Makepad - Leveraging Rust + Wasm + WebGL to Build Amazing Cross-platform Applications

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In this talk I will show Makepad, a new UI stack that uses Rust, Wasm, and WebGL. Unlike other UI stacks, which use a hybrid approach, all rendering in Makepad takes place on the GPU. This allows for highly polished and visually impressive applications that have not been possible on the web so far. Because Makepad uses Rust, applications run both natively and on the Web via wasm. Makepad applications can be very small, on the order of just a few hundred kilobytes for wasm, to a few megabytes with native. Our goal is to develop Makepad into the UI stack of choice for lightweight and performant cross-platform applications. We intend to ship with our own design application and IDE.


MakePad is a development platform that uses WebAssembly and Rust to build UI for web and native applications. It reimagines the entire render stack using WebGL, allowing for high-performance, live codable interfaces that can run on various devices including browsers and mobile phones.

MakePad utilizes WebGL and WebAssembly to overcome the performance limitations typical in JavaScript-based UI development. This approach allows for smoother animations, efficient real-time interactivity, and the ability to handle complex applications like IDEs and design tools without the performance drag associated with JavaScript.

Yes, MakePad is designed to run on various platforms including mobile devices. It has been tested and runs on devices as old as an iPhone 6, ensuring broad compatibility and performance.

The creation of MakePad was initiated by the founder's challenges with existing web technologies, particularly JavaScript, which struggled with performance issues in complex applications. This led to exploring WebAssembly and Rust, which provided the necessary performance and efficiency.

Yes, MakePad is open source with its core libraries and dependencies available under the MIT license. This allows developers to use and modify the software freely for their own projects.

The future plans for MakePad include an open source release to 'crates', which is the package manager for Rust, and the development of a design tool to enhance UI design capabilities. Mobile support and additional features for AR and VR are also planned.

Yes, MakePad supports professional audio applications through its capabilities to access native APIs like the audio unit API on Mac. This allows it to load native instrument components directly, offering powerful audio processing features.

While MakePad is capable of handling UI elements and can potentially support 3D models and textures, it requires the development of specific importers and tool chains to handle files from programs like Blender.

The shift was motivated by JavaScript's limitations in handling high-performance, real-time applications required for complex UIs. Rust offers a high level of performance without the overhead of a garbage collector, making it suitable for intensive tasks like UI rendering.

Rik Arends
Rik Arends
22 min
16 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to MakePad, a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust. JavaScript is not suitable for complex applications like IDEs and design tools. Rust, a new programming language, was used to reimagine MakePad, resulting in a fast and efficient platform. MakePad offers live editing, high CPU performance, and the ability to load native instrument components. The future of MakePad includes an open-source release, a design tool, and support for importing 3D models.

1. Introduction to MakePad

Short description:

Welcome to my talk about MakePad, a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust. I founded cloud9 IDE, a company to build a web IDE. I spent six years redoing the entire render stack of the browser in WebGL and JavaScript. The result is Makepad JavaScript, a complete do-over of the render stack in WebGL, allowing for live coding and high-performance interactive applications.

All right, welcome to my talk. I'm going to talk about MakePad. It's a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust.

So, I want to start this journey long, long ago, maybe before some of you were still in primary school even. I founded cloud9 IDE, it's a company to build a web IDE. We had an HTML based code editor called Ace, it was one of the two at the time. And, so I was in the middle of the HTML world building what was considered a complex application, an IDE, right? Everyone was making web pages, some web apps, but the IDE with the code editor was considered a complex web application.

So, at the time I was working on the editor and I remember we were working on code folding and I wanted the code folding to animate. It's a very simple thing, you know, computers are fast, they can animate it, but no matter what I tried I couldn't get it done with HTML and CSS. It just, whatever we did, it just was choppy and it sucked. So at the time WebGL was just released and I started investigating using WebGL to render UI, render editors. And I realized that this was a huge task ahead of me to reinvent the UI in WebGL. So, I left Cloud9 and I started on the journey of redoing the entire render stack of the browser in WebGL and JavaScript.

And I spent six years on that. I probably built as many, six or seven complete file new iterations of trying to do this. And I want to show you the result of those six years here. And that is Makepad JavaScript. This is Makepad JavaScript. It is a complete do-over of the render stack in WebGL. And you can do, let's see, you can live code. All of this is live codable. So let's see if I can change the color of the text here. I can also, let's see, I have a bit of feedback on the audio. Yeah. So it was really fast. You could have, this is 50,000 interactive circles in a browser. It was using multi-threading. So this application running here was running in a worker thread and sent over the display list to the main browser thread. So you could have any number of applications running at the same time, as long as you had workers. And you could do very, very cool interactive things.

2. Challenges with Stability and CPU Power

Short description:

This all runs on an iPhone 6, and at some point, I even managed to run itself in itself. However, there was a big problem. When working in the application for more than 30 minutes, Chrome would crash. It was unstable, and I couldn't use my own developer tooling. The real problem is that JavaScript doesn't have enough CPU power for all the tasks. This is a dead end.

This all runs also on an iPhone 6, I think, still, if you load it up in Safari. And at some point, I even managed to run itself in itself. And this is great. This is all fine.

But it had a big problem. It had a big problem. At the time, in Chrome, when I was working in the application for more than 30 minutes, Chrome would just crash. It would just crash, and I didn't know why. And having dealt with browser bugs before, sometimes they take years. Sometimes they never get resolved. Usually when you're like, yeah, I LiveCode in Chrome for half an hour, and I hot reload a worker, that's a bug. They go, OK, you're probably the only person in the world that does that. So good luck with that. So that was very depressing. And hold on.

So it wasn't stable. That was really a problem because I wanted to use it myself. If I can't use my own developer tooling for my own stuff, then the developer tooling sucks. However, there was a real problem, because maybe I could have gotten this fixed. I could have fixed it myself or lobbied forever to get someone else to do it. But the real problem is that you don't have CPU power left if you do all of this in JavaScript. Worker thread caps at 100% if you use the editor, the syntax highlighting. All of that stuff is just too heavy to do in real time with JavaScript. And that meant that I was looking ahead. I see AR, VR, user interfaces. I see high frame rate screens. The latest max are 120 hertz. So you don't have that 16 milliseconds anymore. You're down to 8 or lower. So it's a dead end.


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