
Observability is the ability to monitor and measure the state of a system, including its performance, health, and behavior. It is an important part of software development in the JavaScript domain, as it allows developers to detect problems with their code and be able to quickly identify and fix them. Observability also allows for debugging and analyzing applications, and helps developers understand how their code is behaving in real-time.
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
7 min
Beyond the Console: Navigating JavaScript With Observability
Embark on a journey beyond console logs! This session unveils the power of observability in the world of JavaScript, offering practical insights and real-world examples to supercharge your development workflow. From pinpointing elusive bugs to optimizing user experiences, discover the art of making your code transparent, traceable, and resilient. Elevate your JavaScript craftsmanship with the mastery of observability.
JavaScript development is evolving, and so should your approach to understanding and optimizing code. This session arms you with the knowledge and tools needed to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of web development.
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
7 min
Observability Matters: Enhancing Performance of our Node Application with OpenTelemetry
Have you ever considered that when we encounter terms like observability and reliability, our initial instinct is usually to attribute them solely to SRE concerns? Yet, upon closer examination, one may realize that actually implementing observability is, in essence, more aligned with the domain of developers. After all, developers are the ones who directly implement the actual logic into our existing codebase, and who better to understand and debug their code than the developers themselves? Through this session, we will emphasize on understanding the importance of observability specifically from a developer's perspective. Let's explore some best practices that help us effectively debug the performance of our Node application and how the inclusion of open source frameworks like OpenTelemetry could be beneficial to us.
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Serverless Observability: Where SLOs Meet Transforms
This talk explores the use case of SLOs and transforms whilst migration to the serverless ecosystem. The talk starts by presenting the reasons why SLOs are important in the SRE/DevOps framework. It then analyses specific use cases of SLOs, the tools used for measuring the efficiency of SLOs and presents the main bottlenecks encountered when defining and adhering to SLOs in the process of migrating to a serverless ecosystem, especially when dealing with burn rates and transforms.By the end of the talk, the audience will be able to subscribe to the following takeaways:SLOs are important in a SRE/DevOps framework and there are numerous advantages for implementing them as long as they adhere to a process of continuous improvement.Adopting the right tools and metrics are paramount in the implementation of SLOs.Migrating to serverless adds pressure to the observability system and it is possible that burn rates and transforms will backfire. Our use case will show how it's possible to mitigate these challenges and learn from similar situations.
How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
7 min
How Grafana Uses React to Power the World of Observability
Why does Grafana use React for its frontend?
How we leverage React’s features at Grafana
What are some pain points we have ran into with using React at Grafana
What are lessons learned from adopting React for the past 5+ years?
Observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
21 min
Observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage
Modern tracing products work by combining diagnostics_channel with AsyncLocalStorage. Let's build a tracer together to see how it works and what you can do to make your apps more observable.
Creating an innovation engine with observability
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
27 min
Creating an innovation engine with observability
How Baselime created a culture where it's possible to move fast, break as little as possible, and recover from failures gracefully. The culture is technically underpinned by Node.js, Event-Driven Architectures (EDAs), and Observability (o11y).
Getting Started with Open Source Observability
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
21 min
Getting Started with Open Source Observability
Learn how to instrument Node and client applications using OpenTelemetry and popular open-source observability tools like Prometheus and Grafana.
Observability for Microfrontends
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
24 min
Observability for Microfrontends
Teams are getting bigger and bigger following the micro-frontends architecture. Observability for teams on a scale becomes even more important in order not only to be able to identify potential issues in the runtime, but also separating the responsibilities. In this presentation we’ll learn how this can achieved.
GraphQL Observability
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
8 min
GraphQL Observability
GraphQL is an immensely powerful tool and while there are tons of resources out there on how to leverage it, there doesn't seem to be much open discussion around Day 2 (maintenance in production) operations of GraphQL. In this talk, we'll be focusing around observability and the various techniques and tools we can use to get a better understanding of how our graphQL services are running in production. More specifically we'll be focusing on combining ApolloServer and OpenTelemetry.
Comprehensive Observability via Distributed Tracing on Node.js8
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
8 min
Comprehensive Observability via Distributed Tracing on Node.js8
The benefits of Node.js to develop real-time applications at scale are very well known. As Node.js architectures get more and more complex, visualization of your microservice-based architecture is crucial. However, the visualization of microservices is incredibly complex given the scale and the transactions across them. You not only need to visualize your Node.js applications but also analyze the health, flow, and performance of applications to have a complete observability solution. In this talk, we'll go over the challenges of scaling your Node.js applications and tools (such as distributed tracing) available to you to scale with confidence.
Examining Observability in Node.js
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
22 min
Examining Observability in Node.js
Imagine your productivity and confidence developing web apps without chrome dev tools. Many do exactly that with Node.js.It is important to observe and learn what’s happening in your app to stay competitive and create the most performant and efficient Node.js applications, following the best practices.In this talk, we will explore useful tools to examine your Node.js applications and how observability will speed up development, produce better code while improving reliability and uptime. Don’t miss it!
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
19 min
Multithreaded Logging with Pino
Top Content
Almost every developer thinks that adding one more log line would not decrease the performance of their server... until logging becomes the biggest bottleneck for their systems! We created one of the fastest JSON loggers for Node.js: pino. One of our key decisions was to remove all "transport" to another process (or infrastructure): it reduced both CPU and memory consumption, removing any bottleneck from logging. However, this created friction and lowered the developer experience of using Pino and in-process transports is the most asked feature our user.In the upcoming version 7, we will solve this problem and increase throughput at the same time: we are introducing pino.transport() to start a worker thread that you can use to transfer your logs safely to other destinations, without sacrificing neither performance nor the developer experience.