Sarah Guthals

Sarah Guthals

Dr. Sarah Guthals is the Director of Developer Relations at Sentry. Previously she held roles at Microsoft, GitHub, and Coinbase, and was the CTO and Co-Founder of ThoughtSTEM, an EdTech startup. She has her PhD from UCSD in Computer Science with a focus on Computer Science Education
Monitoring 101 for React Developers
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
107 min
Monitoring 101 for React Developers
Top Content
If finding errors in your frontend project is like searching for a needle in a code haystack, then Sentry error monitoring can be your metal detector. Learn the basics of error monitoring with Sentry. Whether you are running a React, Angular, Vue, or just “vanilla” JavaScript, see how Sentry can help you find the who, what, when and where behind errors in your frontend project. 
Workshop level: Intermediate
Monitoring 101 for React Developers
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
112 min
Monitoring 101 for React Developers
Top Content
If finding errors in your frontend project is like searching for a needle in a code haystack, then Sentry error monitoring can be your metal detector. Learn the basics of error monitoring with Sentry. Whether you are running a React, Angular, Vue, or just “vanilla” JavaScript, see how Sentry can help you find the who, what, when and where behind errors in your frontend project.