Building the AI for Athena Crisis

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This talk will dive into how to build an AI for a turn based strategy game from scratch. When I started building Athena Crisis, I had no idea how to build an AI. All the available resources were too complex or confusing, so I just started building it based on how I would play the game. If you would like to learn how to build an AI, check out this talk!


Athena Crisis is a video game developed using JavaScript, React, and CSS. It features an AI that can perform actions similar to a human player, including attacking, moving, and capturing buildings.

To build an AI for Athena Crisis, you need strong abstractions, knowledge of search algorithms, and a good understanding of mathematics to make decisions on actions within the game.

Christoph builds AI by setting up basic game abstractions, imagining the actions he would take as a player, and ensuring the AI is fast, stateless, deterministic, and composable.

The AI in Athena Crisis utilizes a set of actions and responses system, where each player action is validated against the game state. The system ensures that AI actions are governed by the same rules as player actions.

The presentation for Athena Crisis was built using React and MDX, utilizing a system called reMDX designed for creating slide decks.

Yes, Nakazawa Tech offers leadership coaching, developer productivity enhancements, and solutions to JavaScript-related problems, helping clients improve their development velocity.

Athena Crisis uses immutable persistent data structures, ensuring that all game state changes are declarative. The architecture supports efficient server-client interactions for online gameplay.

The AI in Athena Crisis takes turns similar to a player, performing actions like building units, moving, and attacking. It is designed to simulate human-like decision-making within the constraints of the game rules.

A stateless AI quickly determines the next action without retaining previous states, which simplifies its design and improves performance by focusing on immediate game circumstances.

For collaboration or inquiries about services, you can reach out to Nakazawa Tech via their website at

Christoph Nakazawa
Christoph Nakazawa
37 min
28 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Join Christoph from Nakazawa Tech in building the AI for Athena Crisis, a game where the AI performs actions just like a player. Learn about the importance of abstractions, primitives, and search algorithms in building an AI for a video game. Explore the architecture of Athena Crisis, which uses immutable persistent data structures and optimistic updates. Discover how to implement AI behaviors and create a class for the AI. Find out how to analyze units, assign weights, and prioritize actions based on the game state. Consider the next steps in building the AI and explore the possibility of building an AI for a real-time strategy game.

1. Introduction to Building AI for Athena Crisis

Short description:

Hello! Join me for my talk about building the AI for Athena Crisis. I'm Christoph from Nakazawa Tech. If you haven't heard about Athena Crisis before, I recommend watching my previous talk. I have experience managing React Native and JavaScript infrastructure teams at Facebook. We offer leadership coaching and JavaScript problem-solving at Nakazawa Tech. Reach out at

Oh, hello there. I'm just playing Athena Crisis on my Steam deck. Thanks so much for joining me for my talk about building the AI for Athena Crisis. I'm Christoph, and I run a small startup in Tokyo called Nakazawa Tech.

If you haven't heard about Athena Crisis before, recently at React Summit a few months ago, I did a talk that explains how the game is being built, and it's all built with JavaScript, React, and CSS. I highly recommend if you haven't seen it, to go back and watch that talk.

If we go even further back, if you have never worked with me before or if you don't know me, I used to manage the React Native and JavaScript infrastructure teams at Facebook, and I built a JustJavaScript testing framework. We do a lot of stuff at Nakazawa Tech, including building video games, but we do leadership coaching, and we can help you with your JavaScript problems, with developer velocity, productivity, or help you with whatever problems you might run into while building JavaScript-based applications. Please work with us, please reach out at

2. Understanding Athena Crisis and Building an AI

Short description:

Before we dive into building an AI for Athena Crisis, let's understand what Athena Crisis is. In the game, I can jump into a game from the menu and play. After my turn, the AI takes over and performs all the necessary actions, just like a player. It can attack, move, and capture buildings. Now, let's explore how to build such an AI.

First, before we get into building an AI for Athena Crisis, let's spend a bit of time figuring out what Athena Crisis is. I'm just here in the game in the menu, and you can see the overview page right now, and I can jump into a game from right here. And just like that, I can play the game. Not all of the attacks have sounds yet, but some of them do. But the cool thing is, once I finish my turn, let me just build a few units. When I finish my turn, the AI takes over and takes care of their turn. It does attacks, it moves, it can capture buildings, it can do everything that a player can also do. Turn off the music again.

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