Rust is a programming language that is focused on safety, speed, and concurrency. It is designed to be memory safe and protect against data races, which can cause unexpected behavior and crashes. Rust is also designed to be fast, allowing developers to get the most out of their hardware. Additionally, Rust has excellent support for concurrent programming, making it ideal for developing programs that need to take advantage of multiple cores or processors. Rust is gaining popularity among JavaScript developers who are looking for a more powerful and reliable language for their projects.
The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
The Unlikely Friendship Between React and Rust
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
Utilising Rust from Vue with WebAssembly
Top Content
Rust is a new language for writing high-performance code, that can be compiled to WebAssembly, and run within the browser. In this talk you will be taken through how you can integrate Rust, within a Vue application, in a way that's painless and easy. With examples on how to interact with Rust from JavaScript, and some of the gotchas to be aware of.
The Oxc Project, and the Effect of Performance Engineering
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
18 min
The Oxc Project, and the Effect of Performance Engineering
The Oxidation Compiler project is creating a collection of high-performance JavaScript and TypeScript tools written in Rust. It offers fundamental components like parsers and resolvers for developers to utilize, along with CLI applications such as linters and formatters. This talk will introduce the project and explore the impact of a strong focus on performance engineering.
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
22 min
Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
This talk will teach you how to write performance-critical Node.js modules without the burden of distributing platform-dependent artifacts and using the C/C++ toolchain. You will discover how to smoothly integrate Rust code into your Node.js + TypeScript application using WebAssembly. You will also learn how to avoid the typical WebAssembly serialization issues, and understand when other alternatives like Neon or are preferable. Together, we will cross the language bridge between Rust and Node.js while preserving the familiar DX you're used to.
๐Ÿš€ Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
21 min
๐Ÿš€ Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust
Node.js is great - easy to develop, performant, easy to scale. But there are tasks that are less suited for it - heavy computations or data processing. Join me and learn how you can incorporate Rust as well as WebAssembly into Node and JavaScript and take your performance to the next level!
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
Top Content
In this talk I will show Makepad, a new UI stack that uses Rust, Wasm, and WebGL. Unlike other UI stacks, which use a hybrid approach, all rendering in Makepad takes place on the GPU. This allows for highly polished and visually impressive applications that have not been possible on the web so far. Because Makepad uses Rust, applications run both natively and on the Web via wasm. Makepad applications can be very small, on the order of just a few hundred kilobytes for wasm, to a few megabytes with native. Our goal is to develop Makepad into the UI stack of choice for lightweight and performant cross-platform applications. We intend to ship with our own design application and IDE.
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
8 min
High Performance Node.js Powered by Rust and WebAssembly
In the post Mooreโ€™s Law era, due to limitations of the hardware, we need to squeeze more performance from the existing hardware. That means that the native code provides the best performance. However, the prevalence of native code on the server-side presents challenges to application safety and manageability. The rise and advent of Rust and WebAssembly offers new ways for developers to write high performance yet safe Node.js applications.
In this talk, I will cover the basics of Rust and WebAssembly, as well showcase how to go about their integration with Node.js. You will learn how and when to design a hybrid web application. How can you code the high performance functions in Rust in a Web Assembly virtual machine and finally how to tie everything together in a Node.js JavaScript application.