🚀 Supercharge your NodeJS with Rust

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Node.js is great - easy to develop, performant, easy to scale. But there are tasks that are less suited for it - heavy computations or data processing. Join me and learn how you can incorporate Rust as well as WebAssembly into Node and JavaScript and take your performance to the next level!

Dmitry Kudryavtsev
Dmitry Kudryavtsev
21 min
20 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

In this Talk, Dmitry Kudravtsev discusses how to supercharge JavaScript and Node.js using Rust. He introduces NEON, an open-source library for integrating Rust and JavaScript, and explains how to use it to export Rust functions to JavaScript. Dmitry also explores the performance benefits of using native modules written in Rust and WebAssembly. He compares the two approaches and highlights the faster performance of Rust native modules. He concludes by recommending WebAssembly for its ergonomics and portability, while suggesting native modules for extending Node.js with performance code.

Available in Español: 🚀 Potencia tu NodeJS con Rust

1. Introduction to Rust and Node.js

Short description:

Hi, my name is Dmitry Kudravtsev, I'm a senior software engineer passionate about JavaScript and Rust. Today, I want to talk about supercharging your JavaScript and Node.js experience using Rust. Node.js has a great ecosystem, but it can be slow for CPU tasks. Writing native modules in Rust is a solution. Rust is a modern language with better tooling and memory safety compared to C and C++.

Hi, my name is Dmitry Kudravtsev, I'm a senior software engineer and I'm very passionate about two things, JavaScript and Rust. And so today I want to talk with you, how you can supercharge your JavaScript and Node.js experience using the Rust programming language. So let's dive in.

We all know that Node.js is great. It has a great ecosystem of packages. I think it's the biggest ecosystem of packages among all programming languages. It has a very nice development experience. You can pretty much write and rest the server in a few lines of code. TypeScript is making the experience even greater. So you can get type checking that's not statically typed language, but still the type checking, which is nice.

But Node.js is also slow sometimes, especially if you are doing like CPU tasks. Let's say, the generation, maybe image processing. I've seen people do very creative solutions to these problems like outsourcing CPU bound task to message due to another process, which can work on that. And some people do Lambda servers that you can call on demand if you have some heavy computation. But there is also other solution. And the solution is actually writing native modules in either C or C++ or Rust. Now you probably ask why Rust, or what is Rust, why not just use C or C++. So let's try to answer this question first.

And as you probably know, C and C++, they're pretty old, they already showed their age. They're still in development. I think C++ has the 21st version now. I'm not pretty sure, I don't follow it pretty much, but nevertheless, they're old, they're a bit messy. They lack modern tooling. There is no decent dependency manager and they have a relatively poor standard library. So most of the time when you do need heavy containers or iterators, you have to put a library that's called Boost. Many things from Boost get into the C++ specification, but it still lacks a lot of things. The biggest downside, in my opinion, is that they are not memory-safe. So you probably saw this message that we all hate, core dumps, implementation fault, because somewhere you forgot to stop your for loop and you iterated too much on your array or you access the memory that is no longer owned by the application. This makes development in C and C++ very hard. Rust on the other hand, is a strongly typed and compiled language like C and C++.

2. Integrating Rust and JavaScript with NEON

Short description:

Rust has a rich standard library and powerful tooling, including Cargo. It guarantees memory safety and checks for errors at compile time. To integrate Rust and JavaScript, we can use NEON, an open-source library for embedding Rust in Node.js. NEON allows us to write glue code to convert JavaScript types into Rust types. We can export Rust functions back to JavaScript using NEON. To build NEON projects, we use the Cargo-cprtfacts tool. By requiring the native library in Node.js, we can access the exported functions.

It has a rich standard library, so you get smart call, iterators, everything is built into the language itself. You don't need any third-party packages to add support for such things. It has a model tooling, so you have Cargo, which is an NPM equivalent, and you can run tasks with it, you can install packages with Cargo.

The biggest pro in my opinion is that Rust is memory safe. The way they achieve memory safety is very interesting, I'm not going to dive deep into it, you can read about it if you're interested. The notion with Rust is that if it compiles, it will run, so there will be no memory errors. The memory is actually checked on compile time, it's a big pro in my opinion, compared to C or C++. You still can write on SafeRust, it is possible, but by default, all Rust that you write is SafeRust and checked in compilation time.

Well, great to know, but you and I, we all write JavaScript, so how can we integrate between the two? So enter NEON. NEON is a library in the 2Chain for embedding Rust in Node.js. It's an open-source project, and it's a very cool project, I suggest you check it. And let's take a look at the Fibonacci function that we write in Rust and export it into JavaScript world. So, below is the code. Don't worry, I'll have links to my Github later in the presentation, so you can find executable examples. But for now, let's focus on this example, and let's break it into a few buckets so it will be easier to analyze.

On lines 1-4, we have the import and require statement equivalents from Node.js. So we bring some stuff from the NEON library. Line 6-12 is the actual Fibonacci function. Nothing fancy in here, it's a recursive function that goes and searches for the required Fibonacci number. Now, lines 14-18 are what I call a glue layer between the JavaScript world and the Rust world, and since the two languages are different and architectured in a different way, we need a way to convert JavaScript types into Rust types. So you always have to write some glue layer in NEON that will convert your JavaScript into Rust calls, and this is what we are doing on those five lines. We are converting the JavaScript call into a Rust call, and we actually call a Fibonacci function, return the result back to JavaScript, and as with every executable, we need to have a main function. In case of NEON, the main function functions is an export statement and so you can export functions from Rust back to JavaScript world. In that case, we export the Fibonacci API function as Fibonacci-rhs, so in JavaScript, we can access it as Fibonacci-rhs. In order to build this, there is another tool that the NEON team maintains. It's called Cargo-cprtfacts. It copies the artifact that Cargobuild produces, and what it does behind the line, actually generating a dynamic library, so with DLL or SOA equivalent, if you're on Windows or Unix, but it has all the wrappings of NEON and Node.js APIs, because Node.js does not support foreign function interface. Actually, JavaScript does not support foreign function interface, but Node.js supports, so this is why we can write native libraries for Node.js. In order to call the native library, we require it like a regular Node.js module. We can see on line 1, the index node that we've generated previously.

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