#unit testing

Unit testing is a type of software testing in which individual units of code, such as functions, classes, and modules, are tested to determine if they are fit for use. In JavaScript, unit tests are created to verify that the code behaves as expected when given certain inputs. Unit tests are typically written using a test framework like Jest or Mocha and are run automatically to ensure that the code works correctly.
We May Not Need Component Testing
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
26 min
We May Not Need Component Testing
Testings are mandatory and unit tests are the foundation for building a good testing system for our project. But for front end projects which involve components, how many unit tests are considered efficient and not overkill? Should we use additional libraries like Testing Library or Vue Test Utils with Vitest to test a component, when we can perform the same with just Playwright? Whether a component test using an E2E framework like Playwright is really a kill for? Let's find out in my talk.
The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
32 min
The Art of ‘Humble Views’: Testing React Native Apps the Smart Way
In this talk, we explore the divisive world of testing, where developers often find themselves torn between writing no tests and striving for 100% test coverage. Learn how to navigate these polarizing positions and adopt a more nuanced strategy that makes testing efficient and effective.We'll dive into the concept of 'Humble Views,' where we minimize untestable objects by extracting logic from UI elements into test-friendly parts of the codebase. This approach simplifies testing, focusing on business logic instead of UI complexities. Discover how the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architecture helps achieve this, with presenters serving as a logical layer for testing and hooks aiding in separating logic from UI components.Throughout the talk, we'll discuss the trade-offs of this approach, the role of End-to-End (E2E) tests, and how to strike the perfect balance between too much and too little testing. Join us as we delve into the art of creating 'Humble Views,' ensuring that our React Native apps are scalable, maintainable, and effectively tested!
Test Effective Development
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
31 min
Test Effective Development
Top Content
Developers want to sleep tight knowing they didn't break production. Companies want to be efficient in order to meet their customer needs faster and to gain competitive advantage sooner. We ALL want to be cost effective... or shall I say... TEST EFFECTIVE!But how do we do that?Are the "unit" and "integration" terminology serves us right?Or is it time for a change? When should we use either strategy to maximize our "test effectiveness"?In this talk I'll show you a brand new way to think about cost effective testing with new strategies and new testing terms!It’s time to go DEEPER!
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
Yes, we do need to test our UI components but... If this rings a bell, and especially if your application has advanced UI functionality, this talk is for you.In this talk, we will cover what are the factors that need to be tested in UI components. We will challenge the testing pyramid when it comes to UI Components testing, and review the different tools that we have nowadays for making UI component testing complete Zen.
Testing Library: Everybody Uses It, But Nobody Understands It
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
22 min
Testing Library: Everybody Uses It, But Nobody Understands It
Testing is an essential part of software development, but it can be a tricky and time-consuming process. The popular testing-library package is a widely used tool that helps developers write reliable and maintainable frontend tests based on a behavior driven approach, but many users are not fully aware of how it works. In this talk, I, as one of the maintainers of the package, give an in-depth look into testing-library. You will learn how testing-library is designed to encourage good testing practices and how it can help you write more maintainable tests.
Mock Service Worker 2.0
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
27 min
Mock Service Worker 2.0
It's been half a decade since Mock Service Worker (MSW) has changed the way developers approach and think of API mocking in JavaScript. With all its innovation, I felt we could do more. I spent the last year making that happen. I can't wait to share it with all of you!
Component Testing With Vitest
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
29 min
Component Testing With Vitest
Testing is important. Proper unit tests can eliminate the chance for bugs to appear. But which testing framework will be suitable? Let’s explore how we can develop a reliable and efficient strategy for component development and testing with Vitest
Using Tests for What?!
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
11 min
Using Tests for What?!
In the talk I will explain the pains and problems of form validation Then I will explain the mental model of unit tests, and compare it to how we think about form validations.I will introduce vest with a bit of live coding showing its unit testing syntax.
Unit Testing Angular Applications
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
24 min
Unit Testing Angular Applications
Angular offers many things out of the box, including various testing-related functionalities. This presentation will demonstrate how we can build on Angular's solid unit testing fundamentals and apply certain patterns that make testing easier. Topics covered include: test doubles, testing module pattern, harnesses, "recipes" on how to test some common cases, and more!
Who is Testing the Tests?
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
Who is Testing the Tests?
Have you ever wondered: "who's testing the tests"? Of course, tests are only valuable if they catch bugs, but how would one validate that? Well, let me tell you about mutation testing!
Mutation testing is the act of testing your test verifying that they catch bugs. Of course, you can do this manually inserting bugs and running the tests, but a mutation testing framework can do this for you!
Join me and learn the basics of mutation testing and how to use StrykerJS, the mutation testing framework for JavaScript or TypeScript.At the end of this talk, you'll be the one that is testing your tests, and it won't even cost you much time!
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
7 min
How to Catch a11y Defects During Unit and E2E Testing
For developers, it is better to catch any a11y defects during unit and e2e testings. This talk is going to show how to automate a11y testing using jest and cypress.
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
20 min
It's a (Testing) Trap! - Common Testing Pitfalls and How to Solve Them
It’s a trap” - a call or feeling we all might be familiar with, not only when it comes to Star Wars. It’s signalizing a sudden moment of noticing imminent danger. This situation is an excellent allegory for an unpleasant realization in testing. Imagine having the best intentions when it comes to testing but still ending up with tests failing to deliver you any value at all? Tests who are feeling like a pain to deal with?
When writing frontend tests, there are lots of pitfalls on the way. In sum, they can lead to lousy maintainability, slow execution time, and - in the worst-case - tests you cannot trust. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this session, I will talk about developers’ common mistakes (including mine), at least from my experience. And, of course, on how to avoid them. Testing doesn’t need to be painful, after all.
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
7 min
Testing React Hooks with Confidence
The talk will be presented as a refactoring story - will start from the messy untestable component, cover it with a brittle smoke test, and then show how to move all our react component logic into a custom hook and test this hook. Will present patterns to test things like - useState, effects, and Apollo.