Fortune Ikechi

Fortune Ikechi

I'm a Software Engineer, Technical Writer, and Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblok. I'm passionate about API and technical documentation, data, Jamstack, headless, learning, sharing knowledge, teaching, building communities, and recently Python. I write technical articles, and API documentation. I speak at meetups and conferences.
Open Source Software: Open Governance or for-profit Startups?
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
Recording pending
Open Source Software: Open Governance or for-profit Startups?
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
19 min
Managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos
Unlock the secrets of managing Large-Scale Node.js Projects with Monorepos. Discover best practices, scalability strategies, effective code organization, and collaboration tools for streamlined development on a larger scale. Join me for insights that turn project management challenges into opportunities.