Query is not a data fetching library It's an async state manager, we'll quickly talk about what makes a state manager, why React Query is one and what "async state" means. 2) staleTime is your best friend I've seen a bit of confusion about how to use React Query as a state manager, so I'll explain why setting staleTime is mostly all you need 3) parameters are dependencies This is important to understand to show the boundaries between client state and server state, and is essential when doing state management with React Query I will then end with a note on "separation of concerns" and about the tradeoffs of just calling `useQuery` wherever you need it in your component tree.
How I Like to Write JavaScript
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
26 min
How I Like to Write JavaScript
I love writing JavaScript. It feels lightweight, free-form, and flexible--all qualities that boost creativity and invite me to practice new and interesting techniques. Over time, I've developed lots of patterns and principles that help me day to day. In this talk, I'll show you a handful of them and then we'll look at how I apply them inside the AlpineJS codebase itself. It's gonna be a good time!
Reactivity: There and Back Again
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
12 min
Reactivity: There and Back Again
Everything old is new again. But this time it's different, promise!
Server Components with Bun
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
7 min
Server Components with Bun
Top Content
An early look at using server components via Bun’s new bundler, with and without React.
Deno 2.0
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
36 min
Deno 2.0
Top Content
Deno 2.0 is imminent and it's bringing some big changes to the JavaScript runtime. In this talk, we'll introduce the new features including import maps, package.json auto-discovery, and bare specifiers. We'll discuss how these improvements will help address issues like duplicate dependencies and disappearing dependencies. Additionally, we'll delve into the built-in support for deno: specifiers on the deno.land/x registry and its role in providing a recommended path for publishing. Come learn about how these updates will shape the future of the JavaScript ecosystem and improve backwards compatibility with Node applications.
The Journey of CodeSandbox Projects
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
25 min
The Journey of CodeSandbox Projects
CodeSandbox Projects is the new version of CodeSandbox that enables the workflow of CodeSandbox today, but for projects of any size. During this talk, Ives will share the story of how Projects was created, and how we made it technically possible to build Projects.
5 Years of Building React Table
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
24 min
5 Years of Building React Table
Top Content
Join me as a I dive into the history of React Table and discuss everything it’s taught me (both successes and failures!) since I built the first component-based version 5 years ago. We’ll cover tons of sub-topics including, but not limited to: .... takes a breath ... Headless UI, React Hooks, Advanced TypeScript, Branding & Naming-Things, Build Pipelines, Open Source Software, API Design, React/JavaScript performance and even Framework Agnostic Tooling!
Confessions from an Impostor
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
46 min
Confessions from an Impostor
Top Content
You know what impostor syndrome is, right!? Most all of us have felt that nagging feeling that we're faking it and that we're sure to be found out by all the experts around us at any moment.But before you go assuming this talk is the same ol' song and dance full of platitudes that encourage you to ignore that syndrome, let me clue you in on a little secret: there's no experts around you. Impostorism is not a syndrome at all, it's a pragmatic mindset and perspective, one we should all embrace and be proud of. In fact, it's vital to us getting our jobs done.
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
23 min
How to cache GraphQL queries at the edge
A demo and deep dive into GraphCDN, the edge caching GraphQL CDN.
The State of XState
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
18 min
The State of XState
Over the past few years, state machines, statecharts, and the actor model have proven to be viable concepts for building complex application logic in a clear, visual way with XState. In this talk, we'll take a peek into the future of XState, including new features in the next version, and new tools and services that will make it even easier to create and collaborate on state machines.
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
28 min
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
An introduction to SolidJS UI Library. Explore an example to show the similarity and differences between Hook + Virtual DOM versus Reactivity + DOM.
Module Federation in Webpack 5
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
32 min
Module Federation in Webpack 5
Microfrontends as Monolith? Shared component library or styleguide? This technique allows to consume modules from separate builds, which can be developed and deployed independently. An introduction, and further ideas.
Blitz.js - The Fullstack React Framework
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
Blitz.js - The Fullstack React Framework
Blitz is a hyper productive framework for building fullstack React apps. You'll learn why I created Blitz, it's advantages and disadvantages, how it makes you so productive, and for what cases you should consider using Blitz.
Building a Mobile App with Expo, EAS, and React Native
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
Building a Mobile App with Expo, EAS, and React Native
It has never been easier for React developers to build native iOS and Android apps. In this talk, we'll see how quickly you can ship your app with Expo open source tools, Expo Application Services (EAS), and React Native. We'll also discuss some of the recent improvements we've made and what's coming up next.
React Without JavaScript?
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
26 min
React Without JavaScript?
If React runs on a server and no one is around to see it, does it still make a sound? In this talk, Fred explores the world of server-side optimizations: what's possible today and what does the future hold? Featuring a sneak peek at an exciting new, never-before-seen project from the Snowpack team to help you build faster sites with React!
XState: the Visual Future of State Management
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
35 min
XState: the Visual Future of State Management
Top Content
Learn about state modeling with state machines and statecharts can improve the way you develop your React applications, and get a sneak peek of never-before-seen upcoming visual tools that will take state management to the next level.