November 18, 2022
Remix Conf Europe

Remix Conf Europe 2022

The biggest Remix conference in the cloud

Remix Conf Europe is a remote conference focusing on delivering fast and scalable websites deployable to any platform with Remix. Attend talks and workshops that will help you stay up-to-date on modern web standards and cutting-edge user experience.

Full Stack Components
37 min
Full Stack Components
Top Content
Remix is a web framework that gives you the simple mental model of a Multi-Page App (MPA) but the power and capabilities of a Single-Page App (SPA). One of the big challenges of SPAs is network management resulting in a great deal of indirection and buggy code. This is especially noticeable in application state which Remix completely eliminates, but it's also an issue in individual components that communicate with a single-purpose backend endpoint (like a combobox search for example).
In this talk, Kent will demonstrate how Remix enables you to build complex UI components that are connected to a backend in the simplest and most powerful way you've ever seen. Leaving you time to chill with your family or whatever else you do for fun.
Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing
16 min
Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing
Top Content
This talk introduces the new Flat Routes convention that will most likely be the default in a future version of Remix. It simplifies the existing convention as well as gives you new capabilities.
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
23 min
Scaling Up with Remix and Micro Frontends
Top Content
Do you have a large product built by many teams? Are you struggling to release often? Did your frontend turn into a massive unmaintainable monolith? If, like me, you’ve answered yes to any of those questions, this talk is for you! I’ll show you exactly how you can build a micro frontend architecture with Remix to solve those challenges.
Remix Architecture Patterns
23 min
Remix Architecture Patterns
Top Content
Remix provides amazing flexibility and can be deployed anywhere where JavaScript is running. But how does Remix fit into the bigger application landscape of an organization? Remix provides great utility, but how to best take advantage of it? What things should be handled inside of Remix, and what things are better off done elsewhere? Should we use the express adapter to add a WebSocket server or should that be a standalone microservice? How will enterprise organizations integrate Remix into their current stacks? Let’s talk architecture patterns! In this talk, I want to share my thoughts about how to best integrate Remix into a greater (enterprise) stack.
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
22 min
How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack
Remix gives developers the power to write their frontend and backend code in one unified location and language, which drops the fullstack barrier significantly for frontend devs and newer developers. The remaining piece, however, is the database. Throw Prisma into the mix and you've got a powerful fullstack experience with a very low learning curve. In this talk, we'll take a look at the amazing developer experience you get when you combine the two.
Remixing a Symfony
19 min
Remixing a Symfony
In late 2020, I ran a Lighthouse test on a simple content page on Harvie, our farm management platform and Symfony app, and received a performance score of 31/100. The JavaScript bundle, the API requests, the database lookups, even with minimal UI to render, had a baseline score in the thirties! Along with customer feedback, this helped to catalyze a renewed commitment to performance at Harvie. Through numerous discussions, we walked through each step of page load, from networking to rendering, and identified where we could improve. After a year of rewrites and upgrades, our remaining detriment to overall performance was our frontend. We had been converting our Symfony twig templates into React SPA components and fell into the common problem of creating "request waterfalls", while our user had to stare at a loading screen. We needed a change, and for us, that was Remix. In this talk, I'll walk you through our team's journey with performance and how Remix has become a natural progression of that.
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
36 min
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Have you ever wished to have a flexible approach to localize your content to scale easily? Join my talk, and I'll show you multiple strategies to translate and localize your content with Remix. I'll share with you flexible dynamic route options from Remix to generate localized content in a practical way, including a headless approach demo and how to scale your solution in the future. Let's "Remix" to localize your content!
Demystifying Web Accessibility
11 min
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Accessibility is a decisive tool to make the internet a more inclusive place, it is absolutely crucial and despite the popular belief that only a small user group is affected, it benefits every single one of us. After a brief introduction, we will dive into practical tools to create more accessible websites and test for the most common web accessibility issues. Let's make the web more inclusive, one page at a time!
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
19 min
The New Frontier: E-Commerce at the Edge
In this talk I'll explore the evolution of e-commerce infrastructure from traditional co-located servers to the new frontier of serverless and edge computing, and how modern developer tools like Remix and Vendure fit in.
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
22 min
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix entered the stage with a unique and refreshing take on how to develop on the web. But how do you integrate it into your existing ecosystem of applications? Do you want to test-drive Remix on a small project, or do you want to go full-in, but it is tricky to do a big-bang migration from your existing React app? In this talk, we're going to explore how a monorepo-based code organization can help integrate Remix with your existing React and TypeScript infrastructure, facilitating high code reuse and a migration path to Remix.
Your Personal Remix!
24 min
Your Personal Remix!
Here and there, people talk about "Personalization". Content creators, marketers, designers, and product owners evaluate the possibilities and alternatives to handle custom scenarios while offering powerful experiences to the users. And we, the developers, have some ways to help with that. Let's talk about personalization, the benefits, the challenges, and how we can manage and offer personalized experiences in our Remix projects.
Remixing How We Give
32 min
Remixing How We Give
A review of how we're using Remix at to change the way people give to charities.
We'll talk about why we decided to use Remix, how we've used it and migrated from our previous frontend application and some patterns and libraries we have developed internally.
React Remixed
19 min
React Remixed
React and the JavaScript ecosystem seems to be constantly changing. Wherever we look, there are new libraries and frameworks. These new tools always lead to learning concepts that are often non-transferable knowledge.
What if I told you that by learning standard web APIs, relearning the web, and getting a bunch of transferable knowledge, you can also start using a fantastic new addition to the React ecosystem: Remix!
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
41 min
Remix Persistence With DynamoDB
Remix is the best React framework for working with the second most important feature of the web: forms. (Anchors are more important.) But building forms is the fun part: the tricky part is what happens when a web consumer submits a form! Not the client side validation logic but the brass tacks backend logic for creating, reading, updating, destroying, and listing records in a durable database (CRUDL). Databases can be intimidating. Which one to choose? What are the tradeoffs? How do I model data for fast queries? In this talk, we'll learn about the incredibly powerful AWS DynamoDB. Dynamo promises single-digit millisecond latency no matter how much data you have stored, scaling is completely transparent, and it comes with a generous free tier. Dynamo is a different level of database but it does not have to be intimidating.