Jotai Atoms Are Just Functions

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Jotai is a state management library. We have been developing it primarily for React, but it's conceptually not tied to React. It this talk, we will see how Jotai atoms work and learn about the mental model we should have. Atoms are framework-agnostic abstraction to represent states, and they are basically just functions. Understanding the atom abstraction will help designing and implementing states in your applications with Jotai


Jotai is a state management library for React that utilizes a concept based on atoms, which represent pieces of state. It enables developers to create and manage state in a React application by forming a dependency graph of these atoms to propagate updates. Atoms in Jotai are like functions that can depend on other atoms and are used with the useAtom hook similar to useState in React.

The main features of Jotai include its ability to define state as atoms, which are functions that can have dependencies on other atoms, creating a dynamic dependency graph. Jotai allows for both read-only and writable atoms, supports complex state relationships, and integrates seamlessly with React through the useAtom hook and ProviderComponent.

Yes, Jotai can be used for both local and global state management in React applications. While it is often considered a global state solution, it can also be used for managing semi-global or local states depending on the implementation and structure of the atoms.

Jotai differs from other state management libraries by focusing on a minimalistic approach using atoms, which are small units of state. Unlike traditional state management solutions that might use reducers or context, Jotai's atoms are designed to be more granular and composable, allowing for more flexible and efficient state updates.

In Jotai, an atom represents a piece of state. Atoms can depend on other atoms, forming a dependency graph. They do not hold values themselves but are definitions where the values are stored externally. Atoms are used within React components using the useAtom hook, which provides the current state value and a function to update it.

While Jotai is primarily designed for React, the fundamental concept of atoms as state definitions is framework-agnostic. The creator of Jotai has experimented with libraries like Jotajsx to explore the use of Jotai's state management approach outside of React, showing potential for broader applications.

Daishi Kato
Daishi Kato
22 min
05 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

State management in React is a highly discussed topic with many libraries and solutions. Jotai is a new library based on atoms, which represent pieces of state. Atoms in Jotai are used to define state without holding values and can be used for global, semi-global, or local states. Jotai atoms are reusable definitions that are independent from React and can be used without React in an experimental library called Jotajsx.

1. Introduction to Jotai Library

Short description:

State management in React is a highly discussed topic with many libraries and solutions. Jotai is a new library based on atoms, which represent pieces of state. It forms a dependency graph to propagate updates. The concept is similar to observables for async data flow, but atoms have some differences.

Hello, everyone. Thanks for an opportunity to give this talk. I hope you find it useful.

As many of you may know, state management in React is one of the most discussed topics in the community. There are many libraries and solutions. UseStateHook is one of the primitive solutions. Some of the popular libraries include Redux, MoveX, XState, and Zustand. They provide different functionalities for different goals. The good thing is that developers have many options to develop their apps. The bad thing is that there are too many options. But I think having many options is still good for ecosystem. If there were only one solution, we would miss many new ideas.

Jotai is a new library in this field. Hi, my name is Daishi Kato. I'm author of Jotai Library. I am half open source developer and half freelancer. My open source software is with JavaScript and React. And my work is also related with JavaScript and React. There are quite a few open source projects that I'm working on, including experimental ones. Jotai is one of my open source projects, but we develop it as a team. While I'm the main developer of the code, there are many contributors, not only for coding, but also for documentation and other stuff.

This talk is about Jotai library, which is one solution for state management in React. Jotai is a library based on atoms, which represent pieces of state. Atoms are popularized by a library called Recoil, but the concept is not very new. The concept is basically to form a dependency graph of pieces of state and propagate updates. For example, suppose we have three atoms, A, B and C. A depends on B, B depends on C. If we update C, both B and A are updated. This pattern is already done, for example, with observables for async data flow. Atoms are a little different from observables.

2. Atoms and State Management in Jyotai Library

Short description:

Usually, atoms in Jyotai are used to define state without holding values. They are like functions that depend on other atoms. Changing an atom triggers updates in other dependent atoms. UseAtom hook is similar to useState and returns a value and an update function. Atoms can be used for global, semi-global, or local states.

Usually, an observable object would hold a value or maybe it's initially empty. Atoms would never hold values. They are just definitions and values exist somewhere else. We will get into it in this talk, but let's first see how the usage of Jyotai looks like.

This is a simple example using Jyotai atoms. We have three atoms, textAtom, textLengthAtom, and uppercaseAtom. textAtom has initial value HELLO. textLengthAtom has a function returning the length of textAtom. uppercaseAtom has a function similarly returning the upper case string of textAtom. stringAtom and uppercaseAtom both depend on textAtom. So if you change textAtom, the other two atoms will also be changed.

As you see, if we either text, I mean if we enter a text in the text field, all three values are updated accordingly. If you look closely, we use useAtom hook which takes an atom we defined. UseAtom hook works like useState hook. It returns a value and an update function. If the value is changed, it will trigger a re-render. You can change the value with the update function.

There is one important note which isn't shown in this example. If we use the same atom, useAtom returns the same value. So we can use atoms for global state. Jyotai library is often considered as a global state solution. We can use it for global state, but it's not truly global. And we can use it for semi-global or local states. This may sound unintuitive, but if you think atoms as functions, it should make more sense. Let's try to make an analogy. We all know React components are just functions. This is one of the simplest components. It returns a string. We usually define components that return JSX elements, but returning strings is also valid. We don't exactly know when this function is invoked.

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