Juarez Barbosa Junior

Juarez Barbosa Junior

Juarez Barbosa Junior has +20 years of experience in several IT-related roles throughout his career, currently working for Microsoft as the Azure Developer Engagement Lead in Ireland. Previously, he's worked for Oracle as a Principal Blockchain Developer Advocate and as Thought Leader and Technical Evangelist in IBM Mobile and IBM Watson. He's passionate about engaging developers and communities to present and discuss the latest technologies related to Blockchain, IoT, Cloud Native, AI, and other Emerging Technologies, with a particular focus and interest in Microsoft Azure.
Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) with Azure DevOps
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
13 min
Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) with Azure DevOps
Azure Static Web Apps were launched earlier in 2021, and out of the box, they could integrate your existing repository and deploy your Static Web App from Azure DevOps. This workshop demonstrates how to publish an Azure Static Web App with Azure DevOps.