
WebGPU is a web API that allows developers to access the power of the GPU (graphics processing unit) for 3D graphics and compute purposes. It provides an interface for developers to access the underlying hardware capabilities of the GPU, allowing them to create high-performance applications in JavaScript. WebGPU is designed to be cross-platform, allowing developers to create applications that can run on any device with a compatible GPU.
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
27 min
Embracing WebGPU and WebXR With Three.js
In the rapidly evolving landscape of web technologies, the introduction of WebGPU and WebXR represents a significant leap forward, promising to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in 3D web experiences. This talk dives into the heart of these new technologies, guided by the Three.js library.
We begin by exploring WebGPU, a next-generation graphics API offering enhanced performance and efficiency for rendering 3D graphics directly in the browser. We'll demonstrate how Three.js is adapting to harness its full potential, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for developers to create visually stunning interactive experiences.
Transitioning to the immersive realm, we delve into WebXR, a technology that opens the door for virtual reality and augmented reality experiences right from the web. We'll showcase how Three.js enables creators to build immersive experiences.
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
21 min
Migration from WebGL to WebGPU
In this presentation, I'll explore the transition from WebGL to WebGPU, demonstrating how these changes affect game development. The talk will include practical examples and code snippets to illustrate key differences and their implications on performance and efficiency.
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
22 min
Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications
Top Content
In this talk I will show Makepad, a new UI stack that uses Rust, Wasm, and WebGL. Unlike other UI stacks, which use a hybrid approach, all rendering in Makepad takes place on the GPU. This allows for highly polished and visually impressive applications that have not been possible on the web so far. Because Makepad uses Rust, applications run both natively and on the Web via wasm. Makepad applications can be very small, on the order of just a few hundred kilobytes for wasm, to a few megabytes with native. Our goal is to develop Makepad into the UI stack of choice for lightweight and performant cross-platform applications. We intend to ship with our own design application and IDE.
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
33 min
Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU
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Traditionally, browser games haven't been taken seriously. If you want to target the web, that traditionally has meant compromising on your vision as a game developer. Our team at Wonder Interactive is on a mission to change that, bringing one of the world's premiere native game engines to the browser - Unreal Engine. In our talk, we'll dive into our efforts porting the engine to the browser and carrying on the pioneering unfinished work started at Epic Games nearly a decade ago in collaboration with Mozilla. We'll dive into what this means for the future of games in the browser, and the open metaverse on the web.
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
32 min
Extending Unity WebGL With Javascript
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Unity can build games to run in a web browser using tools like Emscripten, Web Assembly, and WebGL. It provides integration with the browser, using browser APIs to simulate native APIs. Sometimes it is useful to interface with the browser in ways that Unity does not natively provide support for. In this talk, I will discuss how Unity builds games for the web, and how to extend Unity using Javascript to enable support for features not otherwise provided.
What Can you Do with WebGPU?
JS GameDev Summit 2022JS GameDev Summit 2022
9 min
What Can you Do with WebGPU?
One of the major new features WebGPU introduces is compute shaders. I'll cover the basics of how they work and go through some applications that weren't possible before on the web. Examples include Unreal Engine 5's compute-based rendering techniques, and complex particle simulations.