Using CodeMirror to Build a JavaScript Editor with Linting and AutoComplete

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Using a library might seem easy at first glance, but how do you choose the right library? How do you upgrade an existing one? And how do you wade through the documentation to find what you want?

In this workshop, we’ll discuss all these finer points while going through a general example of building a code editor using CodeMirror in React. All while sharing some of the nuances our team learned about using this library and some problems we encountered.

Hussien Khayoon
Hussien Khayoon
Kahvi Patel
Kahvi Patel
86 min
30 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Workshop covers various topics related to software development, including using the CodeMirror library to create custom editors, exploring CodeMirror setup and themes, adding multiple editors and custom themes, implementing linting and autocomplete features, and adding custom autocompletion in CodeMirror. It also discusses the Hydrogen and Oxygen tools for creating custom storefronts in Shopify, introduces the Polaris Viz UI library, and shares experiences and backgrounds of team members. The Workshop emphasizes the complexity of React code, the challenges and benefits of using TypeScript, and the importance of collaboration and communication with maintainers in open source projects.

1. Introduction to CodeMirror Library

Short description:

In this part, we will discuss CodeMirror, a powerful library that allows you to create your own editor. We will cover the basic setup, adding themes, linting, and auto-complete features. The library is widely used at Shopify and we had to upgrade it to meet our specific needs. Despite the thorough documentation, we had to navigate through examples to implement linting and custom auto-complete. We will be using ReactCodeMirror, a helpful library that simplifies the usage of CodeMirror. Let's dive into the coding process and follow the instructions.

This text is the first part: "Course 3. Developing in a Web browser"... I'm going to explain how to install React playoffs..." I'm Hussain, I'm a staff developer here at Shopify. I mostly focus on the front end. I've been using React for Seven years, closely. I mean, when it came out, let's talk about CodeMirror.

So what are we doing with CodeMirror? Today, the agenda is, we're going to talk about the library itself. We're going to talk about some basic setup. We're going to add our own themes and use additional themes that they have. Add our own linting. So, the ability to catch some errors. Adding a general auto-complete, something more complex of an auto-complete in JavaScript, and we're going to do more custom auto-complete.

I will be using JavaScript just because I think it's more accessible. Not everybody uses TypeScript. I wanted to just make it more general. Also, it saves a lot of time here and all the errors we might get. So, why are we talking about this? CodeMirror itself is a very, very, very powerful library. It allows you to create your own editor out of the box, and it has a lot of features and a lot of documentation. How we landed on this problem was at Shopify, we have a few places across our app that merchants use. Different across different code bases that other developers use in our docs, where we want to show a code editor, whether you can edit it or not, in different languages, adding certain syntax. Across the app, and Shopify has been around for a long time, I've only been there for a year, we noticed that CodeMirror was the main one being used. Also, it wasn't the most up-to-date version, so part of what I did was had the learn CodeMirror and add a new feature where merchants are able to add their own code, essentially, add their own code and fire off events in those codes. What that means is a merchant can say, after I make a sale, please send Facebook the message about my sale, meaning tell them that I sold something, this particular product at this particular price with these parameters. We fire off that event for you, but you put in the code that you want to fire off because you want to send it to Facebook anywhere else. So we had to have a coding environment and that's just one of the use cases that we had it at.

So I think a lot of what we do here as developers, because you can create your own, you can write your own CodeMirror, you can create your own editor and that's cooler, so to speak, but generally, we find ourselves if there's something out there that's better, maybe it's not the best thing that you should do, and we all know that and we all have to make those difficult decisions about should we use this? Should we make our own? And something like this that already existed in the code base that other teams were using, it was a good idea to use this. But the problem is it wasn't up to date. We had to upgrade it. And I think that leads me to the point about why this is so important is because I found myself, I I've been developing for about 10 years. I found the most important, the thing I'm doing the most is not writing new, cool stuff and cutting edge innovation. Generally speaking, I'm giving libraries on the front end or backend, but let's just say front end, and I have to, what I call wrangle them. I have to make them work for what I want it to do. At the end of the day, it's nice when the library just works. But rarely, is that the case because business means code and business makes code complicated. So, um, what I've had to do with CodeMirror and what our team had to do was essentially make it work for our use case. And it was an environment where you see documentation like this and you get very excited because it's, it's very thorough, but documentation, what I learned is very nice. But the problem is when it's very thorough, it doesn't mean it's very easy to find out to do what you want. So we had to do a linting. We had to do autocomplete. We had to add our own, but it wasn't very apparent from the examples, but the documentation was there. So let's get through here and let's start coding here. But I just thought that introduction would be important. So one thing to know here is we're using ReactCodeMirror. This just makes using CodeMirror a lot easier. You can make your own wrappers on what our teams do, but this library here is quite useful. It essentially just makes things into its own packages and you'll see that we have a lot of packages here and that's just the architecture they decided to do to allow you and give you more flexibility. They give some basic examples of what you can do. They support multiple languages, so it's easy to use out of the box when you're using React. So let's follow the instructions here. One thing that's cool about StackBlitz is that you don't actually need to install these libraries directly, so you should do Yarn add.".

2. Exploring CodeMirror Setup in StackBlitz

Short description:

In this part, we explore the basic setup of CodeMirror in StackBlitz. We discuss the speed and architecture of StackBlitz, highlighting its use of WebAssembly for fast execution. The basic setup of the code editor allows control over height, provides autocomplete, collapsing, and line-gutter features. We also touch on the power of extensions in CodeMirror and the challenges of navigating the extensive documentation. Additionally, we mention the ability to add TSX True and the limitations of adding divs within JavaScript.

So you'll see here, if you're following along with StackBlitz, I'm going to take this code here with the basic setup and I'm just going to paste it in here. And I'm just going to change this to app.js. If it works, if it doesn't work, we'll revert it back.

So as you can see here, it's already asking me to I have the 10-D list here, so I can't see a lot of what I'm doing. Okay. It's going to ask me to install these parameters. Pretty cool. I don't know if you noticed, but StackBlitz is actually pretty, pretty fast compared to a lot of the stuff here. And a lot of the other kind of environments, I think Code Sandbox particularly is what I used. And what's really interesting about their architecture is everything I think is written in, correct me if I'm wrong, Covey is in WebAssembly, and just loaded on your browser instead of like, you know going back to your code, sorry, going to the cloud every time you update something and asking a server for things. So as far as I know, that's what they do. And it's very, very fast if you use it. So I don't know if you notice that or if you're a user, I just found out about this pretty recently from a call.

Yeah, there's an interesting difference between how they execute code on CodeSandbox versus in StackBlitz. I don't know the details of it, but I do know that StackBlitz is local, which is awesome. Yeah, so, thanks for that, Covey. So as you can see here, we have a basic setup of a code editor. And you see, we didn't really need to do much here, but there's some important nuances. The first one here is, we can control height. Pretty easy thing here. You can make this 250 if you want. You'll see that it increased in size. You see here, we have initial kind of value. And my mouse is going crazy. And another thing that you can do here is, you can see you have some things out of the box, like autocomplete. For example, for of loop, we have it right here. We could do an if statement. It's going to do an if block out of the box. There's no linting errors or anything like that out of the box. But you can see here, with the basic setup, you can even do some collapsing, which is really nice. You have this, what's called a line-gutter or the gutter, which allows you to show the lines. And they have different colors for highlighting and everything like that. Also, let's see here. You can do a trycatch block if you want. And it's pretty nice out of the box. So what makes this possible is you have, you're plugged into these language kind of plugins or packages. And JavaScript allows you to essentially make this editor specifically for JavaScript. And you call it as a function, and it's inside the extensions. The extension is the most powerful thing in Codemirror, and what I love about it is, everything, every feature you want to add, you can do through extensions. Now, the problem with it, I found is that the documentation is extensive. But it's also confusing because a lot of times what they do is they'll use their own kind of terminology in other objects and just say like, oh, it provides this and facets. And what I found with that is like, I'm, you know, it's a bit overwhelming and you got to like dig into more to understand what's really going on. I don't know about you, but I like to follow examples. So, and that's how I was trying to do things. So a lot of it was trying to find things and do things online. And with the JavaScript extension, you can also add, I think, TSX True in here. And I think you, it'll give you the ability to add things like divs, but I think they have to be inside some JavaScript here I can't remember here. OK. Let me see, is it in here? OK, doesn't seem to be working, but that's OK. That's how demos go.

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