
Accessibility in JavaScript refers to the ability of a website or application to be used by people with disabilities. This includes providing features such as support for keyboard navigation, alternative text for images, and high-contrast color schemes. Accessible JavaScript also means that code is written in a way that can be understood and used by all users, regardless of their disability.
Accessibility at Discord
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
22 min
Accessibility at Discord
Accessibility in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
23 min
Accessibility in 2024
We’ll cover the basics of how accessibility works in organizations and on teams, who is responsible for accessibility, how to push for changes without being an expert, and how to grow your skillset.
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
9 min
Nested Interactive Elements: A Nightmare in Accessibility
There have been numerous remarkable new UX experiences developed over the years, such as cards displaying an array of products and clickable list items with dynamic menu options, among others. However, only a few are aware of the challenges involved in building structures with nested interactive elements, and unfortunately, some of them are completely inaccessible. 
In today's talk, we will explore some of these prevalent web UX patterns and delve into the hidden challenges they present. While we may be able to mitigate some of these issues, others serve as cautionary tales in accessibility.
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
9 min
Ethically Wired: Computer Ethics for Technologists
As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, it is becoming increasingly important for those in the tech industry to understand the ethical implications of their work. The decisions that engineers and tech leads make can have far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and even entire societies. Without a solid understanding of computer ethics, it is all too easy for technology to be developed and deployed in ways that harm rather than help.
In this talk, we will discuss the importance of computer ethics in  tech and why it is crucial that engineers and tech leads receive training in this area. We will cover a range of topics, including ethical considerations surrounding data collection and privacy, algorithmic bias and fairness, and the ethical implications of emerging technologies such as AI and robotics. Drawing on both my own experience as a software engineer and relevant case studies, we will review examples of how ethical considerations have played out in real-world scenarios. Finally, we will discuss how engineers and tech leads can integrate ethical considerations into their work.  
Computer ethics is an important and relevant topic that deserves more attention. As technology continues to evolve and become more intertwined with our daily lives, it is essential that we ensure that those responsible for designing and developing these technologies understand the ramifications of their work. 
In the fast-evolving tech world, grasping computer ethics is vital. Tech choices impact people and society profoundly. This talk stresses ethics training for engineers, covering data privacy, bias, AI, and real-world cases. It's essential as tech becomes integral to daily life.
Explain Like I’m Your Manager: Digital Accessibility
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
20 min
Explain Like I’m Your Manager: Digital Accessibility
Are you building digital services aimed towards European consumers? Have you already heard about the European Accessibility Act? Are you aware that in June 2025, you are probably, by law, obligated to deliver accessible features?
Developing inclusive user experiences is a challenge when accessibility doesn't have the right priority. It isn't just about inclusiveness – it's about potential Return on Investment (ROI) that is too significant to ignore.
Statistics show that 1 out of 4 European adults has some form of disability. Imagine being able to tap into a roughly 25% bigger market reach. Accessible web services perform better in search engine results because web semantics are key. They enable users to accomplish their goals more efficiently, as the focus is on inclusive user experience.
With the European Accessibility Act coming into effect, the awareness around digital accessibility will shift. I predict digital accessibility will land on the company's radar from 2024 onward.
At the end of this session, you will have the fundaments to pitch digital accessibility to your stakeholders.
We'll cover what digital accessibility is, how a company will reap the benefits of investing in it and what a mature accessibility program could look like, so with it, you can kick-start your company's accessibility program.
What Is the Accessibility Tree, Really?
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
19 min
What Is the Accessibility Tree, Really?
Have you ever wondered how screen readers interact with browsers to provide accessible experiences? You may have heard terms like "accessibility APIs", “accessibility tree” or "accessible name computation". But what do they refer to, really? In this talk, we will demystify the process in which browsers generate and update the accessibility tree. We will look into its key elements, and how HTML elements and ARIA attributes map into it. Lastly, we will explore how web developers can leverage it for effective debugging. Let's dive into the inner workings of screen readers-browsers interactions!
More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
21 min
More Secure Vue & Nuxt Apps - By Default
As developers we usually have to develop fast and because of that some Software Quality aspects such as Performance, Accessibility or Security can suffer. Configuring web applications to be protected against common threats and hackers is difficult. And that is why, you can use Nuxt Security -> a module for Nuxt that will help you build more secure applications without additional configuration needed! In this talk, I will guide you through the concepts of Security in modern web applications and OWASP to help you build more secure Vue & Nuxt applications!
Accessible CI/CD
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
24 min
Accessible CI/CD
CI/CD has been essential for any productive web product development and release. However, while accessibility is always an important aspect for any Web product included UI, it is often overlooked or considered as a time-consuming manual step, outside of the CI/CD flow. How can we automate accessibility testing within our CI/CD for better developer experience and team collaboration? What tools can we use to integrate and leverage accessibility compliance in our CI/CD? Join my talk and let's find out.
A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
24 min
A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow
A practical look at automating core accessibility testing and integrating it into your workflow.
Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
27 min
Design Systems Carnival! One Accessible Component, Many Pretty Masks
Design System components are like guests at a Venetian Carnival, enjoying the festivities. One guest — the disclosure widget — wears three distinct masks, elevating a Carnival to a Masquerade Ball. Or… is it? What kind of Carnival are you attending if those masks get mixed? In this talk, you’ll learn the secret to creating a reusable — and accessible — component that can masquerade as many and give your component library access to the most exclusive of Carnival attractions.
Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
41 min
Automating Accessibility Testing for Your Component Library
Are you a developer tired of manual accessibility testing and the long feedback loops it entails? Do you want to efficiently audit and test the accessibility of your components while saving time and effort? Look no further! In this talk, we’ll explore how Storybook, a widely-used open source tool to document your UI components, can be used to automate accessibility testing.
Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
23 min
Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
There have been numerous remarkable new UX experiences developed over the years, such as cards displaying an array of products and clickable list items with dynamic menu options, among others. However, only a few are aware of the challenges involved in building these structures with accessibility in mind, and unfortunately, some of them are completely inaccessible. 
In today's talk, we will explore some of these prevalent web UX patterns and delve into the hidden challenges they present. While we may be able to mitigate some of these issues, others serve as cautionary tales in accessibility.
Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
30 min
Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
Did you know that approximately 1 in 7 people are neurodivergent? Within that group there is an entire spectrum of people whose brains process information differently. However, as frontend engineers we often forget to take these idiosyncrasies into account, or choose to simply apply industry standards such as WCAG 2.1 AA without digging deeper. In this talk, Steph shares some of the ways you can create better web experiences for the neurodivergent.
How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
28 min
How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
You've probably build one of these before: tooltips, date pickers, menus, teaching UI… they're all examples of “popover” content. Good news: it's going to get a whole lot easier to build these, with some proposed web platform features. You might not even need JavaScript. In this talk, you’ll learn all about the upcoming ‘popover’ attribute, when to use modality and access to the top layer.
WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
WHOA, I Wrote This React App With My Voice!
Have you ever imagined writing code without even touching the keyboard? In this talk, I'll show you how I wrote a React app with my voice. But more importantly, I'll demonstrate how this technology can developers with disabilities to write code with ease and efficiency. Together, we'll explore the ways in which voice-activated AI assistants can revolutionize the way we think about coding. Join me as we explore the exciting possibilities of voice-activated AI programming in the React community and the ways in which it can make React coding more accessible and fun for everyone.
Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
30 min
Making Interactions Accessible to All Users
Are your websites accessible to all users? Are all the users able to interact with your application as intended regardless of their disabilities? Accessibility often remains an afterthought even today, and I am here to share how we can change that. In this talk, we will explore best practices for designing and building user interactions for websites that are accessible and user-friendly for our users. Using semantic HTML and ARIA attributes, we will cover strategies for interaction from a simple button, to navigation, to different form elements and custom components.
Accessible Component System Through Customization
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
Accessible Component System Through Customization
Most current UI libraries provide great user experience with a vast of components. But when it comes to heavy customization, and non-standard scenarios, especially for E-Commerce, they become hard to manage, scale or even slow down performance.
How to create a UI library that provides users the most possible freedom in customizing components, while keeping our performance and scalability to the fullest? How much accessible we can provide out of the box to our users? How much customization freedom is enough?
That's what my talk's about.
Dialog Dilemmas and Modal Mischief: A Deep Dive Into Pop-Ups
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
10 min
Dialog Dilemmas and Modal Mischief: A Deep Dive Into Pop-Ups
Our design systems commonly feature components that show on top of other content: tooltips, date pickers, menus and teaching UI, to name just a few. Proposed updates to the web platform are about to make building these a whole lot easier. You might not even need JavaScript. In this talk, you’ll learn all about the upcoming ‘popover’ attribute, modality and the top layer.
Conquering Forms in Vue
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Conquering Forms in Vue
Web forms are the connective tissue of the internet. Without them, people cannot request their health records, apply for university, order pad thai, or book a plane ticket. Yet too often, the tools we use to build those forms are a grab bag of libraries and DIY solutions that can result in a subpar user experience, poor accessibility, and low maintainability.In this talk, we will introduce FormKit — a form-building framework — and explore how this tool can empower Vue developers to write consistent, accessible, even delightful forms without spending a lifetime building them.Talk table of contents:- The problem with forms, why they’re hard- Introduction to FormKit- Input library- Validation- Accessibility- Form architecture- Generating forms from JSON- Next steps and closing statements
How to Start Your Journey Into Mobile Accessibility?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
24 min
How to Start Your Journey Into Mobile Accessibility?
We want to learn about mobile accessibility to build an accessible mobile app, but where do we start? What does making an app accessible mean? What should we developers do? We will answer that by deep diving into the fundamentals of accessibility and assistive technologies.
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
11 min
Demystifying Web Accessibility
Accessibility is a decisive tool to make the internet a more inclusive place, it is absolutely crucial and despite the popular belief that only a small user group is affected, it benefits every single one of us. After a brief introduction, we will dive into practical tools to create more accessible websites and test for the most common web accessibility issues. Let's make the web more inclusive, one page at a time!
My Accessibility Journey: the Quest for an Accessible Component Library
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
23 min
My Accessibility Journey: the Quest for an Accessible Component Library
Creating web applications can be challenging. Creating accessible ones - even more so. However the real challenge lies in maintaining accessibility in your project since it requires knowledge and skills beyond those of traditional web development. To make this happen, one must choose the proper tools to keep the accessibility level high when code gets refactored, monitor the accessibility status and test it automatically during CI. To tackle these challenges, I’ll introduce a different approach that intertwines accessibility into the gut of the web application by creating an accessible React components library. I’ll discuss the principles, tools and techniques I use to test and maintain the accessibility level over time, and provide you with the initial recipe to drive the accessibility change in your organization.
How Time-Consuming Is It to Build an Accessible Mobile App?
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
How Time-Consuming Is It to Build an Accessible Mobile App?
The most common misconceptions about accessibility are that it is time-consuming or can be easily left as the last thing to be added. But, of course, this is not the case. We’ll look at how easy and quick adopting accessibility as a First-Class Citizen and, on the contrary, how difficult and time-consuming it is to add accessibility to an existing project.
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
31 min
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
Accessibility is often left as an afterthought in the software development cycle. However, with 5 simple techniques, we can build accessibility in our apps from the get-go. In this talk, I will talk about how to test for accessibility, aria tags you need to know, and how to use them. We will see a walkthrough of how jarring a non-accessible app can be for users, and how to fix it. We will also look at how Slack has built an accessible app while going above and beyond.
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
25 min
Lifting Privacy and Accessibility Up
In React, Lifting State Up is a core concept. The aim of this talk is address two very important concerns in our landscape: privacy and accessibility and how we can achieve it and built in right from the components.
This talk will show my work with a little open source component ad its evolution to address privacy and accessibility with the help of community and how we as developers need to care and ship the best for our people using our tools down to the most simple component.
Building UIs - By the People, for the People!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Building UIs - By the People, for the People!
What if you get to know that your UI is not usable to roughly 20% of the world? And also you might be sued due to it in many countries? It's normal to get terrified but thanks to a concept called accessibility that we can resolve this and make our UI more reachable and in a much exciting way with this talk!
Accessibility Credit and How to Pay it
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
Accessibility Credit and How to Pay it
Tech debt comes as free credit for our lack of experience, wrong deadlines or simply a mix of bad decisions; but no matter how it gets there, the cost is usually on accessibility. The first to sacrify is the one tool that allows all people to surf the web without constraints.How do we tackle a technical debt for accessibility? Where do we begin? How fast and far can we get? In this talk we will go through real-world examples on how to begin fixing the most important technical debt out there.
a11y and TDD: A Perfect Match
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
24 min
a11y and TDD: A Perfect Match
Accessibility has been web development's ugly duckling for quite some time now. I often get asked, "when should you test for a11y in your apps?" My answer is simple, "right from the start!". Regardless of the framework considered - React, Svelte, Vue, YourOwn™️ - as developers we are in a privileged position to help the ugly duckling grow into a beautiful swan. How? By diving deep into the pond and harnessing the power of Javascript APIs to build the right components for your web apps. And how can do you know you are building them right? By pairing Test Driven Development with the Testing Library family. Ready to grow your web apps into swans?
Configuring Axe Accessibility Tests
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
30 min
Configuring Axe Accessibility Tests
Top Content
Axe-core is a popular accessibility testing engine that is used Google, Microsoft, and hundreds of other companies to ensure that their websites are accessible. Axe-core can even integrate into many popular testing frameworks, tools, and IDEs. In this advanced session, we'll be learning how to configure axe and its integrations to fine tune how it runs and checks your pages and code for accessibility violations.
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
7 min
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
For developers, it is better to catch any a11y defects during unit and e2e testings. This talk is going to show how to automate a11y testing using jest and cypress.
How to do Good Without Doing Anything
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
32 min
How to do Good Without Doing Anything
There’s no arguing that building accessible websites is a force for good. But ensuring that our React websites and apps work for everyone can be time-consuming and isn’t always easy to get right. Luckily, investing a little bit of time on your accessibility workflow and setting up a series of automated tools will end up saving you tons of time and energy in the long run.In this talk I will demonstrate how you can leverage automated tools, clearly documented code standards and a well-defined development process in order to make building and testing accessible React apps a breeze. I will discuss the ways that I automate certain aspects of my development workflows to catch accessibility errors, define and set up tests and go through the entire lifecycle of accessibility feature development using a real-world example.
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
32 min
The Digital Accessibility Legal Landscape – why it matters for developers
Digital accessibility is a human right of people with disabilities around the globe. That means developers have an important role to play in advancing human rights! Join U.S. disability rights lawyer Lainey Feingold for a practical interactive discussion about laws and policies around the globe that impact digital accessibility. Come learn best practices for digital accessibility and how we all can “put the law in our pocket” to help make the digital world inclusive for everyone.
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
12 min
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
Accessibility advocates often say "use the platform," but why? In this lightning talk, I'll be showing you implementation differences between the behavior of native HTML elements and their DIV counterparts.
Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
24 min
Accessibility as a First Class Citizen
All too often A11Y is only an afterthought and will be added to a project "when we have time" i.e. never. But there are a many reasons why you should develop with a11y in mind from the start including some that will convince The Higher-Ups. We'll explore tools we can use to help us develop more accessibly and talk about some of the quirks and limitations that React Native has.
React Accessibility: Beyond the Basics
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
32 min
React Accessibility: Beyond the Basics
Accessibility in React has been a hot topic in the last few years, but in this talk, we'll be going beyond the basics. We'll discuss what disability means beyond what you've heard before, and then use code examples to learn why semantic HTML is helpful, and when it's just not enough. We'll then look into tooling, and talk about how you can introduce accessibility testing into your teams and existing code. You'll leave with the tools and knowledge to make a difference starting today.
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
27 min
Achieving A11y Automation Testing
Accessibility testing has come a long way in recent years. We'll dive into how EmberJS prioritized A11y with meaningful RFC's, Addons, tooling and docs. Most importantly, we'll discuss how these successes can be applied to your very own apps be they Vue, React, Angular or anything else!
Building Accessible React Components
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Building Accessible React Components
With the growing community and great tutorials, it's fairly easy nowadays to start building web applications with React. However, the vital aspect of accessibility is often missing which leads to web applications creating exclusions. Nothing in React prevents us from building accessible web experiences, but we need to learn to harness its power in the right way while dealing with some unique challenges caused creating web pages with JavaScript. This talk will focus on how to solve these issues in the context of React. It'll also emphasis why it is important to build accessible web apps. In the end, I will also share some cool stuff and tools in order to make your web app more accessible.