A11y Beyond the Theory: Integrating Accessibility Testing Into Your Workflow

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A practical look at automating core accessibility testing and integrating it into your workflow.


Ntandala Kengose is a software developer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He works at a global bespoke software development firm called PbD and is involved in specialized consulting, training, and community engagements.

PbD stands for the names of the founders of the company, which started about thirty nine years ago in South Africa.

The ATC unit at PbD, where Ntandala works, is responsible for specialized consulting, training over 1000+ employees, and engaging with the community among other tasks.

Outside of his professional work, Ntandala Kengose is passionate about community engagement and enjoys participating in sports, particularly football and soccer, despite being prone to injuries.

Web accessibility ensures that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them effectively. It's crucial for inclusivity and is becoming a legal requirement in many regions, affecting business compliance and financial performance.

The PAW principles in web accessibility stand for Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust content creation, ensuring that all users can effectively interact with the web.

Automation in web accessibility testing helps identify and rectify accessibility issues early in the development process. Tools like Pelly CI and Jest X are used to enforce standards by integrating tests into continuous integration workflows, helping prevent non-compliant code from moving forward.

Developers can ensure web accessibility by using tools like Lighthouse, Wave, and XDevTools to detect and resolve issues related to color contrast, keyboard accessibility, and other common web accessibility challenges.

Lucky Nkosi
Lucky Nkosi
24 min
15 Nov, 2023


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  • Abdulrahman Yusuf
    Abdulrahman Yusuf
    Amazing talk you had there, Lucky. I really enjoyed it and learned a ton about the tools and technologies we can use to ensure our apps are more accessible to everyone.

Video Summary and Transcription

Ntandala Kengose, a software developer, emphasizes the importance of accessibility in software development and the responsibility it carries. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) provide technical guidelines for making web content more accessible. Ntandala shares various accessibility testing tools and highlights the need for automation in testing. Tools like Pelly CI and GitHub Actions can be used for automated accessibility testing and CI integration. The X-Accessibility Ginter and Husky are tools that provide insights and ensure accessibility in development.

1. Introduction to Ntandala Kengose

Short description:

Hello, everyone. My name is Ntandala Kengose. I am a software developer from Johannesburg, South Africa. I work for PbD, a global software development firm. I'm part of the ATC unit, responsible for specialized consulting and training. Follow me on Twitter at unlikely underscore.

Hello, everyone. My name is Ntandala Kengose. I am a software developer, among many other people. I am giving this talk from the beautiful city of Johannesburg, where I was born, raised, and live till today.

Now, if you have no idea where Johannesburg is, it is a big city, not the capital, but definitely the economic hub of the beautiful country known as South Africa. And if you're not entirely sure where South Africa is, well, it's simple. It's in the to look at it. We are at the southern tip of beautiful continent of Africa. Now, this should be showing you that when they said that some of the most difficult things in computer science is naming things, they definitely didn't think about South Africans, because clearly we're really good at this.

As I said, I am a software engineer, and I work for a company called PbD. And again, because we're good at naming things, PbD stands for the founders. Now, PbD started about thirty nine years ago, right here in South Africa by three engineers. And we've now grown to be a global bespoke software development firm with probably about one thousand two hundred professionals spread across seven cities all over the world. We deliver bespoke software solutions into a number of sectors. But my job is slightly different from everyone else at PbD. That's because I work in a unit we call ATC. In paper we're responsible for a number of things, such as what we call specialized consulting. We are responsible for training PbD's 1000 plus employees. We're responsible for also doing community engagements and a whole bunch of other things that are quite interesting. I love community. And to fuel this passion, I also am involved with number of meetups around Johannesburg.

None of this matters. The most important thing for you to know about me is that my Twitter handle, X, is at unlikely underscore. Please feel free to follow me, let me know what you think of this talk. Let me dive straight into it. I turned 32 days before the recording of this video. Now, with this new age, I've realized that I need to start looking after myself a bit better. I need to get back into fitness and try and look after my health and what I eat. So a friend of mine strongly suggested that I try the gym. Now, there's a couple of problems with the gym.

2. The Importance of Accessibility

Short description:

I injured my knee while playing soccer and it made me realize the importance of accessibility. I experienced a temporary disability and struggled with inaccessible designs. The responsibility for accessibility lies with everyone involved in the software development life cycle. It's not enough for solutions to work on one machine. Accessibility affects the bottom line.

That's because it can be quite intimidating when you walk in and you see all of the heavy equipment and some of the things that people are doing can just be daunting. So I decided to go back to things that I actually enjoy, which is sports, two sports in particular, rather, namely football and soccer. And no, I don't mean it like this, I mean it more like this because I seem to be really, really prone to injuries.

I play two sports, one where the players are known for faking their injuries, and the other way the riders are really known for trying to avoid their injuries and getting back onto their horse. So take a wild guess as to which one of these two sports ended up or resulted in me having this knee brace on my knee for over three months. It's soccer. I had a minor incident, and I ended up damaging my knee.

Now, something interesting started happening after this injury. I started being very, very grumpy. My friends said it was just old age creeping in, but I realized that something else was happening. I was starting to experience the world like never before. I was experiencing it as someone who couldn't walk as long as I normally do, and I realized that I was actually experiencing a temporary disability and that this was making inaccessible designs around me much clearer. And all of those things were now starting to affect and frustrate me.

And the first thing that really, really, really made me angry was the shopping mall. I live about a block away from one, and I've always thought that it had parking all around it and was a great experience to go to. I hated it because when people think accessibility, all they think about is ramps. And I found these ramps everywhere, and I don't know if you've ever tried, but walking with crutches on a ramp is really, really difficult. And I struggled a lot. I was so furious and I did what every normal person would do, try and figure out whose responsibility is it. And now that I was faced with my own physical limitations and trying to figure out who to blame, it dawned on me. I started reflecting about whose responsibility it is to ensure that the solutions we build are as accessible to as many people as possible.

And to answer this, I think we just need a quick, common working definition of what we mean by accessibility. Well, firstly, A11Y is a numeronym where the 11 stands for, it represents the 11 letters in the word accessibility. And the major dictionaries really gravitate towards this general definition, where they define accessibility to be the quality of being easily reached, entered or used by people who have a disability. If we bring our focus much closer to home, we see that web accessibility means that websites, tools and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, that they follow the PAW principles, which means that people can perceive them, understand, navigate and interact with the web that we build.

So to simply answer the question, the answer is that it's everyone's responsibility, everyone that is involved in the software development life cycle. We have long agreed that it works on my machine is simply not enough. So I've always wondered why we're so comfortable with shipping solutions that work for some people and not necessarily others. And every time I've been engaged in conversations around accessibility, it's often treated as a nice to have, but what we don't realize is that it actually affects the bottom line.

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