Build a chat room with Appwrite and React

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API's/Backends are difficult and we need websockets. You will be using VS Code as your editor, Parcel.js, Chakra-ui, React, React Icons, and Appwrite. By the end of this workshop, you will have the knowledge to build a real-time app using Appwrite and zero API development. Follow along and you'll have an awesome chat app to show off!

Wess Cope
Wess Cope
41 min
04 Jul, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

AppRight is an open-source backend as a service that simplifies server setup and API design. It offers features like authentication, user management, database storage, cloud functions, and real-time image manipulation. The AppRight dashboard is customizable and can be used to manage the backend using its API. The workshop focuses on building a chat app using AppRight's backend services and frontend frameworks like React and Chakra UI.

1. Introduction to Chat App Development with AppRight

Short description:

I am Wes Cope, a software engineer at AppRight. We're building a chat app using AppRight's backend as a service. It's written in TypeScript using React and the Chakra UI framework. Join us on Tessa talk to chat during the presentation.

So first of all, I'd like to say thank you to everybody for joining. I am Wes Cope. I guess I can use the slides. So hello. I am Wes Cope, a software engineer, full stack at AppRight, working from everything from database drivers to whatever else I can get my hands on. You can follow me on Twitter. It's WesCope as the slide presents, or you can go to and find me there and the various works and things that I've done.

During this presentation, I will work my best to make sure that I give you guys all the information that you need. Sometimes I do tend to talk fast. So just raise your hand and call me out. I'm good with it. And I will make sure to slow down or if I miss anything, jump into the chat message, ask your question there. And I have it sitting right in front of my face to allow me to answer the questions as quick and soon as possible.

So what will we go over? Well, of course, we're building a chat app. And by chat, I mean you register, you sign in and you start talking just like any chat app that you've seen. It's like a very slim down minimalist version of Slack with no emojis, nothing fancy, just you, text and a conversation.

AppRight. AppRight is a backend as a service. Service is a service. It's a tool that developers can use in order to focus on what's important to them, such as client application development, mobile application development and so on. And we'll go a little bit more into depth with these things. We are also going to build a chat app and discuss the things that you need. It is written in TypeScript using React, using, of course, the AppRight SDK for TypeScript JavaScript as well as using the Chakra UI framework because I find it easy and nice to work with. And then I will also give you the links to where you can one, you can join us on the chat, actually chat while we're doing this presentation on a running the running verse. We call it Tessa talk and Tessa, who is also a person at AppRight works at AppRight with me. So it's named endearingly after her because she's the one who made me do it. And then we'll take some questions and we'll wrap things up with anything else. Any other resources or anything else I can come up with. Step one gets you started. Again, here's what you're going to need.

2. Introduction to AppWrite and Project Layout

Short description:

I use VS code. The projects layout inside the source folder includes data, forms, pages, providers, router, theme, index.html, index.ts, custom types, PNG and SVG images, and package.json. If you want to join the chat and try the app, visit, The source code is available on AppWrite is a 100% open-source backend as a service.

I use VS code. I also use them just depends on, you know, what I'm doing type scripts. The version I'm currently running is 4.64 react 18 app right 801 parcel two, although I'm really running parcel one point x because I don't like to that much in yarn, which is pretty common for most JavaScript slash node JS developers, etc.

Here's the projects layout inside of the source folder. We have a data. This is where I put all the data stuff, database handling, local storage wrappers, anything that makes it nice for me to do that. The forms folder is where I put all of your forms, whether it's the chat input window, your log in your register onboarding. This is not by any stretch of the imagination, anything other than my opinion of the way that I set things up. So everybody does a little different layouts, various layouts. I have a layout for whenever you're onboarding and I have a layout for wherever in the application and I do some magic to check which one and automatically load that for me.

Pages, I guess, all the places where you'll go. The providers, this is a neat thing that React is introduced, I used to be a Redux man, and then I moved on to providers. But some of the work that I did with flutter and dart, I got used to the provider pattern and really started to enjoy how it's working. So I kind of used flutter inspired architecture to use the provider pattern here using React context. And then the router, of course, gets us around in our application. The theme, and yes, I do support dark mode and no, I didn't add a button to do it. And then the index.html is where we render this guy. Index.ts is the entry point for our application, some custom types, and it's PNG and SVG, just so that I could have images there if I decided to. This is kind of a boilerplate setup and then everybody knows what package.json is.

Now, here's the magic. If you guys want to join over on the chat and actually give this thing a try, and you see some of the AppWrite folks have already been a couple of words have been presented there. You could join us at HTTPS,, That's a dash. And then you can also view the source code it West Tesla Talk, and this, the source code that you see it in this repository is exactly what's running on Tesla Talk on Vercel. And also what I'll be going over today. So what is AppWrite? So I encourage everybody to visit And see exactly what we do. We're a back end as a service. We are open source 100%.

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