
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or application. In JavaScript, authentication typically involves using credentials (such as a username and password) to access a protected resource. It can also involve using tokens or other methods to securely identify a user. Authentication is important for ensuring that only authorized users are able to access sensitive data or resources.
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
30 min
The State of Passwordless Auth on the Web
Can we get rid of passwords yet? They make for a poor user experience and users are notoriously bad with them. The advent of WebAuthn has brought a passwordless world closer, but where do we really stand?
In this talk we'll explore the current user experience of WebAuthn and the requirements a user has to fulfill for them to authenticate without a password. We'll also explore the fallbacks and safeguards we can use to make the password experience better and more secure. By the end of the session you'll have a vision for how authentication could look in the future and a blueprint for how to build the best auth experience today.
Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
23 min
Who Are Vue? Authn In Vue, The Important Parts
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern single-page applications, VueJS stands out but also presents us with challenges. Among them, authentication is crucial: ensuring the user's identity and securing their journey within your application. Fear not; we're here to guide you through these exciting frontiers. In my session, I'll unravel the secrets of authentication in VueJS applications, making it a delightful learning journey for everyone while keeping the focus on the most critical parts. I'll provide an overview of an authentication flow, break down each step, and demystify the role of JWT tokens in the process. 
Whether you're a seasoned VueJS developer or just getting started, you're welcome. A dash of prior experience with user authentication certainly doesn't hurt, but it's optional. 
Target audience: Web Developers of all levels who want to learn about security topics and best practices.
Key learnings:- Giving a small introduction to the most essential terms and concepts of Authentication;- VueJS is used as an example, but the concepts will be agnostic.
Server-side Auth with Remix, Prisma, and the Web Platform
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
34 min
Server-side Auth with Remix, Prisma, and the Web Platform
Top Content
In this talk, we'll get a live coded demo of building custom hand-rolled authentication. When you have the right tools (and we do), authentication can be quite simple and secure. This is more (and better) than just: "Install this library and you're good to go." When we're done we'll have our own auth code that can evolve with our ever-changing requirements without a need to learn some library-specific APIs. We'll be leveraging the Web Platform the way it was meant to be done to give us simple and secure server-side authentication for the web.
You can check the slides for Kent's talk here as well as demo code.
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
22 min
GraphQL Authentication and Authorization at Scale
At Unity, we use GraphQL federation to expose a wide range of business functionality across the organization in a single GraphQL schema. With an ever-growing number of services, this presents challenges for authentication and authorization across the board. I explore how we implemented GraphQL auth at the gateway level, the key design decisions behind it, and the wide-reaching benefits this can have.