November 18 - 21, 2024
JSNation US
NY & Online

JSNation US 2024

JS stars in the US biggest planetarium

Full remote ticket included with Multipass.

Join the Nation`s space program! The conference to get updates from the authors and core teams presenting on the West largest dome screen.

Wes Bos
Wes Bos Co-host, Canada
Wes Bos is a Full Stack developer from Canada. Constantly learning, he creates web development courses focused on JavaScript, TypeScript, React, CSS, Node.js and whatever else comes his way. Wes is the co-host of the popular podcast and has taught over half a million people JavaScript and has spoken at dozens of conferences around the world.
Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani
Google, USA
Addy Osmani is an engineering leader working on Google Chrome. He leads up Chrome's Developer Experience organization, helping reduce the friction for developers to build great user experiences.
Rich Harris
Rich Harris
Vercel, USA
Recovering journalist, open source provocateur. Started Rollup and Svelte. On a mission to make web development fun.
Miško Hevery
Miško Hevery, USA
As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the applications and software. Before joining, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success. Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems. He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.
Carson Gross
Carson Gross
Big Sky Software, USA
Carson Gross is a developer and the creator of htmx, a hypermedia-oriented JavaScript library. He teaches Computer Science at Montana State University and owns Big Sky Software.
Debbie O'Brien
Debbie O'Brien
Microsoft, Spain
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft. Over 10 years experience in Frontend development. Google Developer Expert in web technologies, GitHub Star and Cloudinary Media Developer Expert, an Auth0 Ambassador and Nuxt Ambassador and previous Microsoft Most Valuable Professional in developer technologies. International Speaker. Teacher at Vue School and Jamstack Explorers. Writer for Ultimate Courses.
Jessica Sachs
Jessica Sachs
Ionic, USA
Jess is a Software Engineer and leader in the frontend testing space. She led the development of Cypress Component Testing, is a Core Team Member of Faker, and is currently working at Ionic on the future of mobile development. She’s been programming professionally for more than 12 years and has been working professionally within the Open Source community for many of those. She’s a contributor to Vue and Vitest.
Pachi Parra
Pachi Parra
Webcrumbs, Brazil
Talk: Building Bridges: How Open Source Contributions Enhance Your Web Development Career
Pachi is a front-end dev turned DevRel. She currently works as a Developer Relations Lead at Webcrumbs, where they have big plans to build a better web. She is also a Streamer and Co-Founder of Feministech, community for Brazilian women and non-binary people in tech. When she's not engaging on Twitter or streaming on Twitch, Pachi watches anime, reads too many romance novels, and Hypes people on the internet like that is her job.
Phil Nash
Phil Nash
DataStax, Australia
Talk: Build RAG from Scratch
Phil is a developer relations engineer for DataStax and Google Developer Expert living in Melbourne, Australia. He's been working in developer relations for a decade, speaking at conferences since 2012, and writing JavaScript since before jQuery. Away from the keyboard, Phil enjoys travel, live music, and hanging out with his mini sausage dog, Ruby.
Tero Piirainen
Tero Piirainen
Startup dropout / Indie hacker, Finland
Tero Piirainen has 25+ years of experience building startups and open-source projects from scratch. He is mostly known for Flowplayer, jQuery Tools UI library, Muut, and Riot.js frontend framework. He recently dropped his startup career to work full-time with Nue: "The content-first web framework", his most ambitious OSS project.
Ramona Schwering
Ramona Schwering
Auth0 by Okta, Germany
Talk: From the Crypt to the Code: Web Security Explored Through Horror Movies
Ramona, a Developer Advocate at Auth0, bridges the worlds of testing and development and boosting trust in identity topics. She's a Google Developer Expert, Women Techmaker, and Cypress Ambassador.
Florian Rappl
Florian Rappl
smapiot, Germany
Talk: Micro Frontends and Security
Dr. Florian Rappl is a solution architect from Germany who specializes in the creation of scalable distributed web applications. He is almost exclusively working on micro frontend solutions. Florian is a long-time Microsoft MVP in the development tools area.
Nicholas Yang
Nicholas Yang
Vercel, USA
Talk: Porting Turborepo to Rust
Nicholas is a software engineer at Vercel working on Turborepo. He lives in Brooklyn, New York. He likes to cook, watch movies, and travel. He's working on a chili oil business on the side.
Abhijeet Prasad
Abhijeet Prasad
Sentry, Canada
Talk: The Performance Impact of Generated JavaScript
Based out of Toronto, Canada, Abhijeet Prasad is the maintainer of Sentry's open source error and performance monitoring JavaScript SDKs. He's super passionate about web standards and helping people write faster, cleaner code. When he’s not debugging performance problems or practicing the dark arts of monkey-patching, you can find him diving into fantasy novels or playing armchair NBA team GM.
Katarzyna Dusza
Katarzyna Dusza
Spotify, UK
Talk: Modern & Secure Adaptive Streaming on the Web
Katarzyna is a Senior Software Engineer with over 9 years of experience passionate about software architecture, building high-quality solutions and solving exciting challenges. She has worked for various organisations across different domains including e-commerce, health care, fintech and B2B. As a former Kubernetes trainer, conference speaker and blogger, she truly believes that knowledge sharing helps us become stronger professionals. In her free time, she paints and plays board games. Currently, she is working at Spotify on the SDK that powers Spotify player on the Web.
Jarred Utt
Jarred Utt
ADB Safegate, Sweden
Talk: Unlocking the Potential of Real-Time Event-Driven Applications With JavaScript
Jarred is a Technical Lead at ADB Safegate, where he leads the development of the Intelligent Apron suite of products, which are aimed to increase the performance and safety of airport operations, while lowering the environmental effect aviation has on the world. Originally from the US, he is now based in Malmö Sweden where he serves as a mentor to multiple teams across Europe, and is passionate about solving complex problems while teaching others along the way.
Dominik Göpel
Dominik Göpel
Vite & Svelte Contributor, Germany
Talk: What's New in Vite 6
Software developer with more than 20 years of professional experience.Team member of Vite and Svelte.
Mariko Kosaka
Mariko Kosaka
Google, USA
Talk: Modern JavaScript: Leveling Up Arrays and Intl
Mariko is a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer. She works on the Baseline project bringing clarity to information about browser support for web platform features.
CJ Reynolds
CJ Reynolds / Sentry, USA
Talk: 1000 Ways to Autocomplete
CJ is a Software Developer, Educator and Maker. He makes videos for and streams himself teaching and coding on the Twitch and YouTube channel Coding Garden.
Yossi Kahlon
Yossi Kahlon
Squid Cloud, USA
Talk: Integrating AI into Your App Architecture
Yossi Kahlon is a distinguished technology leader who has spearheaded transformative tech solutions, including leading the Google Cloud Console team in New York, significantly contributing to the development of Google Docs, and leading privacy and security efforts at Waze. As a former Director of Engineering for ClickHouse, his work has been pivotal in advancing database technologies for high-scale, real-time analytics. Yossi brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to co-founding and building Squid AI, an AI agent platform built for developers by developers.
Adam Niederer
Adam Niederer
Chatham Financial, USA
Talk: Fast, Flexible Virtual Scrolling With Functional Programming
Adam leads frontend development at Chatham Financial, where his efforts to centralize front-end resources and training have led to transformative improvements in product consistency and quality, accessibility of user experiences, and developer efficiency. In addition to the frontend, Adam especially enjoys working on projects involving performance, accessibility, and coding theory. Outside work, he spends his time learning human languages, writing open-source projects, and haunting his favorite sushi joint.