Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility

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There have been numerous remarkable new UX experiences developed over the years, such as cards displaying an array of products and clickable list items with dynamic menu options, among others. However, only a few are aware of the challenges involved in building these structures with accessibility in mind, and unfortunately, some of them are completely inaccessible. 

In today's talk, we will explore some of these prevalent web UX patterns and delve into the hidden challenges they present. While we may be able to mitigate some of these issues, others serve as cautionary tales in accessibility.

Cat Johnson
Cat Johnson
23 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Nested interactive elements can cause accessibility issues on websites, and the speaker shares a personal experience with an accessibility bug involving a list component. Mitigating nested interactive structures involves limiting these patterns during development and restructuring existing elements. The speaker provides recommendations for improving accessibility, such as adjusting role properties and gathering user feedback. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of accessible solutions and encourages sharing resources to build more inclusive experiences.

1. Introduction to Nested Interactive Elements

Short description:

Welcome to my talk today. We're going to be talking about nested interactive elements and an accessibility nightmare. My name is Catherine Johnson, a software engineer at Microsoft specializing in accessibility. Let me share a story about my interaction with Nesta Interactive components. I encountered an accessibility bug on our site involving a list component. Initially, the list row had a role of a button, but it needed to be a list item. However, later, we received feedback that it should be a button again. Sometimes accessibility guidance changes.

Well, welcome everyone. Welcome to my talk today. We're going to be talking about nested interactive elements and an accessibility nightmare.

My name is Catherine Johnson, and thank you for joining me today. So, as I mentioned, my name is Cat Johnson. I'm a software engineer. I work at Microsoft, and I focus a lot of my work on front-end web components, specifically React components, and I specialize in accessibility.

Here, for instance, is one of the websites I work on a lot in my day-to-day job. This is the Your Info page on Today, I'm going to start us off with a little bit of a story about my work and my interaction with Nesta Interactive components.

So my day-to-day job, I'll be working and coding as one does, and one day I was working, and I got an accessibility bug on our site. I was talking to the tester, and they were explaining to me that there was an issue with a section of code on our page. This was sort of the area of our UX I was having a problem. So this whole container right here is a list component that we built in React. Right here, you can see that it has the HTML role of list. And inside of it, we have a list row inside that list, and it has the role of a button. We made it a role of button because that whole list row is clickable and it's very interactive. But the accessibility bug told us that, hey, the role of list, like the role of button, it needs to be a list now. It's not accessible. So, got that feedback. I was like, cool, perfect. We're going to remove it, we're going to change it, we're going to change it into a role of list item. So I get back to my workstation, I type away, I fix it. I push out the code, leave my brain, and I continue my work.

A few months go by, I'm working again, I get another accessibility bug. This time the tester is explaining to me that it's very similar or it's in the same experience. So, we can see it's the same list, the whole thing's a role of list. And that row that we change it to a list item, the accessibility tester said, hey, no, we can't do a role of list item, this whole thing is a button and it's clickable and has user interaction. So, for screen reader users, we needed to have a role of button to explain that to users. At first, I was a little confused on this feedback because it was previously a button, but now it's a role of list item, like, which one should it be? But you know what? Sometimes accessibility guidance changes.

2. Nested Interactive Elements and Accessibility Bugs

Short description:

I encountered an accessibility bug on our site involving a list component. The accessibility bug stated that when screen reader users were navigating to this internal button, it was starting to get all garbled, and it wasn't reading out properly. I decided I'm not going to fix this thing right away. I need to dig into what is happening in this experience so that I can really ascertain what is the best solution for our site. I've realized and discovered that the screen reader issues that I'm experiencing are all related to issues around nested interactive elements. Nested interactive elements are essentially interactive elements that are nested within other interactive elements.

So, I was like, all right, no problem. I'll change it to a button. That's fine. No problem. I continue on with my work, fix it, and then totally lose my mind until some time later. And again, working my desktop, I get an accessibility bug, and this accessibility bug is slightly different.

So, it's the same list, the row is a role of button, and inside of that whole row, there is a button that we have for users, and the accessibility bug stated that when screen reader users were navigating to this internal button right here in the green area, it was starting to get all garbled, and it wasn't reading out properly. And then, on top of that, the accessibility tester said that whole row should be a list of properties.

So, at this point, I'm just blown away. I'm so frustrated. I don't know what's causing the screen reader issue that's making this internal button read out all strangely, but there's a lot of miscommunication issues around what these roles and what these properties should be set for them to work with screen readers and assistive tools. So, at this point, I decided I'm not going to fix this thing right away. I need to dig into what is happening in this experience so that I can really ascertain what is the best solution for our site.

So, I start doing some research. I start digging into it, and I've blocked out the problem into two sort of bullet points. First, I need to fix the screen reader issue because right now as my experience exists, it is causing issues and users who are using screen readers or other tools cannot navigate to this internal button and they can't activate the experience that they're wanting to use. Then the second problem I need to fix is I need to figure out what is happening with this list item or button or whatever role, like miscommunication. Why is it not clear what role it should be? And I need to figure out what it actually needs to be.

So I start doing some research. I start digging online, looking into what is the screen reader issue? What is happening right there? And it's during this process that I've realized and discovered that the screen reader issues that I'm experiencing are all related to issues around nested interactive elements. So let's dig into what are nested interactive elements and why they might be causing problems for our site. So as a brief side note, nested interactive elements are very clear, like nested interactive elements are essentially interactive elements that are nested within other interactive elements.

So here's a really simple, brief slice of code that is a really great example of a lot of cases of nested interactive elements. We have an element that is a role button and inside it we have a link that has a specific click target. Now this example, when we think about basic HTML, a lot of basic HTML does not recommend we put buttons inside of links. So if you look back to early 90s web, it never really made sense to put links inside of buttons. It caused click target issues. But most notably there really wasn't a lot of good examples around users wanting an experience like that. And it didn't translate well to HTML. So a lot of early sites didn't really have links inside of buttons and you either used a link or used a button.

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