Building UIs - By the People, for the People!

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What if you get to know that your UI is not usable to roughly 20% of the world? And also you might be sued due to it in many countries? It's normal to get terrified but thanks to a concept called accessibility that we can resolve this and make our UI more reachable and in a much exciting way with this talk!


Nikhil's talk focuses on building accessible user interfaces in web content, ensuring that all users, regardless of disabilities, can access and utilize features seamlessly.

WCAG stands for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, which are a set of guidelines and checklists to make web apps accessible. WAI, or Web Accessibility Initiative, provides APIs to help developers meet these guidelines.

Keyboard accessibility ensures that users who cannot use a mouse, whether due to vision or motor disabilities, can navigate and interact with web applications using keyboard inputs alone.

Developers can improve accessibility by using semantic HTML tags, ensuring keyboard navigation, implementing ARIA roles and attributes, and customizing focus styles to enhance user interactions.

Nikhil aims to debunk myths such as accessibility being only for people with disabilities and the misconception that implementing accessibility is overly difficult.

Nikhil recommends using screen readers, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies, as well as following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Using correct HTML tags helps screen readers and other assistive technologies understand the structure and elements of a page, improving the overall accessibility of the web content.

Accessibility ensures that all users, including the 15% of the global population with disabilities, can fully engage with web applications, making technology inclusive and equitable.

Nikhil Sharma
Nikhil Sharma
22 min
20 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This talk focuses on the importance of accessibility in building user interfaces, discussing WCAG and WAI. It emphasizes the use of correct HTML tags for accessibility and provides practical tips for improving accessibility in apps. The talk also highlights the significance of keyword accessibility and the use of semantic HTML. It covers navigation techniques, such as ARIA tags and breadcrumbs, and emphasizes the importance of internationalization. The demo showcases the improvements made to a login app after applying accessibility practices.

1. Introduction to Accessibility and WCAG

Short description:

I'll be talking about building UIs by the people for the people. Accessibility guarantees equality of consumption of a user interface regardless of disability. We'll discuss web content accessibility and the importance of accessibility in the real world. Two important concepts are WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative, Accessibility Rich Applications).

Hey everyone, hope you all are having a great day. So I'll be talking about an interesting topic that's building UIs by the people for the people. So before diving in, for those who don't know me, I'm Nikhil, I'm a software engineer at Postman, I mostly handle stuff around Postman on the web, Postman's desktop platform and the Xen system at Postman. So I'll be there, you can connect with me via Twitter or GitHub. Come say hi, would love to have a chat.

All right. So before diving in, let's understand a small analogy, which I really like when introducing a concept like accessibility thing. So imagine if there's a constitution of a country, it guarantees the citizen some rights, let's say there's a right to education, there's right to religion, and there's also a right to expression. So stuff like that. Taking that just out of the example of a constitution of a country, we can say that like the constitution is the one that guarantees an equality of stature, regardless of what the background of a person is. Now when it comes to accessibility, we can make some changes to the statement. Now the statement can say that all right, accessibility also does the same thing. It guarantees us an equality of consumption of a user interface, regardless of what the disability of a person is. So simple things, simple put. Accessibility just means that if I have a product or a service, accessibility would allow a person, regardless of any sorts of disability that he or she might have, to access the product and use all its features in a seamless experience.

So, in our case, we'll be restricting this talk to only web content accessibility, but accessibility is like a far wider topic. We use many tools to have accessible experience for our users, which is like using screen readers, which can help us announce what is there on the screen for people who have vision, like a problem with vision. There's keyboard navigation so that the ones who don't have a mouse or have a problem with having a steady hand over their mouse cannot use it directly. So, there's keyword accessibility for that. But we'll discuss more about it once we progress with the talk.

So, going ahead, you might already know that we already have accessibility there in the real world, right? So, for ones who have a problem with walking, we have wheelchairs for them so that they can go around. We have a stick invented for people who have a problem with their vision, or even we have braille scripts so that people who have problems with vision can read clearly. So, if accessibility has so much of its importance been realized in the real world, so why would a JS world be left behind, right? So, with this thought in hand, let's see two important concepts before progressing with the talk.

So, on the left, you'll be able to see there's WCAG. Now, this term means Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Now, this is nothing fancy, but just a set of guidelines and checklists that have been put together by a group of people around the world, and these checklists help people make the content inside their apps more accessible and like more reachable to any sorts of people with any disability. Now, on the right is just a subset of this WCAG, which we say WAI, which stands for Web Accessibility Initiative, Accessibility Rich Applications. Now, what they say is that, okay, you want to meet WCAG guidelines, now, okay, I have some APIs so that you can use in your code and you can meet those guidelines. So, we already know that there are many such accessibility APIs like this, there's ARIA invalid, which says that, okay, screen readers will know that once an input is invalid, they can announce that on the screen. There's ARIA required to announce on the screen that, hey, you're on an input which requires a feed.

2. Importance of HTML Tags for Accessibility

Short description:

We'll discuss the importance of using the correct HTML tags for accessibility. 15% of the world's population has some form of disability, making accessibility crucial. Accessibility is not just for disabled people; it also caters to other disabilities, such as not having a mouse. Accessibility is not as hard as it seems, and there are many practices to make apps more accessible. This talk aims to provide a deeper understanding of accessibility and practical tips for getting started. The first tip is to use the right HTML tags, which helps screen readers deliver the correct context and eliminates the need for manual ordering of elements.

So, there's stuff like that. And we'll see more about it in the coming slides, but yeah. Just one thing to keep a note of in mind is like, especially, this is like especially related to the JSX or the React world that we have this sort of an like a mental model that we have a camel case for every prop, but that's not the same with accessibility. So, with these accessibility attributes, we just have to use them as it is, that you have been using with HTML, which is like a hyphen separated values and not with a camel case. So, just a small tip there.

And moving on to like why we should care about accessibility. Now, the very first and the foremost reason is you might be surprised to know that 15% of the world's population has some sort of disability. So, if you're not making our apps accessible, that means 15% of a big chunk of our audience, which is like, which is a number that we can't ignore, cannot use our apps in the way that we want, right. And second thing is like if we have, like, if we have a application that is being going to use like in multiple countries, it's like, has a reach over like, like the whole world. We might want to like, see that there are countries which really, like, you can still give importance to accessibility and like the people who are like having, they have some disability. For example, there was like a very recent case, right, which we all know, regarding the Domino's website where we, according to the Americans Disability Act, it was not compliant to the accessibility practices that should be there. So if you are getting a website and you are going to go pan world, make sure to have these things in mind. All right.

So with this talk, we're going to bust up some myths for accessibility. For example, accessibility is just for disabled people. I wouldn't say that because disability can also mean if someone does not have a mouse, that's also a disability. Like if you show a loader on a screen when something is still being fetched, that's also an accessible experience that they're giving to users. So the deeper meaning of accessibility is to cater to any sorts of disability and rather not just physical disability. So that's just a subset. And second is that accessibility is hard. I think we're going to see this at the end of this talk that no it's not and accessibility is also not just about like blatant aria and there's like, 10 or more practice that you can do so that our apps become more accessible. And yes, this talk is not an accessibility primer. This is not just a theory class. I would want to like make this more and more inclusive and like more demo driven so that after this talk, we take a key takeaway of like what the deeper meaning of accessibility is and how we can get started without reading those big, big blogs on the internet, right? All right.

So with all these thoughts in mind, let's get started. So the first and foremost tip that I give to everyone is using the right HTML tags, which usually wins up most of the battle for us for accessibility. Now, when we use the right HTML tags, our screen readers use that information to deliver the right context over like, what is there on the screen? For example, if you're using a button HTML that the screen readers can tell people that, okay, this is a button. And it also like these HTML tags also give you like some wins big day. For example, you don't have to handed, having order of like your buttons or like inside a farm, if you're using many input elements, you don't have to think about like, what should be tapped first? What should be tapped last? What measure is a focus like first or not? So this is like all baked in. Once you do use the right HTML and also accessibility can also, like, if you want to extend this definition of accessibility, you have your peers who are using the same HTML structure in their daily code base.

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