Accessibility in 2024

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We’ll cover the basics of how accessibility works in organizations and on teams, who is responsible for accessibility, how to push for changes without being an expert, and how to grow your skillset.

Chandra Carney
Chandra Carney
23 min
18 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Chandra Carney discusses accessibility in 2024, highlighting the importance of equal access for disabled people and the evolving view of disabilities as civil rights. The talk covers the global accessibility standard WCAG, with versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2, and the European standard EN 301549. Updates to laws such as the ADA in the US and the Web Accessibility Directive and European Accessibility Act in the EU are also discussed. The EU reinforces the importance of inclusion and holds businesses accountable for accessibility. Proactive accessibility is emphasized as a requirement and everyone's responsibility.

Available in Español: Accesibilidad en 2024

1. Introduction to Accessibility in 2024

Short description:

Hi, everyone. My name is Chandra Carney. I'm here at React Summit to talk about accessibility in 2024. I've been an accessibility professional for almost ten years, building programs and consulting with companies. Let's define accessibility and then discuss updates to standards, laws, and regulations. Accessibility is about disabled people, and it means equal access for them.

Hi, everyone. My name is Chandra Carney. I use the pronouns she, her, and I'm here at React Summit to talk about accessibility in 2024. You can find me on various social medias with my name here, Chandra Carney, as well as my website, the same thing. But quickly, some information about me before we dive in.

I live in New York. I'm an accessibility professional. I've built three accessibility programs at three big companies. I've been doing this almost ten years. I also consult with companies, so feel free to get in touch if you need anything. I also used to be a software engineer, so hello to all of you. I've recovered from two major surgeries in this last year and I've been making a lot of ceramics as part of my healing journey. I also really love dogs so much that sometimes I cry.

So, I want to say, as we're getting started, at the very beginning here, this won't be a talk on implementation, because I have some important accessibility updates to share, where we're at in 2024 and what's new in the landscape. We'll quickly define accessibility, then move on to some updates to standards and specifications. And then updates to laws and regulations. Then I'll talk a little bit about how to tackle it all. Before we talk about what's coming and what's new in 2024, we can take a moment to define how we talk about accessibility, so that everyone's on the same page. So, first and foremost, I want to define what and who we're talking about when we say the word accessibility. Accessibility is something we talk about when accounting for people with disabilities. We have a lot of misconceptions that accessibility is scalability or reliability or something maybe that's just easy to access. But in this context, it's about disabled people. And here, the phrase people with disabilities is considered person-first language. It's also acceptable to say disabled people, which is identity-first language. And I really find that I use them interchangeably. Identity-first language or people-first language might be what someone prefers, or it may not. It's just a personal preference. Back to defining all things accessibility here, there are many ways to define it, many ways to think about it. So, I want to introduce mine. Accessibility is equal access for people with disabilities.

2. Understanding Accessibility and Disabilities

Short description:

Accessibility is a civil right that ensures independence, privacy, and inclusion for people with disabilities. The UN recognizes the importance of accessibility, shifting away from viewing disabled people as objects of charity or medical treatment. There are various types of disabilities, including auditory, cognitive, learning, neurological, motor, speech, and vision disabilities. Accessibility is more than just for screen reader users and blind people. It also encompasses temporary and situational disabilities. The persona spectrum helps understand different types of disabilities and how solutions can scale to a broader audience.

It's independence for people with disabilities. It's privacy. It's inclusion. And above all, accessibility is a civil right. So, just think, if you're disabled and you're trying to fill out an inaccessible medical questionnaire, you might have to ask someone for help, like a stranger or a friend. And that could be very, very personal information that maybe only your doctor should know. So, that's taking away certain people's independence or privacy and their right to equal access.

When we're building software, we are making choices. All of these ways of thinking about accessibility is now actually recognized by the UN through something called the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It aims to shift away from viewing disabled people as objects of charity or as objects of medical treatment and moves towards viewing them as full and equal members of society. This may sound kind of basic, but if I'm disabled and I can't use products and services, how can I be a full and equal member?

So, another thing that I just want to run through is the kinds of disability. You've probably seen variations on these types of categorizations. There are lots of varied disabilities, and someone may have more than one disability. We have auditory disabilities, cognitive, learning, and neurological, motor disabilities, speech, and vision disabilities. It's important to remember here that accessibility and disability is more than just screen reader users and blind people. Disabilities can also be more than permanent. They might be temporary, like after a surgery or illness, you might need to use crutches or wear an eye patch, or they can be situational, like being in a loud or really quiet environment but still wanting to watch a video. The diagram you see on the right here is called the persona spectrum, and it's from Microsoft's inclusive design principles. It can be used to understand related types across a spectrum of permanent, temporary, and situational scenarios. It shows how a solution scales to a broader audience. And scaling to a broader audience can be kind of summarized. When you solve for one, you expand to many.

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