React + WebGPU + AI – What Could Go Wrong? 😳

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TheaterJS is a tool designed to create a seamless design and development environment by integrating both programming and design elements. It starts with a strong programming foundation ('pure blue') and gradually incorporates design aspects ('red'), evolving into a 'violet' environment where both can coexist and interact efficiently.

TheaterJS facilitates real-time collaboration among different roles such as designers, developers, and journalists by allowing them to work simultaneously without needing to hand off tasks. This makes processes like news reporting, as demonstrated by The New York Times during the World Cup coverage, much more efficient and timely.

AI in TheaterJS assists in automating tasks and enhancing creative processes. For example, AI can modify environmental elements in a scene, such as adding studio lighting or film grain, based on user commands, thereby saving time and reducing manual input from the user.

The 'violet pill' metaphorically represents a unified development environment where both design and programming can be handled simultaneously without switching between different tools. This concept aims to streamline the creative process, making it more efficient and less restrictive.

Yes, AI in TheaterJS can assist in writing code. It can interpret user commands to perform specific actions like changing application behaviors or adding new features, which involves generating and modifying code dynamically.

Using local AI models on WebGPU offers benefits such as enhanced privacy, lower latency, and reduced costs. This setup allows more efficient data processing and execution directly on the user's machine, leading to faster and more secure applications.

The React model is beneficial for AI integration as it organizes applications into small, manageable components. AI can modify these components without risking the entire application's stability, allowing for safer and more precise updates and enhancements.

AI has the potential to significantly transform app development by automating complex tasks, enhancing user interfaces, and creating more dynamic and responsive applications. It might reduce reliance on traditional development tools, leading to new methodologies and frameworks centered around AI capabilities.

Aria Minaei
Aria Minaei
31 min
01 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

With AI and web GPU, it's an exciting time to be a developer. The speaker's journey involves combining programming and design, leading to the creation of Pure Blue, a powerful programming environment. Adding AI to the mix, the speaker discusses the potential of AI in the creative process and its impact on app development. The talk explores the role of React components and WebGPU in enabling fine-grained editing and running AI models locally. The future of app development is discussed, emphasizing the need to stay ahead of the curve and leverage the power of JavaScript.

1. Introduction to the Speaker's Journey

Short description:

With AI and web GPU, it's an exciting time to be a developer. A lot is going to change, including the way we make apps. I have been making stuff with computers since I was a kid, combining programming and design. However, using different tools for each was creatively stifling. I always wanted to do design and development at the same time, but it seemed impossible.

So, we will get to this question in a few minutes. But, with AI and web GPU, it's just an exciting time to be a developer. It looks like a lot is going to change. I think we're making different apps. Are we going to even call them apps anymore? I'm not sure. But a lot is going to change. And let's explore some of those possibilities today.

Now, who am I? My name is Aryami Naim. Like most of us here in this room, I have been making stuff with computers since I was a kid. This is how the programming side of it looked like in the very beginning. And this is how I did design stuff. I'm actually not that old. I just had old, cracked versions of these. But I was making little apps, little sites, little games. And so it always required both programming and design. So more programming tools, more design tools sort of pile up. And it was always weird. Because when you're making a game or an app, on a day, you're making hundreds, if not thousands of these micro design and development decisions. And a lot of those decisions just don't fit within, let's say, VS Code or 3D Studio MAX. They span the whole spectrum of making an application. So it was always weird that I had to either be in VS Code, for example, or at the time, say, Dreamweaver or in Photoshop. And I had all these little micro ideas. And I felt like in the span of switching between one app to the other, a bunch of them would die. It was just creatively stifling. So it was always weird. And I always felt like, I want to do design development at the same time, but every day I'm waking up, and Morpheus is basically offering me one of two pills. Take the blue pill or the red pill, do either design or development. There's no good or bad pill here, I'm stretching a metaphor right now. But you have to pick one. And I was always like, can I take them both? And he was like, that's not how it works.

2. The Violet Pill and Pure Blue

Short description:

I always wanted to take design and programming together, seamlessly. Flash was a design and development environment, but it wasn't the right fit. Many attempts have been made to create a seamless design and development environment, but it's a hard nut to crack. That's why I started with pure blue, a powerful programming environment.

And so I always wanted to take them both, like a violet pill. You can just design and program in the same environment seamlessly. I looked for this environment, one of them was this. Anybody remembers this? Yeah? Okay. It's a young audience here, just very few hands.

This is Flash and some people love Flash. I love Flash. Yeah! Give it up for Flash! We have like five people over 30 here. Okay, so for those of you who don't remember, Flash was a design and development environment and I loved it and a lot of people loved it. They were making awesome stuff with it. Was it that violet pill though? Not really. Like you could do programming and design in the same operating system window, but the programming was limited, the design tool wasn't as expressive as say Photoshop or Max and stuff like that. So, it wasn't really a violet pill. It was more like, you know, a blue and red lollipop. It was tasty. It was really good, but not the right stuff.

So, I really wanted to have that violet pill. A lot of people have tried it to make that seamless design and development environment. It just, it never catches on. It's just a hard nut to crack. So, there have been many attempts over the years. At some point, I thought maybe I should give it a go. How hard could it be? Naively, I thought so. Anyway, eventually that turned into something that we call TheaterJS. Now, it takes a different approach. I thought instead of making that whole violet pill at the get-go, which is a very hard thing to do, let's just start with some pure blue. Now, what is pure blue? Pure blue is a programming environment. It could be, you know, VS code, the programming language could be JavaScript or Swift or anything else. Let's start with some pure blue, because pure blue is super powerful. There's nothing you cannot do with a programming language.

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