
Debugging is the process of finding and resolving errors in a computer program. It involves identifying the source of the problem, analyzing the issue, and then fixing it. Debugging can be done manually or with the help of a debugging tool. In JavaScript, debugging is essential for testing code and making sure it works as intended. It helps developers identify and fix any bugs or issues quickly, allowing them to improve the performance and reliability of their programs.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Debugging JS
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As developers, we spend much of our time debugging apps - often code we didn't even write. Sadly, few developers have ever been taught how to approach debugging - it's something most of us learn through painful experience.  The good news is you _can_ learn how to debug effectively, and there's several key techniques and tools you can use for debugging JS and React apps.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
29 min
Modern Web Debugging
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Few developers enjoy debugging, and debugging can be complex for modern web apps because of the multiple frameworks, languages, and libraries used. But, developer tools have come a long way in making the process easier. In this talk, Jecelyn will dig into the modern state of debugging, improvements in DevTools, and how you can use them to reliably debug your apps.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
31 min
Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
React's component model and one-way data flow give us a great mental model for building our apps, but debugging React apps can still be confusing. React's internals are a black box, and it's often hard to understand why components rendered or what caused errors.
The Replay time-travel debugger makes it easier to debug React apps by letting you inspect what's happening at any point in time. But what if we could go beyond the usual debugger features, and build new debugging features that tell us more about what React is doing? Let's see how Replay's API makes that possible.
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash
POV: Your app has a crash affecting thousands of users, but for the life of you, you can't reproduce it and have no idea what's causing it. Hear the story of an epic struggle to vanquish a non reproducible bug and learn what to do (and what not to do) when facing such a foe.