Vue: Feature Updates

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The creator of Vue js gives an update on the new features of the technology.


Vue 3.3 is a recent update to the Vue.js framework, focusing on improving the development experience with script setup in single file components and TypeScript. It includes features like imported type support for defining props, generic components, and more ergonomic define emits.

Vue 3.3 enhances TypeScript integration by improving type support in several areas, including the ability to use imported types when defining props and the introduction of generic components. These improvements aim to facilitate cross-team productivity and maintainability in large projects.

Generic components in Vue 3.3 allow developers to specify types that are flexible and reusable, enhancing the capability to build dynamic and complex components. This feature uses TypeScript generics to ensure type safety across different parts of a component or application.

The delay in releasing Vue 3.3 after Vue 3.2 was primarily due to the Vue team's focus on developing Vite and other related projects, as well as enhancements in the IDE side of the ecosystem, such as developing language tools like Volar.

Vue 3.3 addresses challenges in handling imported types by enhancing the compiler's ability to analyze and resolve these types. This includes dealing with various import scenarios, such as relative paths and npm packages, which helps in correctly generating runtime props lists.

Vue 3.3 introduces more ergonomic define emits that simplify the syntax and improve type inference. This update uses labeled tuple syntax to provide better type information and readability, enhancing the overall developer experience when defining component events.

Future plans for Vue.js include continued work on Vapor mode for more efficient code generation, improvements to Vue core, and focusing on native app scoped CSS and async context handling. These developments aim to simplify and enhance performance in Vue applications.

Evan You
Evan You
44 min
12 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses the recent feature updates in Vue 3.3, focusing on script setup and TypeScript support. It covers improvements in defining props using imported types and complex types support. The introduction of generic components and reworked signatures for defined components provides more flexibility and better type support. Other features include automatic inference of runtime props, improved define emits and defined slots, and experimental features like reactive props destructure and define model. The Talk also mentions future plans for Vue, including stabilizing suspense and enhancing computer invalidations.

1. Introduction to Vue 3.3 and TypeScript Support

Short description:

Hello, UK! Today, I'm talking about the recent feature update in Vue 3.3. The focus was improving the development experience with script setup and TypeScript. Vue initially didn't support TypeScript, but as the user base grew, we rethought parts of the framework to accommodate complex applications. Good TypeScript support enhances cross-team productivity and long-term maintainability.

Hello, UK! So it's my first time in the UK, first time in London, super excited to be here! We had a bus tour yesterday, I didn't really have much opportunity to walk around myself yet, but it's really been a very eye-opening experience, a lot of history here, so super excited and super excited to connect with all the developers from here, and also from all around wherever you are coming from!

So today, I'm going to be talking about the feature update that's happening recently in Vue, and in case you don't know yet, Vue 3.3 was just released yesterday. So this was the first minor release in quite a very long time, so 3.2 was actually released more than a year ago, and one of the reasons for that was because we spent a lot of time working on Vite and other related projects. We invested a lot of time in, say, the IDE side of things, making the language tools, Volar and everything, braining up the whole development experience around the tooling ecosystem around the Vue core. But now we're moving our attention back to the Vue core, and you're going to see more frequent releases from Vue core after this one. So this is the start of a lot of new stuff that's coming. So let's take a look at 3.3.

The focus of this release was, again, improving the development experience when you're using script setup in single file components and TypeScript. Now, don't get mad at me if you don't use TypeScript. I think, obviously, when Vue just started we didn't even support TypeScript. In fact, a lot of the initial APIs weren't even designed with TypeScript in mind. So, over time, we had to slowly rethink parts of the framework to think about, oh, how does this API work with TypeScript? When we introduce new APIs, how will these new APIs work with TypeScript? And the reason for that is because in the initial stages when Vue was relatively small, our user base was mostly focused on relatively simple use cases. They were largely using a back-end framework and they just wanted some simple interactivity on the front-end. But nowadays, our use case has expanded wildly and people are building really complex applications with Vue. And in situations like that, when you have large projects, big teams, a lot of people working together with varying level of experience, having a type system and having good development experience with TypeScript is going to help you a lot with the cross-team productivity and long-term maintainability of your applications. So we believe this is a really important thing that we want to really nail, and there has historically been a few pain points in Vue when you're using Vue with TypeScript, which we believe we have largely resolved in this release.

2. Imported Types for Defining Props

Short description:

Since the introduction of Script Setup, one of the most wanted features in Vue 3.2 is the ability to use imported types when defining props. The view compiler analyzes the types provided to define props and determines the props that the component expects at runtime. The compiler generates the correct runtime props list, ensuring that the app works.

So probably one of the most wanted features since 3.2, since the introduction of Script Setup is the ability to use imported types when defining props. Now this example here actually worked in 3.2 when you import a type from another file and use it in DefineProps with the type declaration syntax.

Some background here, the reason why we need to do something special with types here is because at runtime, a view component needs to know the explicit list of props that it is expected to receive. So without that information it won't be able to tell whether something it receives should be treated as a prop versus just a fall-through attribute.

This is the reason why the view compiler needs to look at the types you provided to define props, and then try to analyze what props this component expects to receive at runtime. Here, just by looking at the syntax, you'd notice that it's very easy to determine that message msg is the only thing that this component expects. It's deterministic, so the compiler says, OK, I've already figured out message is going to be an expected prop. Even if I'm not able to completely infer what this external type is, it doesn't prevent me from generating the correct runtime props list, so that your app will just work, right? Because in production, we don't really do runtime props validation based on these types here.


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