CSS Can Do That Too

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CSS has evolved and grown immensely since it was first introduced back in 1996. There was a time back then when CSS was not even meant for doing layouts, but that time has long past. Today, web layouts are practically synonymous with CSS. In addition to that, CSS can now be used to build things that used to only be feasible with Javascript. This talk will showcase a few of such features and explain how to build them yourself.


JS Nation is the biggest JavaScript conference held in the cloud, featuring a variety of talks and sessions focused on JavaScript and related technologies.

Hui Jing is a front-end developer at Shopify, who spoke at JS Nation about advancements in CSS that simplify tasks previously requiring JavaScript.

The talk discussed using media queries for granular control of text sizing, a combination of CALC and viewport units for scalable font sizes, and the CSS clamp function to set a scalable range with defined minimum and maximum values.

The CSS clamp function allows setting a font size within a defined range, using three parameters: a minimum value, a preferred value, and a maximum value. It helps text to grow and shrink based on the viewport but within the specified limits.

CSS scroll snapping allows elements to snap to a specific point as you scroll. It uses properties like 'scroll snap type' for the container and 'scroll snap align' for the child elements, to control the snapping behavior.

Position sticky in CSS allows an element to switch between relative and fixed positioning depending on the scroll position. It requires a specified offset value to determine when the sticking should occur.

As of the latest updates, CSS scroll snapping enjoys about 94% browser support, and CSS math functions have around 91% support. These features are widely supported except for some older browsers.

CSS Masonry is a layout technique that allows grid items to be laid out in an optimal manner without strict rows or columns, similar to masonry walls. It's currently still in the experimental phase in browsers like Firefox.

Chen Hui Jing
Chen Hui Jing
22 min
11 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk is about CSS techniques that can simplify web development and eliminate the need for JavaScript. It covers topics such as responsive typography, flexible font sizing, CSS math functions, scroll snapping, sticky elements, and CSS masonry layout. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding how sticky elements work and highlights the potential bugs that can occur. CSS Masonry layout is discussed as a native solution for creating masonry grids in the browser. Overall, CSS provides flexible solutions for web styling and is an exciting tool for developers.

Available in Español: CSS También Puede Hacer Eso

1. Introduction to CSS and Responsive Topography

Short description:

Hello, everyone. This is the first time I'm participating in JS Nation and I hope you've all had a great time so far. JS Nation is the biggest JavaScript conference in the cloud, so naturally I'm going to be talking about CSS! Specifically, things that we used to need JavaScript for, but can now be simplified using CSS alone. My name is Hui Jing. I'm a front-end developer at Shopify. This is going to be a rather short 20-minute talk, so think of this as more of a, ooh, that's nice, I've learned new information today kind of thing. Let's start off with responsive topography. The web is fun because you cannot control the environment in which your audience views your creations. For textual content on the web, the legibility and readability are key concerns. Web typography has always been a focus, and as newer CSS properties become available, techniques have been continually refined. The first option is media queries, which offer granular control over the size of text. The second option is CALC.

Hello, everyone. This is the first time I'm participating in JS Nation and I hope you've all had a great time so far. I believe it's the third day, so plenty of amazing talks already. Now, hang in there. Almost done.

Now, JS Nation is the biggest JavaScript conference in the cloud, so naturally I'm going to be talking about CSS! Specifically, things that we used to need JavaScript for, but can now be simplified using CSS alone. So a quick introduction. My name is Hui Jing. I'm fairly simple enough that these emojis right here paint a pretty comprehensive picture of who I am as a human being. I happen to be Chinese, and if you're unfamiliar with Chinese names, our family names come first and the first name comes after, so Hui Jing is me. I'm currently a front-end developer at Shopify. Day job, important. Have to pay the bills. So this is going to be a rather short 20-minute talk, so I don't expect people to instantly pick up everything that I'm trying to cover here. Think of this as more of a, ooh, that's nice, I've learned new information today kind of thing. And if you ever come meet a use-case where these solutions work for you, then you can take your time to go and understand them at a deeper level at your own time.

So let's start off with responsive topography. Now when I say this, some of you might think I have a weird mindset, but to me, the web is fun because you cannot control the environment in which your audience views your creations. So it's kind of like you built something, but you're not sure how other people are going to see it. That's what makes it exciting. But for textual content on the web, there is still a key concern, regardless of what type of design or whatever you're doing, is the legibility and readability of your textual content. So web typography has always been a focus for many people. And there have been a number of techniques that have been developed over the years, and as newer CSS properties become available, a lot of these techniques have been continually refined.

So let's do this in the browser, demo time. The first option we have is just straight up media queries, and even though it seems fairly basic, you can also look at it as this is the most flexible option, even today, because you have really granular control over the size of which you want your text to change at whatever viewport that you specify. So in this example here, I've arbitrarily put in 42 and 54 as the breakpoints, but it's really very customizable. So let's do this DevTools thing. So as the viewport changes, you can see you can get your text to change alongside it, and just having a very basic series of media queries, you can be very granular. I can see how people feel that this might get a bit tedious if there are many different viewports you want to take care of. So the second option that I'm showing here, which is CALC.

2. CSS Locks: Flexible Font Sizing

Short description:

A combination of CALC and viewport units. This technique allows font sizes to grow and shrink with the viewport width, providing smooth scaling between the defined minimum and maximum sizes. It's known as CSS locks.

A combination of CALC and viewport units. This technique was created by Mike Rithmuller, I believe, back in 2015. It has a couple of names, I think. Some people call it CSS locks, you might have seen it covered in other articles. Basically, this technique allows your font sizes to grow and shrink with the viewport width. This is the viewport units here. And if I'll show you, you can see that it's kind of a gradual grow and shrink. But then, it doesn't... at this point, it stops shrinking, somewhere along this point, it stops growing. So that's why, again, it's a combination of media queries CALC and viewport units, because there's a cap on the maximum and minimum sizes. But anything between that, the font size will scale smoothly. I guess that's why they call CSS locks, because you're locking the minimum and the maximum size.

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