
Monorepos are a type of source code repository that holds all the code for a single project in one repository. This means that instead of having multiple repositories for different components of the same project, all the code is stored in one place. This makes it easier to manage and track changes across all parts of the project, as well as to ensure that all the components of the project are kept up-to-date. Monorepos are popular among JavaScript developers due to their scalability and flexibility.
End the Pain: Rethinking CI for Large Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
25 min
End the Pain: Rethinking CI for Large Monorepos
Scaling large codebases, especially monorepos, can be a nightmare on Continuous Integration (CI) systems. The current landscape of CI tools leans towards being machine-oriented, low-level, and demanding in terms of maintenance. What's worse, they're often disassociated from the developer's actual needs and workflow.Why is CI a stumbling block? Because current CI systems are jacks-of-all-trades, with no specific understanding of your codebase. They can't take advantage of the context they operate in to offer optimizations.In this talk, we'll explore the future of CI, designed specifically for large codebases and monorepos. Imagine a CI system that understands the structure of your workspace, dynamically parallelizes tasks across machines using historical data, and does all of this with a minimal, high-level configuration. Let's rethink CI, making it smarter, more efficient, and aligned with developer needs.
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
33 min
Levelling up Monorepos with npm Workspaces
Top Content
Learn more about how to leverage the default features of npm workspaces to help you manage your monorepo project while also checking out some of the new npm cli features.
Simplify Package Releases – From Versioning to Publishing
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Simplify Package Releases – From Versioning to Publishing
Monorepos have proven to be handy when it comes to developing and publishing related NPM packages. They offer a unified development experience while still enabling the distribution of more fine-grained packages for easy consumption. In fact, many popular OSS libraries follow such an approach such as Vue, Angular, React, Vite, Tanstack and RxJS (just to name a few). However, the publishing process within monorepos introduces unique challenges, particularly when dealing with multiple interdependent packages. And yes, there are solutions out there for versioning and releasing packages, but they often fall short when it comes to monorepos. Nx recently introduced a "release" command tailored for these scenarios.In my talk, I'll explore how we can setup a publishing process, covering versioning, changelog generation, and releasing to platforms like NPM and GitHub (including provenance support). Join me to discover more.
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
19 min
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Unlock the secrets of managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos. Discover best practices, scalability strategies, effective code organization, and collaboration tools for streamlined development on a larger scale. Join me for insights that turn project management challenges into opportunities.
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
Many companies are going all-in AWS and thus adopting their complete CodeSuite for their CI/CD processes. However, while CodePipeline is the platform for this process, it may not be the most user-friendly. In a Monorepo setup, it's typical to create multiple CI/CD pipelines for each package. However, there are several caveats to be aware of. For instance, you may encounter scenarios where multiple pipelines get triggered even if you just modified one file, or you may question the need to create multiple branches for each pipeline. In this talk, we provide valuable tips for building a sophisticated CodePipeline using CDK in a Monorepo environment. The techniques discussed in this talk are also transferrable to other CI/CD tools.
Package Management in Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
19 min
Package Management in Monorepos
We’ll talk about some of the pain points and look into recipes for effective package management in monorepos. 
We’ll discuss how package management works with npm, pnpm, and Yarn. Furthermore, I’ll show you a new tool that is less known but improves developer experience by a lot.
Federated Microfrontends at Scale
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
31 min
Federated Microfrontends at Scale
Top Content
The talk will be a story of how Personio went from rendering through a Monolithical PHP architecture, to a microfrontend oriented Next JS app, powered by Module Federation and the NX monorepo toolchain.
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
9 min
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
They gave me just 7 minutes! So this is a no-slides, just code talk! I'm gonna show you a Yarn/NPM/PNPM workspaces-based monorepo implementation and how we can speed it up. In particular, I'm using Nx on top to get better parallelization, the ability to define task pipelines, caching, and more. Curious? Join me!
Tale of Two Repos
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
24 min
Tale of Two Repos
Not all monorepos are made the same, and not all teams are equal. Managing a monorepo is way more than just ""let's select this tool or that tool"". It comprises many design decisions that you need to make for the product and for the developers. 
In this talk, I will go over the main monorepos challenges - packages installation and linking, development and deployment processes - and describe the possibilities that exist for each stage. 
At the end of the talk, you will have a simple and powerful model that will help you in making the right choice of tools and processes for your monorepo. 
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
22 min
Remixing Your Stack in a Monorepo Workspace
Remix entered the stage with a unique and refreshing take on how to develop on the web. But how do you integrate it into your existing ecosystem of applications? Do you want to test-drive Remix on a small project, or do you want to go full-in, but it is tricky to do a big-bang migration from your existing React app? In this talk, we're going to explore how a monorepo-based code organization can help integrate Remix with your existing React and TypeScript infrastructure, facilitating high code reuse and a migration path to Remix.
Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
21 min
Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends
As your team grows and becomes multiple teams, the size of your codebase follows. You get to 100k lines of code and your build time dangerously approaches the 10min mark 😱 But that’s not all, your static CI checks (linting, type coverage, dead code) and tests are also taking longer and longer...How do you keep your teams moving fast and shipping features to users regularly if your PRs take forever to be tested and deployed?After exploring a few options we decided to go down the Nx route. Let’s look at how to migrate a large codebase to Nx and take advantage of its incremental builds!
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
22 min
Fast React Monorepos with High Quality DX
Monorepos have been around for some time but only recently gained popularity in the JavaScript community. The promise of easily sharing code, better enforcing organizational standards, greater developer mobility due to common tooling, and more is very appealing. Still, if approached naively, a monorepo will quickly turn into a huge mess: skyrocketing slow CI times, spaghetti dependencies among projects, hard to navigate, and ultimately leading to frustration. In this talk, we will look at the available tooling, how to kickstart a new React monorepo in particular, and we will learn the key ingredients required to build a successful, long-running monorepo that scales.
The Age of Monorepos
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
25 min
The Age of Monorepos
The history of the web can be divided into evolutionary development leaps. The age of inline scripts, the age of jQuery, the age of SPAs, the age of JAMStack...We are now entering the next stage that has been carefully prepared in the past few years. Let me invite you to the world of modern monorepo solutions and share with you the benefits you will reap by using them in every project size and setup. It's time you automate those boilerplate tasks and reduce the bottlenecks so you can focus on what truly matters.Get ready for the next leap! Welcome to the age of monorepos!
1001 Packages – Strategies for Managing Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
24 min
1001 Packages – Strategies for Managing Monorepos
When working with a monorepo, there are multiple Challenges: packages installation, packages linking, development processes (build, lint, testing) and deployment processes. Those challenges vary the type of artifacts in our monorepo (micro services, FE App, packages etc.). We will explore different approaches and tools for monorepos and their pro and cons.
React on Steroids with Nx!
React Finland 2021React Finland 2021
27 min
React on Steroids with Nx!
We often talk and hear about scaling in production, but we rarely talk about scaling development. Aspects like structuring and organizing your codebase, code sharing across teams, speeding up build and test runs can play a huge role in terms of productivity for a developer team. That impacts small teams but gets even more evident as your team grows and especially for large enterprises.
In this short talk I'm going to demo Nx and what it can do for you to help you modularize your React code, generate code for you, help you build faster and much more. Tune in to learn about the build framework you've been missing in your tool belt!