Remixing a Symfony

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In late 2020, I ran a Lighthouse test on a simple content page on Harvie, our farm management platform and Symfony app, and received a performance score of 31/100. The JavaScript bundle, the API requests, the database lookups, even with minimal UI to render, had a baseline score in the thirties! Along with customer feedback, this helped to catalyze a renewed commitment to performance at Harvie. Through numerous discussions, we walked through each step of page load, from networking to rendering, and identified where we could improve. After a year of rewrites and upgrades, our remaining detriment to overall performance was our frontend. We had been converting our Symfony twig templates into React SPA components and fell into the common problem of creating "request waterfalls", while our user had to stare at a loading screen. We needed a change, and for us, that was Remix. In this talk, I'll walk you through our team's journey with performance and how Remix has become a natural progression of that.

Emily Kauffman
Emily Kauffman
19 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses Harvey's performance journey and how it led to the adoption of Remix. The engineering team addressed scaling and performance issues through backend fixes and frontend improvements. The redesign focused on loading products by category and prioritizing performance. The implementation of Remix resulted in improved performance and a reduction in API requests. The focus on long-term scalability is essential for handling a growing product list and customer base.

Available in Español: Remixando un Symfony

1. Harvey's Performance Journey

Short description:

Hey everyone, welcome! My name is Emily Kaufman. Today I'll talk about Harvey's performance journey and how it led us to Remix. Harvey started as a CSA program, but during the pandemic, it grew into a full grocery store. We faced growing pains and poor performance despite the move to React. The underlying architecture couldn't handle the load.

[♪ Music playing ♪ Hey everyone, welcome! My name is Emily Kaufman. I'm a software engineer based out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I actually gave this talk at the- I was a backup speaker at the first Remix conference, so if you ended up watching that already this might sound pretty familiar. But my talk today is going to be about the performance journey that Harvey, the company where I work, has undergone over the past few years and how that ultimately led us to Remix.

Alright, so Harvey is a grocery delivery service, where all of our products come from local farms and producers. So it started out, I think about ten years ago, as a community supported agriculture program, if you're familiar with that. It's a CSA. Basically, you pay the farm some amount of money per year and then every week or every other week, you get a box of whatever they happen to have produced in that time. So it's a really great way to support local, support your local farms and producers. So what Harvey did is it provided a platform so you could actually customize what you were getting in your box. So up until about three years ago, two and a half years ago, that's all Harvey really did. We had a number of farms on the platform from all over and we had provided the way for the customers to come in and login, view the contents of their box, make additions if they wanted to swap out stuff and then they would wait for their delivery.

And then the pandemic hit. So, you might remember at the beginning the world was starting to close down. A lot of people in the Pittsburgh area, turned to Harvey as their main source of groceries, to avoid having to go into a grocery store. And on the other side of that, all these producers that were used to going to farmers markets, setting up booths somewhere, so that you could come and actually make purchases, they didn't really have a place to go anymore. And so they were coming on to Harvey as a producer in order to stay in business. So, as I'm sure you can imagine, we had this massive influx of both customers and producers and Harvey began to grow and evolve from this CSA program into a full grocery store.

So, of course, during any kind of large scale growth in a short amount of time like this you're going to experience some growing pains and we absolutely did. This is a Lighthouse test that I ran in late 2020, and it was just a simple content page in Harvey, which is a Symfony application, and we got this performance score. This was the JavaScript bundle, the API requests, database lookups, even with the minimal UI to render on this basic content page, we had a baseline score in the 30s. So this wasn't correct. Something wasn't adding up. This, along with some upset customers, some customer feedback helped to catalyze this renewed interest and commitment to performance at Harvey. The catalog page, which is where you go to view all the products, had recently, I think a year prior to that, been converted from the Symfony, jQuery, Twig combination into part of a new React single page application. And this was hit the hardest. So the dump to React had addressed many UX concerns that we had. It modernized our tech stack, but it was still falling short in terms of performance. So the underlying architecture just couldn't handle the weight of all the new products. It was taking upwards of tens of seconds just to add something to your cart or remove something or do a swap.

2. Fixes for Scaling and Performance

Short description:

Many members were dropping off the site due to poor scaling caused by the significant increase in products offered. The engineering team triaged the issues into quick wins, involved fixes, and future redesign plans. DevOps and networking were mostly handled by services and tooling. Back-end fixes included image optimization, caching, and updating endpoints and database lookups. Front-end improvements focused on reducing bundle size and removing unnecessary localization packages.

And so many members were just dropping off the site entirely. But we have to remember that we had gone from offering maybe 30 to 40 products a couple of years ago to probably over 600 at this point. And so the page just wasn't scaling correctly. So when we think about fixes for this, our first iteration was kind of this crisis mode. Our engineering team got together and we said what can we do in the short term to fix a few of these issues.

So we spent a few hours sitting around the network panel in the performance tab and just walking through every step of page load and organizing what we saw into a few groups based on who would actually be working on them. So we had DevOps and networking. We had the back end, which would include API and the database, and then we had the front end. And from there, we took what we found and we triaged this into quick and easy wins, involved fixes, and this could be part of a future redesign.

For DevOps and networking, we didn't have to do too much here because it was mostly handled by services and tooling. But it was worth it to at least sit down and walk through it and make sure there weren't any bottlenecks. For the back end API, we had quite a few issues around image loading on the site. This is a hero banner that we have on almost all of our pages, and for some reason it was taking like seven seconds to load and seemed to be blocking first paint. So we did a bunch of work around image optimization and caching, and that took actual seconds off of our page load time. So I can't speak to everything that my back end coworkers did, but more involved fixes included updating the endpoints and database lookups to make sure that we're only querying the minimum needed, trying to avoid unnecessary and computationally expensive operations. An example of this is like anything that would have to go through a third party provider. Like if we were checking a user's credit card information for one, we might only be doing this on like one or two pages. So it shouldn't be in a top level like layout component because then it's going to be happening way more than it needs to. Overall, all of these updates came around just because we sat down as a team and we stared at the dev panel for a few hours and just identified issues.

For the front end, aka my problem, because I'm the only front end developer at Harvey, this is how long it takes to actually download the content, how big the script is, testing slower connections and all that kind of thing. We identified several low hanging fruit that we knew would be a relatively small development effort but would drastically increase the user's experience. So we started there. For one, the bundle was just so big, it was too big. There was so much code that a user had to download before even getting to interact with the page. And we used Webpacks. We used Webpacks Bundle Analyzer plugin, if you're familiar with it, and this helped us identify many problem areas that we were able to tackle. One of these being our use of Moment.js localization packages. So we're mostly in the Pittsburgh area. We have farms all over, but mostly at least in the United States. So there were many localization packages that weren't really relevant to us at this time, so we removed those, setting the goal that we would eventually switch to using something else other than Moment.

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