Hard GraphQL Problems at Shopify

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At Shopify scale, we solve some pretty hard problems. In this workshop, five different speakers will outline some of the challenges we’ve faced, and how we’ve overcome them.

Table of contents:
1 - The infamous "N+1" problem: Jonathan Baker - Let's talk about what it is, why it is a problem, and how Shopify handles it at scale across several GraphQL APIs.
2 - Contextualizing GraphQL APIs: Alex Ackerman - How and why we decided to use directives. I’ll share what directives are, which directives are available out of the box, and how to create custom directives.
3 - Faster GraphQL queries for mobile clients: Theo Ben Hassen - As your mobile app grows, so will your GraphQL queries. In this talk, I will go over diverse strategies to make your queries faster and more effective.
4 - Building tomorrow’s product today: Greg MacWilliam - How Shopify adopts future features in today’s code.
5 - Managing large APIs effectively: Rebecca Friedman - We have thousands of developers at Shopify. Let’s take a look at how we’re ensuring the quality and consistency of our GraphQL APIs with so many contributors.


Shopify's versioning system allows for API changes to be made in a controlled manner, ensuring backward compatibility and smooth transitions for developers. It helps manage and schedule API changes, alerting developers about deprecations and necessary updates through version releases.

Shopify deprecates fields by marking them and gradually phasing them out. They provide warnings and updates through their API health dashboard and developer changelogs, giving developers time to adapt before the fields are removed in future API versions.

Shopify optimizes GraphQL query performance on mobile by implementing strategies like pagination, parallel querying, and careful management of query costs. They focus on minimizing data loads and optimizing data retrieval times to enhance user experiences on mobile devices.

Shopify ensures the accuracy of GraphQL queries by using a combination of version control, schema validation, and proactive monitoring of API usage. They manage breaking changes by providing versioned APIs, allowing developers to choose when to adopt new changes and adjust their applications accordingly.

The GraphQL Schema Bot at Shopify automates the detection of common GraphQL issues in schema changes. It helps maintain high-quality API design by flagging potential problems and inconsistencies, thereby reducing manual review workload and ensuring API design standards are met.

Shopify handles nullability by carefully considering whether fields should be nullable or non-nullable based on the likelihood of being able to always return a value. They use nullability to provide flexibility in their schema and to avoid breaking changes that might impact client applications.

Using directives in Shopify's GraphQL APIs allows for more flexible and dynamic query behavior, enabling context-specific customizations such as regional pricing or conditional data fetching. Directives help manage runtime execution and type validation behavior, enhancing API functionality and developer control.

Rebecca Friedman
Rebecca Friedman
Jonathan Baker
Jonathan Baker
Alex Ackerman
Alex Ackerman
Théo Ben Hassen
Théo Ben Hassen
 Greg MacWilliam
Greg MacWilliam
164 min
01 Dec, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Workshop covered various topics related to GraphQL at Shopify, including the Nplusone problem, batch loading with lazy resolvers, contextualizing GraphQL APIs with directives, optimizing GraphQL for mobile, managing large GraphQL APIs, and handling deprecated fields and nullability. The speakers shared insights and solutions to these challenges, such as using Active Record Preloading, GraphQL Batch library, and custom directives. They also discussed the importance of measuring performance, pagination design, and parallel querying for mobile optimization. Overall, the Workshop provided valuable information on improving GraphQL performance, API design, and versioning strategies.

1. Introduction to Workshop

Short description:

Thank you all for joining us for the workshop. Over the next three hours, five different speakers will discuss the problems they've tackled with GraphQL at Shopify. Each session will be 20 minutes long, followed by a short break and an hour-long Q&A session. Feel free to ask questions in the chat throughout the workshop.

So, once again, thank you to everyone who's been able to join us here. I truly appreciate your time. We all do, all our speakers, all of Shopify. Thank you very much for being there and joining us for the workshop.

So this is how the next three hours will look like. It will be a bit different from what we are used to, but I hope it's good different. So hopefully you can also share that feedback with us at the end of this, but we are going to have five different sessions by five different speakers. All of them are engineers here at Shopify. And all of these sessions will actually be talking about had problems that we've had to tackle with GraphQL here at Shopify. So we hopefully hope that that will shed some light and you're going to get some insight into how the teams were able to look at the problems and you know, the various methods they use to tackle the problem.

So each session or each talk will be 20 minutes long. And at the tail end of that, we are going to have a break, a short break, a 10 minute break, you know, and then after that we are going to have a one hour office hours, or a mail session, if you may wish. So if you do have questions, just keep on dropping them here on chat, we'll make sure we take note of them. And at the tail end of it during the last hour during the office hours, we are going answer your questions. But also if you have a very specific question to any of the sessions as they roll, they are pre recorded, but our speakers are here live, you can definitely get to ask your questions on chat, and they're going to take care of that. So I hope that is fine. Sounds fine and makes sense.

2. Introduction to Jonathan's Session

Short description:

Our first session is by Jonathan, a staff developer at Shopify, focusing on customer storefront applications. Jonathan is here to clarify any questions during the pre-recorded session. Let's get started!

So without much further ado, I think our very first session is by Jonathan. Jonathan is here. Jonathan, I don't know if you want to take just a moment say hi to you know the people who are joining us before we get to a session on? Hello, everyone. I'm Jonathan, as you will see in the talk I'm a staff developer here at Shopify, focusing on our customer storefront applications. So that's from a GraphQL standpoint, that's the storefront API, which is one of two of our public GraphQL APIs and welcome to be here.

Fantastic. Tell us one thing about you that you don't know probably let me make it much more closer home, what's your favorite or your current read or favorite blog or newsletter right now? Shopify's engineering blog. All right, thank you so much, Jonathan. So Jonathan is our first speaker, as I mentioned, all our sessions are pre-recorded but feel free to drop your questions as the session runs. Jonathan is actually here to just help clarify anything just in case we get to that. So let me see. I will share my screen here, share sound as well. All right, fantastic. Let me see. Give me a thumbs up, actually, if you're able to get the sound up here.


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