CDK stands for Cloud Development Kit. It is a framework from AWS that provides developers with a set of resources and tools to help them build cloud-native applications faster and more efficiently. CDK includes programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, Java, and C#, which can be used to define cloud infrastructure in an intuitive way. Additionally, CDK provides an extensive library of cloud components and services to make it easier to develop applications on the cloud.
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
8 min
Building a sophisticated CodePipeline with CDK in a Monorepo Setup
Many companies are going all-in AWS and thus adopting their complete CodeSuite for their CI/CD processes. However, while CodePipeline is the platform for this process, it may not be the most user-friendly. In a Monorepo setup, it's typical to create multiple CI/CD pipelines for each package. However, there are several caveats to be aware of. For instance, you may encounter scenarios where multiple pipelines get triggered even if you just modified one file, or you may question the need to create multiple branches for each pipeline. In this talk, we provide valuable tips for building a sophisticated CodePipeline using CDK in a Monorepo environment. The techniques discussed in this talk are also transferrable to other CI/CD tools.
Enter CDK: What this Means for the World of IaC
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
13 min
Enter CDK: What this Means for the World of IaC
CDK is growing in popularity in the AWS ecosystem, and is set to be the successor of CloudFormation, being built natively for the configuration of AWS resources. Learn how this is a game changer for NodeJS programmers & stacks.
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
34 min
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
For years AWS has offered CloudFormation as an approach to Infrastructure as Code (IaC). CloudFormation allows application stacks to be provisioned from JSON or YAML formatted templates. Unfortunately, due to their size and complexity, CloudFormation templates have earned a reputation as being unwieldy to work with. The AWS Cloud Development Kid (CDK) mitigates some of the complexity associated with CloudFormation allowing developers to programmatically define their cloud architecture using familiar high-level languages such as JavaScript and TypeScript. CDK projects can then be deployed via CloudFormation, while retaining all of the benefits of CloudFormation, such as repeatable deployments and drift detection.
This talk will introduce the CDK in the context of Node.js and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to provision cloud native architectures.
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
25 min
Building Real-time Serverless GraphQL APIs on AWS with TypeScript and CDK
CDK (Cloud development kit) enables developers to build cloud infrastructure using popular programming languages like Python, Typescript, or JavaScript. CDK is a next-level abstraction in infrastructure as code, allowing developers who were traditionally unfamiliar with cloud computing to build scalable APIs and web services using their existing skillset, and do so in only a few lines of code.
In this talk, you’ll learn how to use the TypeScript flavor of CDK to build a hyper-scalable real-time API with GraphQL, Lambda, DynamoDB, and AWS AppSync . At the end of the talk, I’ll live code an API from scratch in just a couple of minutes and then test out queries, mutations, and subscriptions.
By the end of the talk, you should have a good understanding of GraphQL, AppSync, and CDK and be ready to build an API in your next project using TypeScript and CDK.