End the Pain: Rethinking CI for Large Monorepos

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Scaling large codebases, especially monorepos, can be a nightmare on Continuous Integration (CI) systems. The current landscape of CI tools leans towards being machine-oriented, low-level, and demanding in terms of maintenance. What's worse, they're often disassociated from the developer's actual needs and workflow.

Why is CI a stumbling block? Because current CI systems are jacks-of-all-trades, with no specific understanding of your codebase. They can't take advantage of the context they operate in to offer optimizations.

In this talk, we'll explore the future of CI, designed specifically for large codebases and monorepos. Imagine a CI system that understands the structure of your workspace, dynamically parallelizes tasks across machines using historical data, and does all of this with a minimal, high-level configuration. Let's rethink CI, making it smarter, more efficient, and aligned with developer needs.


The main challenges include managing the complexity of running multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring efficient and fast pipeline execution, and maintaining the CI setup as the monorepo grows. This often requires sophisticated tooling and strategies to handle dependencies and parallelize tasks effectively.

NX optimizes CI processes through features like affected commands, which only run tasks related to changed projects, and advanced caching mechanisms to avoid redundant computations. Additionally, NX supports fine-grained task distribution and dynamic scaling across multiple machines to improve efficiency and reduce CI times.

In monorepo management, project graphs are crucial for tracking the dependencies between different projects within the repository. This allows tools like NX to efficiently determine which parts of the monorepo are affected by changes, optimizing build and test processes by only processing relevant parts.

Yes, NX can handle dynamic distribution of tasks across multiple CI machines. It uses a coordinator on NX Cloud infrastructure to distribute tasks based on the project graph, optimizing resource usage and reducing build times by balancing loads across available machines.

NX Agents are part of NX's suite of tools designed to improve CI efficiency by helping with the distribution of tasks across multiple machines. They enable dynamic scaling and fine-grained distribution, reducing the overhead of manual configuration and ensuring efficient use of resources.

NX addresses flakiness detection by leveraging caching to identify when a task produces different results under the same conditions, indicating potential flakiness. It can then automatically rerun these tasks on different machines to confirm and address the issue, ensuring reliability in the CI process.

Juri Strumpflohner
Juri Strumpflohner
25 min
15 Nov, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk discusses rethinking CI in monorepos, with a focus on leveraging the implicit graph of project dependencies to optimize build times and manage complexity. The use of NX Replay and NX Agents is highlighted as a way to enhance CI efficiency by caching previous computations and distributing tasks across multiple machines. Fine-grained distribution and flakiness detection are discussed as methods to improve distribution efficiency and ensure a clean setup. Enabling distribution with NX Agents simplifies the setup process, and NX Cloud offers dynamic scaling and cost reduction. Overall, the Talk explores strategies to improve the scalability and efficiency of CI pipelines in monorepos.

1. Introduction to Rethinking CI in Monorepos

Short description:

Today, I would like to talk about how we could potentially rethink how CI works in monorepos. My name is Joris Sturmfloner, and I have been using monorepos for six years. I am also a core team member of NX and a Google developer expert in web technologies and Angular.

[♪ music playing ♪ All right. So today, I would like to talk a bit about how we could potentially rethink how CI works compared to the current CI situation that we have, with a particular focus on monorepos and potentially large monorepos. So how we could optimize that. So before we go ahead, my name is Joris Sturmfloner. I've been using monorepos for probably six years already. Since about four years, I'm also a core team member of NX, which is a monorepo management tool. And so I'm also a Google developer expert in web technologies and Angular and also an instructor on AgHead, where I publish courses on web development and developer tools.

2. Considerations for CI in Monorepos

Short description:

When working with monorepos, we need to consider the local developer experience, automation and rules, and task pipelines. Current CI solutions are not optimized for monorepos and require low-level manual maintenance. Developers want a high-level way of defining their CI structure and need strategies to ensure scalability and manageable speed and throughput.

So when we go into the direction of a monorepo, it doesn't come for free, right? So there's some considerations that need to play in. One big one is obviously the local developer experience. So how do we structure a project in a monorepo? How do we make sure that we have a consistency in how these products are being set up? Which version do they use? How are they configured such that we can also have some sort of team mobility between projects, potentially, and it will also help us obviously maintain. Automation and rules around those projects is also a very important part, especially looking at maintenance and the longevity of such a monorepo.

And also things like features like task pipelines, being able to run things in parallel. Because clearly in a monorepo, we don't run just one project anymore, but potentially a series of projects where there are also dependencies. And so we need to be able to kind of build dependent products first before we actually run our project. And those are things that we don't want to do manually, but rather want to have tooling support. But today I would like to specifically focus on the elephant in the room whenever we talk about monorepos, which often is not being paid attention to immediately, which is kind of a mistake, which is CI. Because clearly there is some— the current CI situation is basically not optimized for monorepos because it is very machine-oriented, so we need to focus on exact instructions that we want to process. We need to actually have a very instructional kind of approach. It is very low level in that sense as well. It requires a lot of maintenance because we no more, as I mentioned, run just one project and that's it. We run a series of projects. We run multiple projects. And so we need to have strategies of tuning the CI in order to make sure even as our monorepo structure changes, as more products come into the monorepo, that it still works. It is also, I would say, a bit removed from what developers want, because as a developer, I would want to have a more high-level way of defining my CI structure, my CI run, my CI pipeline, in the sense of saying, hey, I want to run all these projects that got touched, for instance, in that PR, rather than having to fine-tune every single aspect of that project. And as I said before, they don't really work for monorepos, so they design much, much more general purpose and more into single-project workspaces in general. So today I would like to dive into some of these aspects, specifically looking at speed and throughput, because that is one major thing that we need to pay attention to, because otherwise our monorepo would be a problem. Because if we have good collaboration going on locally within Teams, but our pipeline takes over an hour for each PR, that's going to be a problem.

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