Explore upcoming workshops from events
React Advanced Conference 2024
React Advanced Conference 2024
Oct 25 - 28, 2024
JSNation US 2024
JSNation US 2024
Nov 18 - 21, 2024
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All upcoming workshops
Building Pinia From Scratch
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
70 min
Building Pinia From Scratch
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Let's dive into how Pinia works under the hood by building our own `defineStore()`. During this workshop we will cover some advanced Vue concepts like dependency Injection and effect scopes. It will give you a better understanding of Vue.js Composition API and Pinia. Requirements: experience buil...
Let AI Be Your Docs
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
69 min
Let AI Be Your Docs
Jesse Hall
Jesse Hall
Join our dynamic workshop to craft an AI-powered documentation portal. Learn to integrate OpenAI's ChatGPT with Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, and cutting-edge tech to deliver instant code solutions and summaries. This hands-on session will equip you with the knowledge to revolutionize how users inter...
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
111 min
Managers Are From Mars, Devs Are From Venus
Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
A Developer’s Guide to Communicating, Convincing, and Collaborating Effectively With Stakeholders
It’s a tale as old as time - collaboration between developers and business stakeholders has long been a challenge, with a lack of clear communication often leaving both sides frust...
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
83 min
Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2
David Dal Busco
David Dal Busco
In this session, we will build and deploy a decentralized application from scratch and delve into its additional features, all while minimizing the complexity typically associated with learning blockchain technology.By the end of this session, I hope attendees will not only have a clearer...
AI on Demand: Serverless AI
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
163 min
AI on Demand: Serverless AI
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Featured WorkshopFree
Nathan Disidore
Nathan Disidore
In this workshop, we discuss the merits of serverless architecture and how it can be applied to the AI space. We'll explore options around building serverless RAG applications for a more lambda-esque approach to AI. Next, we'll get hands on and build a sample CRUD app that allows you to store inf...
Frontend to the Cloud Made Easy - A ReactJS + AWS Workshop
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
59 min
Frontend to the Cloud Made Easy - A ReactJS + AWS Workshop
Eyal Keren
Eyal Keren
This workshop enables you to learn how to develop React applications, and then deploy them to the cloud (or building them to the console) coupled with a backend, fully abstracted, with no complex backend configuration, simplifying the building and deployment of frontend & web apps to the clou...
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
88 min
How to Build Front-End Access Control with NFTs
Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
Understand the fundamentals of NFT technology and its application in bolstering web security. Through practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises, attendees will learn how to seamlessly integrate NFT-based access control mechanisms into their front-end development projects.
Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
92 min
Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers
Vivek Nayyar
Vivek Nayyar
Dive into the world of AI with our interactive workshop designed specifically for web developers. "Hands-On AI: Integrating LangChain with JavaScript for Web Developers" offers a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between AI and web development. Despite the prominence of Python in AI developmen...
Mastering 3D Web Development with TresJS ecosystem: A Vue.js Workshop
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
119 min
Mastering 3D Web Development with TresJS ecosystem: A Vue.js Workshop
Alvaro Saburido
Alvaro Saburido
Introducing "Mastering 3D Web Development with TresJS," a specialized workshop crafted for Vue.js developers eager to explore the realm of 3D graphics within their web applications. TresJS, a powerful custom renderer for Vue, is specifically designed to work seamlessly with Vue's reactive system....
Building Your Generative AI Application
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
82 min
Building Your Generative AI Application
Dieter Flick
Dieter Flick
Generative AI is exciting tech enthusiasts and businesses with its vast potential. In this session, we will introduce Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework that provides context to Large Language Models (LLMs) without retraining them. We will guide you step-by-step in building your ow...