Scale Your React App without Micro-frontends

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As your team grows and becomes multiple teams, the size of your codebase follows. You get to 100k lines of code and your build time dangerously approaches the 10min mark đŸ˜± But that’s not all, your static CI checks (linting, type coverage, dead code) and tests are also taking longer and longer...

How do you keep your teams moving fast and shipping features to users regularly if your PRs take forever to be tested and deployed?

After exploring a few options we decided to go down the Nx route. Let’s look at how to migrate a large codebase to Nx and take advantage of its incremental builds!

Jonathan Wagner
Jonathan Wagner
21 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses scaling a React app without micro-frontend and the challenges of a growing codebase. Annex is introduced as a tool for smart rebuilds and computation caching. The importance of libraries in organizing code and promoting clean architecture is emphasized. The use of caching, NxCloud, and incremental build for optimization is explored. Updating dependencies and utilizing profiling tools are suggested for further performance improvements. Splitting the app into libraries and the benefits of a build system like NX are highlighted.

1. Scaling React App Without Micro-Frontend

Short description:

Welcome to my talk on scaling your React app without micro-frontend. I'll discuss the problem of scaling up a codebase, my journey to fixing it, and what I've learned along the way. When a codebase grows, the CI becomes slower, causing a slower feedback loop for developers and unhappy users. In my case, the build time reached over 30 minutes, which was unacceptable. I tried over-engineering the CI, but it became difficult to manage. Then, I discovered Annex and learned how to use it properly to only rerun things that have changed.

Hi everyone, welcome to my talk on scaling your React app without micro-frontend. Very quick disclaimer first, this talk is about scalability of your codebase on a developer perspective and not on user-facing performances. That's it for the disclaimer.

Hello again, I'm Jonathan Wagner I'm an engineering manager at DataUK and I've been working for the past 4 years on a bit more than 10 projects in production and for the last 8 months I've been working with NX, which is a build system helping you build faster and do things faster. That's going to be the core of the talk here. Let's have a look at what we'll talk about.

First of all, discuss a bit of the problem, what happens when you scale up codebase and then my journey to fixing it and what I've learned along the way, what I've tried, what didn't work, what worked. So first of all, the problem. I mentioned, having a codebase that grows, that means your CI becomes a bit slower and when it becomes slower, it means you have a slower feedback loop, which means your developers are unhappy, it takes longer to develop features and in the end your users are unhappy, which we definitely don't want.

So when your codebase grows, you have type checking, you have ESLint, you have maybe some dead code tests, some unit tests, end-to-end tests, a lot of testing and the build time and then everything's taking a bit of time and it adds up and in my case it added up to more than 30 minutes and that's my trigger. Ideally I want my site to be 10 or 15 minutes, when it reaches 30 minutes it means something's gone terribly wrong and I want to address it. In this case, we cannot even see the buildable time, it's just skyrocketing, it's going to 3-4 hours, which means it's costing a lot of money to the company and just frustrating for everyone.

Let's try to look at a more precise example here, so we have a growing codebase which means we may have maybe 800 tests. Imagine you have a pull request where I do one line change, you push everything and the CI runs everything again, so that means you have to wait 20 minutes, maybe 30 minutes for the test to pass. Does it sound normal to you that a one line change triggers 20 minutes running the CI? I don't think so. And nx doesn't think so either. From the nx docs they actually say, the duration of the invoked operation should be proportional to the size of the change, and something very strong. It seems simple but it's quite tricky to put in place. It involves a bit of caching, a lot of caching and then putting all that together properly. But I didn't know that at first.

So obviously I tried to just over-engine my CI and that meant doing a lot of parallelisation, putting some tests up to skip frontend or backend tests, depending on what was changed. And that meant writing a lot of custom rules, which were tricky and introduced a few regressions. And even like switching TypeScript compilations to something based on Rust like swc. And doing all of this, I got some improvements, got down to 20 minutes each but it meant I had a tricky CI to manage. We had 27 different jobs and it meant understanding how they all played together, which ones were conditional on which, and it became just tricky to manage and to maintain. So that's the start of where I wanted to go afterwards. I think we spent hours and hours optimising the CI. Where do we go from there? How do we make it faster without overengineering it more? Here comes the journey. Discovering Annex, discovering a bit more about how to use Annex properly, what the secret trick is, and how the caching puts everything and stitching everything together. As I said before, the main idea we want to aim for is only rerunning things that have changed.

2. Annex and the Concept of Libraries

Short description:

Annex does smart rebuilds, only on the things that have changed and have been affected. It uses computation caching and helps you generate things so you don't have to do them every time. The secret trick is to use libraries everywhere. A library is simply a folder where you can execute operations specific to the code it concerns. Libraries help organize the code in the folder structure and can be easily generated. When a change occurs, Annex only tests and relints the affected projects, following the core principle of testing only what has changed. Libraries also promote clean architecture by forcing developers to consider where to put their code and prevent spaghetti code.

That's basically what Annex does. It does smart rebuilds, only on the things that have changed and that have been affected. For that, it uses computation caching, and it helps you generate things so that you don't have to do them hand in hand every time. Basically, Annex was already set up on the project. We weren't using it for the build system. We were just using it for the monoreport management. And when I realized how much it could do, that was the open door to so much more.

So, now that we know Annex can do all of this, how does it actually work? I've mentioned a secret trick. It's actually not so secret. It's advertised everywhere on the Annex documentation. The idea is to use libraries everywhere. You might wonder, what is a library in Annex? It's simply a folder where you can execute a few operations, like testing, linting, basically anything you want. It's just about the code that it concerns. So, if we look at, for example, our project, we had here the front-end, which was the app that was actually deployed and used by our users. And then everything else here below are libraries. So, the app is using libraries. And then it gets deployed and the libraries are there for a way of organizing the code in your folder structure. And the thing is, you can generate them easily so that it's just a common way to create a new one and doesn't cost you much. And what we can see here as well is that, in pink, it's highlighting the projects that have been affected by change. So, in this case, I made a change in the design system and it shows me that a few libraries have been affected and the app as well. So, when I run my test or when I run the lint, it's only going to test and relint those pink projects, so the libraries and the app. It's not going to touch anything else, because it hasn't changed. So, it doesn't need to test it, and that's the beauty of it. That's the core principle.

The concept of libraries might still be a bit blurry. So, let's have a look here at what it means concretely. So, this is an example repository from NX, where you have basically a couple apps, cards, products, and then a few libraries. And if we zoom in on the libraries, it's actually just a nested config, a jest config, and then a TypeScript config, and then all your source code in the src folder, and it's as simple as that. There's not much more, and it's everything you need to be able to run your operations in each of those folders. The side bonus that you have from using libraries is that it forces you to have a clean architecture, because you have to ask yourself the question, where should I put my code, where should I put it into the same library, should I create a new library? It's a question that because you ask yourself, it forces you to trigger a discussion, think about it, put it in the right place, and it saves you some time and prevents spaghetti code from happening in the future.

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