Find Out If Your Design System Is Better Than Nothing

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Building a design system is not enough. Your dev team has to prefer it over one-off components and third-party libraries. Otherwise, the whole effort is a waste of time. Learn how to use static code analysis to measure if your design system wins over the internal competition and data-driven ways to improve your position.

Arseny Smoogly
Arseny Smoogly
20 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Building a design system without adoption is a waste of time. Grafana UI's adoption is growing consistently over time. The factors affecting design system adoption include the source mix changing, displacement of Homebrew components by Grafana UI, and the limitations of Grafana UI's current state. Measuring adoption is important to determine the success of a design system. The analysis of code through static code analysis tools is valuable in detecting and tracking component usage.

1. Measuring Design System Adoption with Grafana UI

Short description:

Design system is worthless if not used. Building a design system without getting sufficient adoption is a waste of time and effort. In this talk, I will tell you how to measure the adoption of a design system. Grafana is a DevOps monitoring platform with a design system called Grafana UI. Let's take a look at how well Grafana UI is doing. The line goes up. Number of usages grows consistently over time. The reason you don't know is competition.

♪♪♪ Design system is worthless if not used. Design system is a tool, it's not enough to exist. It has to actively be used to make the product better or help deliver it faster. That's the only way for a design system to be valuable. Building a design system without getting sufficient adoption is a waste of time and effort.

My name is Arseniy, I'm a Solution Architect at Rangel Amsterdam. In this talk, I will tell you how to measure the adoption of a design system based on a metric I set up recently for one of our clients. Conversation about metrics requires data. Showing you data from a corporate client is unfortunately not possible, so I found an open source substitute. I will use Grafana as an example. If you don't know, Grafana is a DevOps monitoring platform. It's an old and big project. It was rewritten from Angular to React starting around 2018. It has an ecosystem of plugins and most importantly, for the stock, Grafana has a design system. It's called Grafana UI. In their storybook intro, they say that they built it to get a shorter development cycle and a consistent user experience. These goals are in line with what you'd expect to find in a corporate design system. I want my products to look like my products and I want to build them faster.

Let's take a look at how well Grafana UI is doing. On this chart, we're tracking how a project and its ecosystem evolved and how they adopted a design system. Horizontal timescale is five years. Measurements are taken at weekly intervals. Vertical number is Grafana UI component usages. Usage is when a component is referenced in code. We'll discuss later what it means but simplified, and it's when you mention a component in a JSX tag. For the sense of scale, last week at the right edge of the chart, Grafana UI components were used more than 7,000 times across Grafana itself and 290 of its plugin code bases.

What picture does this chart show you? The line goes up. Number of usages grows consistently over time. Is this good for the design system? Does this mean the design system is getting continuously adopted? The answer is you don't know. The reason you don't know is competition.

2. The Role of Design System and Homebrew Components

Short description:

Developers have a choice of how they build things, whether using third-party libraries, building their own components, or utilizing a design system like Grafana UI. Homebrew components, which are low-level components implemented directly in the product code base, are also important to consider. By analyzing the chart, we can see that both the design system and Homebrew components are growing, indicating a healthy project and ecosystem.

I'm an engineer. I can use a design system. I can use third-party libraries or I can build my own components. Developers have a choice of how they build things. This is particularly true for the open source plugins in this analysis. If I build a plugin and host it on my own GitHub account, who can force me to use Grafana UI? The only option to affect my choice is to make a good design system and make it easy to use.

Even if your product doesn't use any third-party libraries, in any project there are going to be Homebrew components. Homebrew are the low-level components implemented directly in the product code base. You build your own button, that's Homebrew. It's very important to focus on the low-level components. We're not looking to find every possible component usage. We're looking for the competition. Component Online 2 is not Homebrew because it's compositional, it only uses other components. Compositional components are expected in any code base and don't compete with the design system. Component Online 1, on the other hand, is Homebrew, it uses lowercase jsx tag as opposed to capitalized one. That way, we know it deals with a raw markup. Because it deals with raw markup, we count it as Homebrew.

Now that we know what we're looking at, let's add Homebrew to the chart. This is the same chart as before. Same axis, same data, except with Homebrew usages added on top. I want to point out the scale once more. We're looking at combined 11,000 component usages at the right edge of the chart, across 291 repo. Total shaded area is almost a million usages, though they're not unique since we're tracking code over time. What can you see on this chart? Gray area at the top, representing Homebrew, starts before red area, representing Grafana UI. At first, there was no Grafana UI. Both lines are growing. While the user design system is growing, so does Homebrew. The fact that the two lines are growing means that the project and the ecosystem are growing. They look healthy. The shapes look pretty similar, in particular, over the last year.

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