CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a language used to style HTML elements on a web page. CSS is used to control the appearance of text, images, and other content on a web page. It can be used to set the font size, color, background, margins, padding, and more. CSS is an essential part of modern web development, and it is important for JavaScript developers to understand how to use it.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
19 min
Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
Unlock the power of type-safe styling in React component packages with Vanilla Extract CSS. Learn how to effortlessly write scalable and maintainable styles, leveraging CSS-in-Typescript. Discover the seamless integration of Vanilla Extract CSS and take your React components to the next level.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables
CSS variables have become so sophisticated in recent years that they now enable us to do things that aren't possible with JavaScript. In this lightning talk, I'll explain how MUI's engineers are leveraging the power of CSS variables in our new React component library, Joy UI, to deliver components that automatically adapt their style and structure to the context in which they're rendered.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
29 min
Moving on From Runtime Css-In-Js at Scale
In this talk, Siddharth shares the challenges his team faced with optimising runtime css in js (styled-components) for performance. At GitHub, there are about 4000 React components that contain styles, Siddharth dives into the reasons for rethinking styling architecture, the challenges faced and lessons learned by migrating a big application.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Building a Lightning-Fast Site with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind ⚡️
Next.js has grown in popularity over the past couple of years with features like server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, image optimization, and more. Next.js is known as the production ready framework for React. In contrast, GraphQL is known for not just returning data for what you need with good schema design practices but also a good dev experience. In this talk, I’ll talk about how one can build an app that not just scales but also has high performance with Next.js, GraphQL and Tailwind. And Lastly, the future of CSS and Frontend development is building utilities, so CSS does not feel like an afterthought. At the end of this talk, you will learn how to go from making a sample app to a highly performant production-ready application.
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
22 min
CSS Can Do That Too
CSS has evolved and grown immensely since it was first introduced back in 1996. There was a time back then when CSS was not even meant for doing layouts, but that time has long past. Today, web layouts are practically synonymous with CSS. In addition to that, CSS can now be used to build things that used to only be feasible with Javascript. This talk will showcase a few of such features and explain how to build them yourself.