
Frontend refers to the part of a website or application that users interact with. It is typically built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create an interface that allows users to view and interact with content. Frontend developers are responsible for creating the visual elements of a website or application, such as layout, styling, animation, and user interaction. This includes designing how a page looks, how it responds to different events, and how it interacts with the user.
Vue: Feature Updates
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
44 min
Vue: Feature Updates
Top Content
The creator of Vue js gives an update on the new features of the technology.
Great Migrations: Upgrading a Component Library at Scale
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Great Migrations: Upgrading a Component Library at Scale
At Jumbo Tech Campus we have a distributed model when it comes to our component library. The way we work on our shared codebase has helped is in migrating from Vue2 to Vue3 with the combined efforts of the entire frontend capacity.
A Frontend Developer’s Guide to Web3
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
A Frontend Developer’s Guide to Web3
There is a lot of hype and interest around diving into the Web3 space, and it can be hard to manage the information overload and the emphasis on learning new languages to work on smart contracts. Many developers in the frontend space ask, “How much of this new information do I need to transition into web3?” The truth is as a React developer, the skills I know are essential in web3. Let’s add some context around how to leverage those existing skills to succeed in this new space.
In this talk, we’re going to explore how to build the correct context and the technologies to understand to help you dive into web3 as a front-end developer. We’ll go over popular packages like Ethers, which can be used in React applications to interact with wallets and existing smart contracts. We will also explore how you can leverage your Javascript skills to build full-stack dApps using managed services like Moralis and Thirdweb.
Let’s demystify some of the concepts in web3 and leverage our existing skills to start building.
Serverless for Frontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
8 min
Serverless for Frontends
In this talk micro frontend expert Florian Rappl will introduce the pattern of creating a Siteless UI. This is a frontend composed of different pieces that can be developed independently and are deployed without having or managing any server. Florian will show you how to get started in that space, what decisions to take, and what pitfalls you should avoid.
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns with a JS Frontend and Node Backend
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
Monitoring Errors and Slowdowns with a JS Frontend and Node Backend
We've got a JavaScript frontend hitting a Node (Express.js) backend. We'll go through how to know which party is responsible for which error, what the impact is, and all the context needed to solve it.
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
DevOps.js Conf 2021DevOps.js Conf 2021
31 min
DevOps for Frontend: beyond Desktop Browsers
For the past 10 years we diligently applied DevOps principles to our Backend services, but what about the Frontend? Can we transfer some of that knowledge between these very different, yet very similar, worlds? The answer is yes, and in this talk I'll show you how DevOps principles helped us at DAZN to build our web applications for Smart TV & Gaming Consoles.
When Worlds Collide: Frontend vs Database
JSNation Live 2020JSNation Live 2020
8 min
When Worlds Collide: Frontend vs Database
Classic frontend vs backend API design conflicts are becoming a headache of the past with serverless and Jamstack architectures and tools; frontend developers are building the full stack. But this poses a new problem: “What database? Who cares about the database?” This talk will help you with the questions you should ask of the database for your next side project...and a place to begin your journey in database internals.