Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling

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Vite is a new build tool that intends to provide a leaner, faster, and more friction-less workflow for building modern web apps. This talk will dive into the project's background, rationale, technical details and design decisions: what problem does it solve, what makes it fast, and how does it fit into the JS tooling landscape.

Evan You
Evan You
31 min
09 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Vite is a next-generation build tool that leverages native ES modules for improved performance. It eliminates the need for bundling and improves hot module replacement. Vite provides an opinionated default configuration while still allowing advanced customization through plugins. It is framework agnostic and can be used for React and other applications. Vite is being adopted by Next.js and Create React App, and integration with Nuxt 3 offers significant speed improvements.

1. Introduction to Vite

Short description:

Hello, everyone. Today I'll be discussing Vite, a next-generation build tool. Vite consists of a no-bundle dev server and a production bundler. It's lean, fast, and opinionated. It's also extensible and cares about dependency count and payload size. Vite's performance is influenced by the widespread support for modern JavaScript and native ES modules.

Hello, everyone. My name is Evan Yeo and I'm the author of Vue.js and Vite. Today in this talk, I'm going to be talking about Vite, a next-generation build tool that I've been working on earlier this year. Specifically, I want to discuss some of the design tradeoffs involved in creating a new build tool, why we want to do that, and what is involved.

What is Vite? Vite mainly consists of two parts, a no-bundle dev server that serves your source files over native ES modules, and a production bundler which is rollout-based, is pre-configured and produces highly optimized production builds. Why would you want to use Vite over an existing tool? First of all, it's lean and fast. Really fast. We'll see an example soon. Second, it's opinionated with very sensible defaults. It's based on the experience that I've been working on Vue CLI, which is a very widely used build tool for Vue specific projects over the years. Similar to a pre-configured Webpack and Webpack Dev Server setup. It's also quite similar in terms of scope to Parcel. Many common features like TypeScript, JSX, and PostCSS work just out of the box. Despite being opinionated, it's still very extensible. It has a Rola compatible plugin interface that makes it very easy to build on top of.

So, just to get an idea of how lean it is, here is a tweet of someone running create react app and Vite side by side on Replit, which is a service that runs your project on a remote container. The Vite project is able to get up and running before the CRA project has even finished installing. One of the reasons that Vite is so lean is because it cares about its own dependency count and payload size. We actually pre-bundle a lot of unnecessary dependencies into Vite itself so that it installs faster. So node modules disk size is often a fraction of that of Webpack-based projects. Here is another example of a user migrating a production Rollup app over to Vite. As you can see, the original start time was over two minutes long and a single reload can take up to 23 seconds. And now both numbers, after migrating to Vite, are down to almost negligible numbers. Granted, Rollup doesn't have hot module replacement. But I bet Webpack users are not unfamiliar with hot updates taking a few seconds in large projects. With Vite, the HMR is guaranteed to be always instant. Now let's dig into what contributes to Vite's performance. Vite builds upon two interesting trends that we have seen in the past year. The first is that modern JavaScript is now widely supported. Native ES modules now have over 92% global support.

2. Performance and Overhead

Short description:

Legacy browsers like IE11 are becoming obsolete, making way for new JS compilers like ESBuild and SWC, which are significantly faster. Vite leverages native ESM by building the dev server around it, eliminating the need for bundling. Native ESM allows for on-demand loading, leveraging HTTP headers for caching, and efficient hot module replacement. However, there is a downside with native ESM, namely the overhead of HTTP requests. Vite addresses this issue by pre-bundling dependencies with ESBuild, reducing the number of HTTP requests and improving performance.

And we're only going to see this number increase as legacy browsers like IE11 going out of market at an accelerated pace. The second important thing is there are new JS compilers being written in compiled to native languages. Two of the most prominent examples are ESBuild, which is written in Go, and SWC, which is written in Rust. Both of these tools are dramatically faster than tools that are written in JavaScript. Sometimes up to 100%… sometimes up to 100 times faster, depending on the work type and CPU cores utilized.

So VEED leverages CHORN1 native ESM by building the dev server around native ES modules. There are many benefits of a native ESM dev server. First of all, there's no need to do any bundling. That's a big chunk of work that is simply not needed anymore. Second, native ESM is on-demand by nature, which means if a module is not loaded for the current screen that you're working on, it doesn't even need to be processed. Third, since modules are fetched over HTTP requests, we can leverage HTTP headers and let the browser do the caching. And finally, most importantly, hot module replacement can be implemented over native ESM in a very simple yet efficient manner.

So we'll see if this gives us big performance wins soon, but I want to be honest with the technical trade-offs here. Native ESM is not perfect without any downside. The main problem that we have faced is the HTTP requests overhead. For example, a dependency like Lodash ES may contain over 700 internal modules. And because native ESM is eager, when you import even just the single method from Lodash ES, the browser will try to request all of these modules that's imported in its entry point. Now, every module request translates to an HTTP request and the overhead just adds up. It creates a network congestion and even on local machines with little to zero latency, this overhead is still noticeable.

So, Vite does implement a few tricks to work around this problem. The first is we pre-bundle dependencies with ESBuilt. There are many big dependencies like Material.UI that contains hundreds and even thousands of internal modules. But they don't change often. They mostly contain standard JavaScript that doesn't need any special processing, unlike your source files. So, this makes them the perfect candidate to be pre-bundled with ESBuilt. By pre-bundling them, we can ensure that each dependency translates to only one HTTP request at most. And since ESBuilt is so fast, the starter boost is often dramatic, especially when you're using large dependencies. In addition, dependencies don't change often, so we can easily cache the pre-bundled output on disk and skip the pre-bundling phase on subsequent server starts. This process also converts common JS dependencies into ESM so that they are consumable natively by the browser. On top of that, pre-bundled dependencies can be strongly cached with HTTP headers.


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