
Feeling like boosting up your career? In this section, you'll find free JavaScript courses, tutorials, and coding lessons to help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the JS ecosystem and take you from basic to advanced. Dive into it, and you'll find out that the world's most popular programming language is easy to learn.
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
27 min
JavaScript Haikus: My Adventures in Tiny Coding
Discover the art of crafting extremely small JavaScript programs. In this talk you’ll learn principles and techniques behind crafting compact yet powerful scripts that are shorter than this description! Dive into the captivating world of minimalist coding, where we use these scripts to conjure art, games, tools, and a myriad of intriguing experiments.
Debugging JS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Debugging JS
Top Content
As developers, we spend much of our time debugging apps - often code we didn't even write. Sadly, few developers have ever been taught how to approach debugging - it's something most of us learn through painful experience.  The good news is you _can_ learn how to debug effectively, and there's several key techniques and tools you can use for debugging JS and React apps.
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
23 min
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
Top Content
Do you have a large product built by many teams? Are you struggling to release often? Did your frontend turn into a massive unmaintainable monolith? If, like me, you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, this talk is for you! I’ll show you exactly how you can build a micro frontend architecture with Remix to solve those challenges.
Full Stack Components
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
37 min
Full Stack Components
Top Content
Remix is a web framework that gives you the simple mental model of a Multi-Page App (MPA) but the power and capabilities of a Single-Page App (SPA). One of the big challenges of SPAs is network management resulting in a great deal of indirection and buggy code. This is especially noticeable in application state which Remix completely eliminates, but it's also an issue in individual components that communicate with a single-purpose backend endpoint (like a combobox search for example).
In this talk, Kent will demonstrate how Remix enables you to build complex UI components that are connected to a backend in the simplest and most powerful way you've ever seen. Leaving you time to chill with your family or whatever else you do for fun.
Webpack in 5 Years?
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
Webpack in 5 Years?
Top Content
What can we learn from the last 10 years for the next 5 years? Is there a future for Webpack? What do we need to do now?
Towards a Standard Library for JavaScript Runtimes
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Towards a Standard Library for JavaScript Runtimes
Top Content
You can check the slides for James' talk here.
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
29 min
Making JavaScript on WebAssembly Fast
Top Content
JavaScript in the browser runs many times faster than it did two decades ago. And that happened because the browser vendors spent that time working on intensive performance optimizations in their JavaScript engines.Because of this optimization work, JavaScript is now running in many places besides the browser. But there are still some environments where the JS engines can’t apply those optimizations in the right way to make things fast.We’re working to solve this, beginning a whole new wave of JavaScript optimization work. We’re improving JavaScript performance for entirely different environments, where different rules apply. And this is possible because of WebAssembly. In this talk, I'll explain how this all works and what's coming next.
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
7 min
Webdevelopment Tailored for 2024
Most developers closely follow the framework wars. So busy with these games, that we forget to check what new features HTML, CSS, and JavaScript offer us. Native modals, dynamic viewport units, and optional chaining are just some of the features you should use already! If you stopped following Web Platform development in 2015, it's time to refresh your knowledge. I will teach you to build applications tailored to 2024 and prepare you for the new Web Platform features that will appear in the coming years.
Testing: Do More With Less
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Testing: Do More With Less
How can you be confident that your code is well-tested? For me, the criteria are straightforward: you feel comfortable deploying it automatically to production on a Friday evening, and the release pipeline stays as green as an evergreen tree. In this talk, I'll share some approaches that I am following to hit both targets for Node.js apps (APIs, BFFs, etc).
Peace, Love and JavaScript
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
17 min
Peace, Love and JavaScript
The stability and security of open source projects can be found in the people shaping the culture as much as the code they write. The Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation will share lessons she learned along the way on how to build trust and transparency to minimize drama and overcome challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem. She will cover critical topics such as empowering projects with open governance, building an ecosystem around a community project, and how OpenJS supports essential projects such as Node.js.
Rise of the Robots
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Rise of the Robots
Discover the future of automated mobile application testing with a JavaScript-powered mechanical arm. During this talk we will explore the design, prototyping, and implementation of this cutting-edge solution, optimizing testing efficiency and precision on real mobile devices. We will also discuss the challenges of building a hardware solution for the real world, and how to overcome them.
I Run Code From the Internet!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
20 min
I Run Code From the Internet!
Is it wise to run code from strangers? Well, we do it all the time and there's no backing out of it. Let's take a look at how a JavaScript project could get hacked and then defend itself from supply chain attacks. 
Limit access to globals for each package? Sure. Control if a package can access network or file system? Yup, that too. And no more install scripts or prototype pollution.
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
35 min
Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!
Some weeks ago I made my own implementation of signals, capable of updating 300k times the DOM in circa 600ms. Leveraging the Microtask Queue, I was able to bring that number down to 6ms, effectively improving performances by 100x. I wanna share how the Microtask Queue works and how you can leverage the Event Loop to improve performances.
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
28 min
Game Development Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript
In the realm of game development, the right architecture and design patterns can make all the difference. This session delves into the world of game development patterns and architectures in JavaScript, offering a comprehensive exploration of the techniques and strategies used to create engaging and well-structured games.
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
16 min
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
You must or must not have heard of object proxies before, but have you ever understood how to use them? What the actual usecase of an object proxy is? In this talk, we will do a deep dive into object proxies, understanding how they work, and the kinds of things you can build using them. We will build higher-order wrappers for existing libraries, and learn how to wrap over them in a type-safe manner.
Are the (module) types wrong?
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Are the (module) types wrong?
Have you ever installed a dependency, imported it just like the README instructs, and immediately been met with strange TypeScript errors about default imports, the output module format, or ESM/CommonJS interoperability? When everything works at runtime but TypeScript complains, you might wonder, is this a TypeScript bug? Or… are the types wrong?
The JavaScript module and package publishing landscape is complicated. Nearly one third of the most popular types-included npm packages have some sort of module-related typings issue that can cause confusion for users. But things are starting to improve. In this talk, we’ll:

- explore how we got here—why are things complicated?
- develop a simple and accurate mental model for how TypeScript sees packages
- see how the `arethetypeswrong` tool can help catch issues before publishing
- look at trends in the `arethetypeswrong` data for popular packages over time
- discuss next steps for making the typed package ecosystem better
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
How do you generate types dynamically? How do you write a script that creates some typescript code? The approach most people would recommend is to use Abstract Syntax Tree manipulations. I was working on a deadline to implement types for our OpenAPI client, and I would have missed our release window. I needed something different and easier to build. Luckily, a friend recommended me a library I didn't know: code-block-writer. I fall in love with it at first sight.
Generating Typed Code
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
22 min
Generating Typed Code
For the past six at Rollbar the engineering team has been working tirelessly to migrate our legacy application to a modern Javascript tech stack. We’ve leveraged Next.js, GraphQL and a number of other JS tools to ship more features, make our dev team happier and achieve an impressive 7-fold reduction in our p99 app performance. I invite you to join me as I present the various techniques and architecture we choose to use to quickly migrate away from our legacy monolith.
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
27 min
What is "TC39: Type Annotations" aka the Types as Comments proposal
A deep dive into the proposal which could de-fork TypeScript and bring all us users back to being "JavaScripters, but with some TypeScript types." We'll cover the author's motives, how it could work, why now and how it is going.ort
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
8 min
Zod === Typescript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
In this talk, I want to show how we can use Zod to guarantee the type in a React Application at runtime. Environment variables, HTTP requests, forms and so on could create troubles in our applications, mainly if they contain unexpected types. Using Zod, we can create schemas to guarantee the types expected in our editor at runtime. In this way, we can react quickly when an environment variable misses or when someone changes the API contract without informing us.
A small validation layer in our applications can prevent a bad user experience and notify us immediately, so we can fix the problem as soon as possible and mitigate the visualization of wrong data.
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
25 min
Pushing the Limits of Video Encoding in Browsers With WebCodecs
Top Content
High quality video encoding in browsers have traditionally been slow, low-quality and did not allow much customisation. This is because browsers never had a native way to encode videos leveraging hardware acceleration. In this talk, I’ll be going over the secrets of creating high-quality videos in-browsers efficiently with the power of WebCodecs and WebAssembly. From video containers to muxing, audio and beyond, this talk will give you everything you need to render your videos in browsers today!
How I Like to Write JavaScript
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
26 min
How I Like to Write JavaScript
I love writing JavaScript. It feels lightweight, free-form, and flexible--all qualities that boost creativity and invite me to practice new and interesting techniques. Over time, I've developed lots of patterns and principles that help me day to day. In this talk, I'll show you a handful of them and then we'll look at how I apply them inside the AlpineJS codebase itself. It's gonna be a good time!
JavaScript Iteration Protocols
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
27 min
JavaScript Iteration Protocols
How many ways do you know to do iteration with JavaScript and Node.js? While, for loop, for...in, for..of, .map(), .forEach(), streams, iterators, etc! Yes, there are a lot of ways! But did you know that JavaScript has iteration protocols to standardise synchronous and even asynchronous iteration?
In this workshop we will learn about these protocols and discover how to build iterators and iterable objects, both synchronous and asynchronous. We will learn about some common use cases for these protocols, explore generators and async generators (great tools for iteration) and finally discuss some hot tips, common pitfalls, and some (more or less successful) wild ideas!
Let’s Get Visual - Visual Testing in Your Vue.JS Project
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Let’s Get Visual - Visual Testing in Your Vue.JS Project
Visual testing compares the appearance of your application with a previous state. If changes become visible, you can allow them or not. So you or your testers have their eyes everywhere - without needing to check manually repeatedly. I've been using visual testing for a while, saving my neck a few times. Let's look at my journey together and explore if and how visual testing can also help your projects.
Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Securing Your Software Supply Chain
The software supply chain is under constant attack and threat actors are finding new ways to exploit and profit off the cracks in its foundations. Of course, the JavaScript ecosystem is at the heart of this problem as it has grown accustomed to relying on small, interdependent modules made available through the largest software registry in the world (npm). Learn more about the current and future state of the ecosystem as well as dive into new tooling and resources you'll need to protect yourself and your projects this year and beyond.
Parse, Don’t Validate
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
Parse, Don’t Validate
Most JavaScript applications use JSON.parse to create any object first, and then validate and narrow the data type to the expected one. This approach has performance and security problems, as even if the data is invalid, the whole JSON string needs to be parsed first before the data is validated, instead of failing at JSON parsing stage (e.g., if number is passed instead of string in some property).
Many languages support parsing of JSON strings directly into the expected types, but it is not natively supported in JavaScript or TypeScript.In this talk we will show how the powers of TypeScript combined with the new specification JSON Type Definition (RFC 8927) and Ajv library can be used to parse your data directly into the expected application-defined type faster than JSON.parse, and also how to serialize data of a known type approximately 10 times faster than JSON.serialize. 
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Roll you own JavaScript runtime
In this talk, we’ll create a small JavaScript runtime from scratch in Rust. We’ll leverage the same ecosystem of components that Deno uses to show that rolling a bespoke runtime fitting your needs is simple and fun in 2023
Things I learned while writing high-performance JavaScript applications
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
31 min
Things I learned while writing high-performance JavaScript applications
Top Content
During the past months, I developed Lyra, an incredibly fast full-text search engine entirely written in TypeScript. It was surprising to me to see how it could compete with solutions written in Rust, Java, and Golang, all languages known for being typically "faster than JavaScript"... but is that even true? In this talk, I will share some lessons I learned while developing complex, performance-critical applications in JavaScript.
Eval all the strings! - Hardened JavaScript
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
8 min
Eval all the strings! - Hardened JavaScript
This talk is about SecureEcmaScript and Compartments which are TC39 proposals, and I'm working on tooling to make these concepts usable with people championing those proposals.
This is a first-hand account of the future of JavaScript security.
SES + tooling (LavaMoat or Endo) is making limiting access to network, fs, core modules or globals possible on a per-package basis.
I want to show how they work, what possibilities they open and how to make that future happen today with some effort.
To me this is the final step in securing npm supply chain - even if a package gets taken over by bad actors, it won't be able to hurt me.
JS Character Encodings
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
33 min
JS Character Encodings
Character encodings can be confusing for every developer, providing pitfalls even for the most experienced ones, so a lot of the time we want to end up with something that “just works” without an in-depth understanding of the involved concepts. In this talk, Anna will give an overview over what they are, what the JavaScript language provides to interact with them, and how to avoid the most common mistakes in Node.js and the Web.
Prototype Pollution in JavaScript
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
27 min
Prototype Pollution in JavaScript
In 2018, a new attack vector against JavaScript codebases has been published: Prototype Pollution.
At first glance, it seemed pretty limited in impact: it would basically be a good way to crash some code. However, multiple cases of Remote Code Executions have happened based on this vector.
In this talk, we will clarify what are prototype pollutions, their real impact and of to prevent them from happening in your codebase.
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
41 min
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
Remix is the best React framework for working with the second most important feature of the web: forms. (Anchors are more important.) But building forms is the fun part: the tricky part is what happens when a web consumer submits a form! Not the client side validation logic but the brass tacks backend logic for creating, reading, updating, destroying, and listing records in a durable database (CRUDL). Databases can be intimidating. Which one to choose? What are the tradeoffs? How do I model data for fast queries? In this talk, we'll learn about the incredibly powerful AWS DynamoDB. Dynamo promises single-digit millisecond latency no matter how much data you have stored, scaling is completely transparent, and it comes with a generous free tier. Dynamo is a different level of database but it does not have to be intimidating.
React Remixed
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
React Remixed
React and the JavaScript ecosystem seems to be constantly changing. Wherever we look, there are new libraries and frameworks. These new tools always lead to learning concepts that are often non-transferable knowledge.
What if I told you that by learning standard web APIs, relearning the web, and getting a bunch of transferable knowledge, you can also start using a fantastic new addition to the React ecosystem: Remix!
Remixing How We Give
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
32 min
Remixing How We Give
A review of how we're using Remix at Daffy.org to change the way people give to charities.
We'll talk about why we decided to use Remix, how we've used it and migrated from our previous frontend application and some patterns and libraries we have developed internally.
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
In this talk I'll explore the evolution of e-commerce infrastructure from traditional co-located servers to the new frontier of serverless and edge computing, and how modern developer tools like Remix and Vendure fit in.
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
11 min
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Accessibility is a decisive tool to make the internet a more inclusive place, it is absolutely crucial and despite the popular belief that only a small user group is affected, it benefits every single one of us. After a brief introduction, we will dive into practical tools to create more accessible websites and test for the most common web accessibility issues. Let's make the web more inclusive, one page at a time!
Remixing a Symfony
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
Remixing a Symfony
In late 2020, I ran a Lighthouse test on a simple content page on Harvie, our farm management platform and Symfony app, and received a performance score of 31/100. The JavaScript bundle, the API requests, the database lookups, even with minimal UI to render, had a baseline score in the thirties! Along with customer feedback, this helped to catalyze a renewed commitment to performance at Harvie. Through numerous discussions, we walked through each step of page load, from networking to rendering, and identified where we could improve. After a year of rewrites and upgrades, our remaining detriment to overall performance was our frontend. We had been converting our Symfony twig templates into React SPA components and fell into the common problem of creating "request waterfalls", while our user had to stare at a loading screen. We needed a change, and for us, that was Remix. In this talk, I'll walk you through our team's journey with performance and how Remix has become a natural progression of that.
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
36 min
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Have you ever wished to have a flexible approach to localize your content to scale easily? Join my talk, and I'll show you multiple strategies to translate and localize your content with Remix. I'll share with you flexible dynamic route options from Remix to generate localized content in a practical way, including a headless approach demo and how to scale your solution in the future. Let's "Remix" to localize your content!
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
22 min
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
Remix gives developers the power to write their frontend and backend code in one unified location and language, which drops the fullstack barrier significantly for frontend devs and newer developers. The remaining piece, however, is the database. Throw Prisma into the mix and you've got a powerful fullstack experience with a very low learning curve. In this talk, we'll take a look at the amazing developer experience you get when you combine the two.
Remix Architecture Patterns
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
23 min
Remix Architecture Patterns
Top Content
Remix provides amazing flexibility and can be deployed anywhere where JavaScript is running. But how does Remix fit into the bigger application landscape of an organization? Remix provides great utility, but how to best take advantage of it? What things should be handled inside of Remix, and what things are better off done elsewhere? Should we use the express adapter to add a WebSocket server or should that be a standalone microservice? How will enterprise organizations integrate Remix into their current stacks? Let’s talk architecture patterns! In this talk, I want to share my thoughts about how to best integrate Remix into a greater (enterprise) stack.
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
Top Content
We will go through a brief explanation of what is Web3 and the architecture of a web3 application. Then we will talk about how to end-to-end test, its challenges, some test tools that are available, and a demo using cypress and metamask.Agenda: What is Web3; The Architecture of a Web3 Application; Web3 E2E Tests Introduction; Web3 E2E Tests Challenges; E2E Test Tools; Demo.
Playwright Can Do This?
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
23 min
Playwright Can Do This?
Guaranteeing that your application doesn't break while constantly shipping new features is tough. Obviously, with a continually growing app or site, you can't test everything manually all the time!Test automation and monitoring are crucial to avoiding shipping broken apps and sites. But what functionality should you test? When should you run your tests? And aren't complex test suites super slow?In this session, we'll get our hands on Playwright, the end-to-end testing framework, and learn how to automate headless browsers to ensure that you confidently ship new features.
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
Overtesting: why it happens and how to avoid it
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
7 min
Overtesting: why it happens and how to avoid it
Overtesting is a common problem with unit test suites. It's when you have too many tests that break often and take up a large amount of time to keep green. Here's a fresh perspective on why that happens and how you can avoid it.
Using Tests for What?!
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
11 min
Using Tests for What?!
In the talk I will explain the pains and problems of form validation Then I will explain the mental model of unit tests, and compare it to how we think about form validations.I will introduce vest with a bit of live coding showing its unit testing syntax.
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
10 min
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
Node.js recently shipped an experimental test runner. This talk will explore the test runner's architecture and API, and show how to use it with other core modules to create a testing experience with no external dependencies. This talk will also look at potential future additions to the test runner.
Challenges of Testing and Monitoring WebRTC Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Challenges of Testing and Monitoring WebRTC Applications
The pandemic accelerated and ushered in the era of digital transformation. We’ve all been indoctrinated in conducting video calls with others from virtually any device and location.WebRTC is a centerpiece of this world, enabling users to reach out to one another directly from the comforts of their browsers and applications.In this session, Tsahi explains what exactly is WebRTC, how it is different from other web technologies and how you can assure that your WebRTC application gets adopted and successfully used by your clients.
Delightful Integration Tests With Testcontainers
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
Delightful Integration Tests With Testcontainers
Top Content
Dockerized services are an excellent tool for creating repeatable, isolated environments ideal for integration tests. In this session, we'll look at the Testcontainers libraries which provide flexible and intuitive API for programmatically controlling lifecycle of your service dependencies in Docker containers. Running databases, Kafka, Elasticsearch, and even cloud technologies, straight from your test code ensures environment config is always up-to-date and consistent during local development and in CI pipelines.You’ll learn everything necessary to start adding powerful integration tests to your codebase without the headache of managing external service dependencies manually!
Unit Testing Angular Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
24 min
Unit Testing Angular Applications
Angular offers many things out of the box, including various testing-related functionalities. This presentation will demonstrate how we can build on Angular's solid unit testing fundamentals and apply certain patterns that make testing easier. Topics covered include: test doubles, testing module pattern, harnesses, "recipes" on how to test some common cases, and more!
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
Modern distributed architectures are more complex than ever before, with a majority of companies operating multiple languages, protocols and architectural styles. This poses significant challenges for engineering teams increasingly asked to deliver more at speed. Whilst the practice of contract testing rose to prominence during the RESTful microservices boom to address similar challenges, the problem statement has evolved. In this talk, we'll discuss these new challenges and demonstrate how contract testing is still as relevant as it has ever been in helping to solve them.
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
17 min
Testing Mail Service With Playwright
Top Content
We send emails to our users - account verification and newsletters. We allow the user to contact us by sending an email via inbuild form. Do we? Does the user receive an account verification email or exactly what notification they signed up for? We can cover this functionality as part of E2E tests: get an email and open it to check what is in it. We will need Playwright and a fake SMTP server to capture emails sent by the app.
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
22 min
Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
The talk covers the current scenario of writing test cases in JavaScript and the problems associated with the time and resources spent by companies to write the test cases and the lack of automation in this area.Then the talk will cover how AI and machine learning is being leveraged by tools such as Github Copilot and Ponicode to autogenerate test cases thus simplifying the software testing process.
Dissecting Complexity in Tests
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
15 min
Dissecting Complexity in Tests
Learn about the most common reasons for complexity in tests, how it manifests, and how to deal with that complexity to produce elegant tests even for the most complex systems.
How to Choose an Automation Tool
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
21 min
How to Choose an Automation Tool
What are the aspects you should think when choosing an automation framework. Some main differences on available frameworks.Explain the main differences between the most known frameworks for automation: Selenium, Cypress, Playwright and Robot Framework. Positives and negatives about the frameworks. Depending on the needs of the project your work what is the best framework to use. Small talk about how frameworks integrate with some test management tools.
🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
Node.js is great - easy to develop, performant, easy to scale. But there are tasks that are less suited for it - heavy computations or data processing. Join me and learn how you can incorporate Rust as well as WebAssembly into Node and JavaScript and take your performance to the next level!
Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript
Have we found nirvana for Blockchain developers? This session will focus on building blockchain dApps (distributed Apps) with one set of source code and deploy to multiple blockchains! The session will cover getting started with Reach and being able to deploy the same solution to multiple blockchains including Algorand, Ethereum, and Conflux. New to Reach? We will cover how to set up your development environment as well as walk through a simple app frontend and backend. Finally, we will look one the huge benefits of Reach in the built-in verification process. Reach provides automatic verifications to ensure that your program does not lose, lock away, or overspend funds and guarantees that your applications are free from this entire category of errors.
Quantum Computing in JavaScript with Q.js
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
Quantum Computing in JavaScript with Q.js
Anyone can learn quantum computing! Join Stewart Smith as he describes his open-source passion project, Q.js. What exactly is a quantum computer? What's it good for? And how does Quantum JavaScript fit in? While this talk is for anyone curious about quantum computing, it will resonate particularly with coders, high school algebra survivors, and music nerds.
Future Features of JS?!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Future Features of JS?!
Top Content
Curious to know what are some of the potential JS features that are cooking right now?Yes are at the right place! This talk will be walking you through such features with code samples and some insights from the TC39 meeting notes about them.
How JS Modules work: a Browser Perspective
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
26 min
How JS Modules work: a Browser Perspective
Modules are a popular tool for JavaScript Developers. Recently, there have been a number of proposals touching on how Modules work, including Import Maps, Top level await, JSON modules, Module asserts, and many others. But how does the module loading system work, and how do these proposals augment it? What does it look like from the browsers perspective to load a module tree with an import map? We will explore these questions and more, giving you a behind the scenes look at module loading in JS.
Record & Tuple: Immutable Data Structures in JS
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
24 min
Record & Tuple: Immutable Data Structures in JS
Top Content
Record & Tuple is a proposed feature for JavaScript that aims to introduce new immutable value types. Records are immutable key/value structures and Tuples are immutable sequences of data. In this talk, Robin, one of the champions of the proposal will introduce the feature, show how it can be used and explain how this feature is advancing in the TC39 standardization process.
Yarn 4 - Modern Package Management
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
Yarn 4 - Modern Package Management
Top Content
Yarn 4 is the next major release of your favourite JavaScript package manager, with a focus on performance, security, and developer experience. All through this talk we'll go over its new features, major changes, and share our long-term plans for the project.If you only heard about Yarn without trying it yet, if you're not sure why people make such a fuss over package managers, if you wonder how your package manager can make your work simpler and safer, this is the perfect talk for you!
Alternatives to TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Alternatives to TypeScript
While TypeScript is currently the most popular static type checker for JavaScript, there are alternatives. In this talk, we'll look at Flow.js and Hegel, and review the similarities and differences among the three. Doing this will put TypeScript in perspective, and maybe help explain why the TS team made certain design decisions.
A Comparison of Web Workers
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
25 min
A Comparison of Web Workers
Modern browsers come equipped with three types of Web Workers: Dedicated, Shared, and Service Workers. While each one offers the ability to execute JavaScript in a separate thread, their differing APIs and capabilities mean that any given task usually has an ideal worker. Learn the benefits of each worker and how to choose the right one.
Understanding JavaScript Compilation
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
Understanding JavaScript Compilation
Compiling (or transpiling) modern JavaScript to older ECMAScript-compatible versions has allowed the web to evolve incredibly fast while making us happier developers. But how does the compilation process work? How can we write our own Babel plugins? Let's find out!
The Future of JavaScript Runtimes
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
The Future of JavaScript Runtimes
JavaScript was born in the browser, Node brought it to the server embracing unix primitives and async I/O and lately Cloudflare Workers & Deno Deploy have brought it to the edge. Let’s take a look at where JavaScript runtimes are heading and how it will shape the software we write.
Technical SEO & JavaScript
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Technical SEO & JavaScript
The web is an ever-changing platform and so are the websites we create. With new technologies and possibilities come new challenges for both developers and SEOs. In this session, we will talk about how developers and SEOs can become a team and solve challenges together. We will look into a few scenarios where this collaboration can bring success to a project.
What's New in npm?
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
26 min
What's New in npm?
The npm CLI has been, & continues to be, a core developer tool of the Node.js/JavaScript ecosystem. This past year npm@7 became Generally Availble, introducing with it a wealth of changes & net-new capabilities including: lockfile upgrades, workspace support, installing peer dependencies default, npm diff, npm explain, npm exec, npm set-script & much, much more. We'll dive into this work as well as share some exciting news about what to expect in the weeks & months to come.
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
9 min
ESNext: Proposals To Look Forward To
With the yearly ECMAScript releases (ES2015..ES2019) of a lot of things have changed in JavaScript-land, and there's even more to come. This talk takes a look at a few of the newest (ES2020) and some of the upcoming ECMAScript features, which (hopefully) will become part of the ECMAScript Language Specification in the near future.
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
33 min
How Does the TypeScript Team Try to Avoid Negative Effects on the JS Ecosystem
TypeScript is becoming one of the dominant ways in which people write JavaScript. The goal of TypeScript is to augment and not replace JavaScript – so how does the team ensure that the future of JS is always JS.
Module Federation in Webpack 5
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
32 min
Module Federation in Webpack 5
Microfrontends as Monolith? Shared component library or styleguide? This technique allows to consume modules from separate builds, which can be developed and deployed independently. An introduction, and further ideas.
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
25 min
How to Outsmart Time: Building Futuristic JavaScript Apps Using Temporal
For close to 25 years now, JavaScript developers have suffered at the hands of time: the Date object. We have tried all sorts of solutions from using popular libraries like Moment.js all the way to handling dates and times on the backend.Now it's time to show "time" who is boss. With the Temporal API stable at Stage 3 and the polyfill ready for production use, let me show you how to harness the power of this delightful API in order to build powerful JavaScript applications that handle dates and times like we always wished we could. We shall also discuss the orthogonal features being worked on in the JavaScript Intl API and find out how these play along with each other and come together to form a comprehensive set of APIs that allow us to build state of the art date and time components in our applications.
CSS Can Do That Too
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
22 min
CSS Can Do That Too
CSS has evolved and grown immensely since it was first introduced back in 1996. There was a time back then when CSS was not even meant for doing layouts, but that time has long past. Today, web layouts are practically synonymous with CSS. In addition to that, CSS can now be used to build things that used to only be feasible with Javascript. This talk will showcase a few of such features and explain how to build them yourself.
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
31 min
Does hearing about potential new features of Javascript makes you excited? Then this talk is for you! We will walk through a few interesting proposals from TC39 from stage-0 to stage-3. Let us see how beneficial these proposals are with code samples and some live coding.
Using the Proxy API for State Management
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
27 min
Using the Proxy API for State Management
With so many libraries to choose from for state management, why not add one more? The ECMAScript Proxy API enables you to intercept and redefine how an object operates. Let's explore how you might use the Proxy API for state management!
The Third Age of JavaScript
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
30 min
The Third Age of JavaScript
Top Content
The way we write JavaScript in 2030 will be completely different than in 2020. Here's why: the slow death of IE11 and rollout of ES Modules will converge toward a new generation of JavaScript tooling. These tools are faster, typesafer, and polyglot, leading to both a better developer and user experience. Change is afoot!