Build a Data-Rich Beautiful Dashboard With MUI X's Data Grid and Joy UI

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Learn how to put MUI’s complete ecosystem to use to build a beautiful and sophisticated project management dashboard in a fraction of the time that it would take to construct it from scratch. In particular, we’ll see how to integrate the MUI X Data Grid with Joy UI, our newest component library and sibling to the industry-standard Material UI.

Table of contents:

- Introducing our project and tools

- App setup and package installation

- Constructing the dashboard

- Prototyping, styling, and themes - Joy UI features

- Filtering, sorting, editing - Data Grid features

- Conclusion, final thoughts, Q&A


The MUI workshop is focused on demonstrating how to build a sophisticated CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application using MUI X data grid in conjunction with Joy UI, which are part of the MUI component libraries.

The CRUD app demonstrated includes features like filtering, sorting, and handling massive amounts of data, all integrated into a clean and sophisticated interface.

Joy UI is a React UI component library developed by MUI as an alternative to Material UI. It implements its own in-house design system, offering flexibility and new features not available in Material UI.

MUIX refers to a suite of advanced components developed by MUI, including the Data Grid, date and time pickers, and other components designed to offer more sophisticated functionality than the base Material UI components.

Yes, the code demonstrated and developed during the workshop is designed to serve as a solid foundational template that attendees can expand upon for their own projects.

Sam Sycamore
Sam Sycamore
Siriwat (Jun) Kunaporn
Siriwat (Jun) Kunaporn
137 min
24 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Workshop focused on building a CRUD app using the MUI X data grid and Joy UI. Material UI is still popular and will continue to be developed, with efforts to implement Material Design version 3. The workshop covered various topics such as adding columns, filtering data, replacing slots with Joy UI components, creating an autocomplete column, customizing appearance and styling, saving and updating data, and handling errors. The workshop concluded with plans for future features and a call to connect with attendees for further assistance.

1. Introduction to MUI Workshop

Short description:

Today we're going to be demonstrating how you can build a clean and sophisticated CRUD app using the MUI X data grid in conjunction with joy UI. By the end, you will walk away with a solid foundational template that you can use to expand on to your heart's content. If you do build something cool with the code from today's workshop, let us know and we could potentially share it on our project showcase at

Let's get it started then without any further ado. Alright. Well, thank you all for being here. This is a MUI workshop. Today we're going to be demonstrating how you can build a clean and sophisticated CRUD app. That's create read update delete. A very sophisticated CRUD app that can handle massive amounts of data with features like filtering and sorting right out of the box. Using the MUI X data grid in conjunction with joy UI which is our latest React UI component library and a sister library to our flagship product material UI. Hopefully some of you here are familiar with.

Now if you were to build such an app from scratch it could take days or weeks of full time work. And that's before you account for the bugs and edge cases that trust me will definitely come up along the way. By contrast we will be up and running here in a matter of minutes something like 90 minutes give or take. And by the end you will walk away with a solid foundational template that you can use to expand on to your heart's content. If you do build something cool with the code from today's workshop or just from anything we learn today the workshop I hope you'll let us know. We'd love to see it and if it's cool we could potentially share it on our project showcase which is at

2. MUI and Workshop Stack

Short description:

Today we're going to be demonstrating how you can build a clean and sophisticated CRUD app using the MUI X data grid in conjunction with joy UI. By the end, you will walk away with a solid foundational template that you can use to expand on to your heart's content. If you do build something cool with the code from today's workshop, let us know and we could potentially share it on our project showcase at

Before we get into the coding just like to take a minute to introduce myself and my co-conspirators who are leading the workshop here with me today. So hi, I'm Sam Sycamore. I am a developer advocate at MUI. My background is in technical writing and front-end development primarily JavaScript, react and Next.js. I've been with MUI for about a year and a half now. I live in Minnesota as you can see this is actually my surroundings. Well, not really but close enough. I spent most of my time working on the product documentation at MUI. And engaging with the community developers who work with our core component libraries, which is to say Material UI, Base UI and Joy UI. We'll get into MUI's products a little bit deeper here in just a minute. So don't sweat it if you're new to our ecosystem.

Joining me here today is my colleague Jun who is an engineer on our core team and the primary developer behind the component library Joy UI that we're working with today. So I'm really glad he's here with us to answer any questions, and just to show us all the cool stuff he's been building. Jun has been with MUI for about two years now and is very passionate about all things related to developer experience, which I think really shines through in Joy UI. And I think you'll agree once you see it. So Jun will be the one leading the live coding with us here in just a few moments. And we're also joined today by Andrew who's our tech lead on the DataGrid team. So he's here in the workshop. He's also hanging out on Discord. He'll be around to answer any questions you might have about MUIX and the grid, especially if there are any super technical questions. I'm certainly no expert on the grid. But if anyone is, it's this fellow right here. So we're glad to have him with us.

Now you know a little bit about who we are. Let's talk about who we represent at this conference. So maybe I'm preaching to the choir for those of you who chose to show up for this workshop. Maybe you already know everything there is to know about us. But let's just make sure we're all on the same page. So MUI as a company began with Material UI, which is the open source implementation of Google's Material design in React. Despite popular misconceptions, MUI is in fact not affiliated with Google. No disrespect. We love the Google family. But we are an independent entity with a headcount of just over 30 these days. And MUI's product offerings now extend well beyond the realm of Material design. So you can see here we've got on our core team, our products include Base UI, which is for headless components and low level hooks. We've got Joy UI, which implements our own in-house design system and some fresh new ideas and developer experience. And then we've also got MaterialUI, as you well know, and Material, or sorry, MUI system, which is our in-house style system. And that's just on the core side. On the X side, that is MUIX, we've got our advanced components like the Data Grid, which we'll be working with today. We've also got the date and time pickers and, coming soon in the not-so-distant future, we'll have some cool new stuff as well. And then we've got MUI-Toolpad. We're still in very early stages of this app, but this is our low-code admin builder where essentially you can take all of the MUI components that you know and love and start building a full stack app just by dragging and dropping. So we're very excited about that. And if you have any questions about any of those products, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd be happy to walk you through them all.

So with that, I think we're ready now to move on and discuss the stack that we'll be working with today. We are, of course, operating in the world of React, and today we'll be coding in JavaScript. I know that might be a controversial decision in 2023 as the world seems to increasingly be adopting TypeScript. In fact, we pretty much only use TypeScript internally at MUI these days. But we didn't want to assume that everyone here has prior experience with TypeScript, and we didn't want to get too bogged down in the details of TS.


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